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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. Hi


    I have a Yamaha Nouvo SX. The data sheet says, the tank volume is 4.3 liter. The electronic display on the vehicle shows me an average consumption of 2.6 liter / 100 km. With that, I should  drive around 160km. But after 120km my tank is empty. May be I could drive another 10 km. But surely not another 40km.


    Gives me the display wrong information?



  2. The bus company as well.

    Most likely nobody will pay.

    BTW, and I'm sure everyone can confirm it if he is riding around in Jomtien. Intersection trappaya road / Beach Road Jomtien. There is a traffic light. Very often people get honked by cars and busses when they wait for green light to turn right in direction to the beach. Many just can't wait. It's unreal.

    I never jump a red light. It's not worth. Imo, there is no effort from the police to improve road safety.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

  3. Thailand needs stricter visa rules to keep out the dodgy tourists. First, Stop visa-exempt entries for all countries. Everyone should apply for a proper visa. 2nd, set the price for a tourist visa at 10 000 Baht or higher. This is to compensate the bad image of Thailand which are created by tourists. Every tourist have to pass a 1 week "how to behave in Thailand-training course" in an military camp. The costs for that, 20 000 Baht. I have more ideas, but this should help to keep out the most tourists.


  4. 41 minutes ago, RigPig said:

    They just need to stop renting (ANY) bikes to people not licensed to ride them!  But that would curb the money supply... 


    I mean do you think any money is made by renting a scooter out for 200 Baht a day?  They are hoping the tourist has an accident so they get an opportunity to get some real cash!!!  Big bikes, it's even worse.......

    You just pointed it.


    I'm sure also in Thailand it's against the law to rent out vehicles to customers without a proper driving license. Police should fine the rental companies which don't obey the law. If it happen again, shut down the shop.


    This problem could be solved within days. An official warning and then start the law enforcement.


  5. 20 minutes ago, pumpjack said:

    uk - ireland - usa - canada  and other countries   get free 30 days on arrival anyway,  

    so who exactly are they trying to  "lure" in ? its a stupid strategy.


    give the people more freedom to extend, stop corruption & double pricing & put a stop to the drunken filth attacking elderly foreign tourists in bars !

    Oh, you are asking too much.

  6. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Yes it has been extended to August but they have not posted an announcement about it yet.

    I think you need to look at a calendar. The 28th is the last day of the month there is no 29th day this year.

    Yes. I just booked my next visa run and had to pay the full price since there is yet no official announcement. I got told in case the visa will be free next month, I would get back 1000 Baht.


    Btw; no reports from the visa office about rejected applications. They offices works all together. So, they would know it as first if something is going on.

  7. 17 minutes ago, maxpower said:

    If you are in a condo that shares one connection, this would only check your line to the shared point within the building. If the problem is beyond that point then everyone in the building will have a problem.

    I'm in a condo. Once I asked for VDSL. A technician came to my room and tested the quality of line and says, I should stick with ADSL. The line quality wouldn't be suitable for VDSL. He told me to replace a cable outside of the building. I spoke to the office manager. She said, that would be a big job and very expensive. They would discuss this topic. But this is months ago. So I guess, they won't do anything.


    Sure, higher speed would be nice. But as long I keep the speed which I have now (14Mb/1.8Mb) I can live with it. Actually downstream speed should be 18Mb. But never got above 15Mb.

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