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Posts posted by harrry

  1. you could try http://www.saintmedical.com/ they are distributors for some cpap.

    I have no personal dealings so I cannot recomend them.

    I am sorry the lead to Circlife was no good for you....I have only had excellent dealings with them in what they handle. 24 hour turnaround forservice to my Portable oxygen concentrator with several calls to tell me of progress and offer choices. If they had handled CPAP I am sure they would be good.

  2. Just a though but you and your wife lived together for some years...I understand you had not registered the marriage but many countries recognise long term...more than 2 years defacto marriages in the same way as a registered one. I do not know whether this will help you in your situation.

  3. Your friend is better investing his money in Australia and coming over here he will get a higher retirn with more safety. If he comes here and goes into a venture like that he is putting his entire futre at risk as his payout must cover all medical and maintainance costs for life.

    TO come and stay here is one thing...to throw away his fiture is another.

  4. As a wheelchair user myself I would strongly suggest that your friend comes over here and sees for himself. He may find that the lack of Medical care which will be covered by his insurance and the general inaccessibility of buildings will be a problem for him. Operating a business is unlikely to make much money as he must have thai partners. If he decides to come I can ell him that my pickups wheelchair lift cost me over 100000baht and that is only a chinese one.

    I am not saying he should not come, returning here was the best thing I could have done, just to come and look before commiting himself. Lift accessible condos do exist. It may also be possible to rent a suitable flat facility. I wish him the best here.

  5. While I feel the appointment of the Ambassador is not a bad thing I would say that in appointing people to talk to or liase with people on a face to face basis such as Consular officials I feel that it is important that a person needing their services can converse with them in the same way as they would in their own country. It is not a matter of citizenship it is one of culture which comes from long living in a society. It is not good when a consular official gets into a huff because they are addressed in the same way they woudld be in theur home country. It is the problem of face with that Thai personal can sometimes exhibit.

    This does not mean an ambassador cannot function because of his hair colour or antecedents but it woudl presupose that he had had experience of living in the society of the country he represents.

    It would be good if they could also have the same level of accountability a person in an eqivalent function in the home public service does.

  6. Manual was OK in England for a long time, l use to like the column change which meant a bench seat in front, was great driving with a girlfriend.:rolleyes: when Auto came out it was much better still, even some race driver use semi autos, even on a sports motorbike you don't use the clutch if you want to accelerate quicker.

    Reminds me of my 1959 Ford Zephyr Lowline. :) Seat 6 easy or 2 for a cuddle on route eh :unsure:.

    Well it is so good to know someone who knows what l am talking about, the Zephyr Zodiac was a great motor l sat one girl on the right and one girl on the left, all these young whipper snappers don't know what they have missed out on.B)

    Yep, today it's sit in your car in a seat you can't move in ,surrounded by as many gismo's and flashing lights as possible showing how he can slide the thing round corners to impress the lady, of course she's bored out of her head thinking what a tosser, in our Zephyr or Zodiac we had a different kind of fun which usually kept our lady happy eh. :lol:

    With bench seats and right hand drive we learned to take left hand corners very very sharply.....the polish on the bench seats helped too.

  7. Tyre Guardian had a promotion event at the Maserati Garage near Don Muang a few months ago...


    Their contact info is on their website - they maybe able to guide you in the right direction.

    Used the foam frequently from 1980-2000. Taking the tyre off to do a proper repair or replacement later is a mess. Rubber all over tyre,rim and valveseat

    And if it goes off when you are carrying it under the seat everything there is ruined permanently.

  8. There is a problem with the security certificate. It has aparently expired and no one has bothered to pay to renew it. In this case it is I think safe to go to the site ...using the option explorer presented you. I would however consider using another provider though as it does not say much for the secirity of your documents if they cannot pay the few dollars certificate fee.

  9. My automatic Vigo gives me the best of both worlds. As an automatic I can sit back and enjoy a relaxing smooth trip to and from Chiangrai through the mountains and arrive relaxed and happy. When I feel like it I can use the gearstick and select the gear like and have an invigorating exciting trips across the mountains. In this mode it may not change gear as quickly and exactly when I want to like the old Armstrong Sidley preselector boxes but quick enough to match a manual change.

    Horses for courses.....now if only the Vigo had a few more of those.

  10. Could be right. The soi oposite Tesco runs into (and through) the airport. There are a few communication type facilities there. By the way Tesco Hang dong is not in Handong it is about 2 km down from Robinsons Airport Plaza.

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