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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    The linking of your immigration records using the old passport is done the first time you enter the country using your new passport.


    Ok, There was an topic who someone reported he got refused to enter because of too many visas. I guess that was an single incident, otherwise we would hear more such stories. And I would get refused as well since I got countless visas on all my passports. Or I'm only lucky? Nobody knows.

  2. 7 hours ago, somethingnice said:

    When you get your new passport, and travel out of the country (by air), then they will transfor your last entry stamp to your new passport, and stamp you out in the new passport. They will put a note saying, that you got a new passport,and what your old passport number is.


    Normally the embassy's and consulates, will only look in the passport, to see how many stickers you have. 


    But the immigration, in Thailand, can see the full history of your entrys. The passports will be linked.

    I think it depends on the immigration. In my case, nothing got transferred. He did only tack together the 2 passports. No link.

  3. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    That's a very cheap sign. The one on Thepprasit Road is a billboard that must have cost quite a lot - yet no Foodland to be seen in 2 years and counting.


    The building in the background came later. They could have build dozens of Foodlands in that time.


  4. 19 minutes ago, true word said:

    Attacker was British born, a slap on most of the posters faces here

    Slap on faces? Not at all.


    This is the attacker?




    Born in GB? It only proves that our enemies are living among us. And it proves, integration failed badly once more. Even on the second or third generation. Should be a slap into the face of leftists. But they have don't understand it.

  5. 13 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    One of the aims of the terrorist, whatever their cause, is to sow hate and division in the general population. They have achieved that aim with you and other posters here; so much so that you are now all doing their work for them!

    Yes, I know, this is the propaganda from the lefties. And, what should we do? Just pray for the victims and wait for the next attack?


    Political correctness will finally destroy the Europe we knew it. Some people seems to be quite happy with that.

  6. 4 minutes ago, tropo said:

    That sign has been up for 2 years already. I've given up hoping that one will be built. That would have been a perfect location too, much better than at Royal Garden.

    I fully agree. I would be a daily customer. So many huge condo-buildings in this location.

  7. 1 hour ago, blorg said:


    Thailand could cut off back-to-back tourist visas entirely, that they don't sort of indicates that they do see a value in some long term tourist visa stayers



    Difficult to compare 2 weeks tourists against long term tourist visa stayers. As for me, I don't visit souvenir shops, don't need hotels and so on. On the other hand I rent a condo where I know the landlord is happy for every each tenant. Others buy a house or condo. I pay my monthly internet bill, laundry, bought several vehicles and so on. Sure, I spent much less as an "expat" as i were a few weeks tourist in the past. However, places like Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya.... suffer when less long stay tourist are coming, particularly this kind of long term tourists are quite helpful to the local economy during the low season. Many expats have a GF and they get supported by the foreigner. I guess this expenses are nowhere recorded.


    Due the many changes in visa rules, its shy away as well common western tourists which actually aren't affected by this. But it spreads uncertainty. Ok, if Thailand go for Chinese mass tourists, good luck with that. There will be an point, when Chinese tourists move further to another destination.


    May be there will come a time where Thailand regret how they deal it with tourists. But I doubt about that.

  8. 1 hour ago, JayBird said:

    I really don't think it's a matter of them wanting foreign money... they do, but I think their thinking goes in this order:


    1) Everyone is a criminal and want come to Thailand for bad reason

    2) If they come for more than 30 days a year they must be bad bad bad

    3) If they come for less than 30 days a year then they are good

    4) Focus on people who come for less than 30 days a year, and get lots of them.





    5) People who don't come to Thailand but send only their money are very good foreigners. We love them.


    (actually many do this :)

  9. 1 hour ago, thecyclist said:

    The only problem there is that you cannot go through an agency.On a bad day you might be sitting or standing there for hours

    I was there last Monday. The place was packed but the process was very fast. Was done within 15 minutes. Why? No queue number was needed. The people just leaved their application form on to a table in the front of the counter. A consulate clerk did a very quick check on the papers and finish. It took only a few seconds per person to pass the check.


    I don't know if this is only a temporary solution. Since the clerk took only a quick glance to the papers, be sure your paperwork is in order and signed.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    If asked for they want hard copies of them to be attached to your application.

    My bank book shows  FTT (foreign telex transfer) for my incoming transfers from outside the country.

    Yes, mine too, it shows the code X1 (Siam Commercial Bank). Instead of copy the bankbook, you can easily ask for an Bank Statement at your branch. SCB ask for 100 Baht. It comes with a stamp and signed from the bank clerk.

  11. Ok guys. It's a scam. I got more documents from her. I'm 100% sure now that's a poor and stupid scam.


    The name of the contact person of the bank is Mr. Innocent. And the internet address is a very poor copy of the official bank address.


    This people who build this trap must be utter moron. If someone is interested for this documents, let me know. I guess the Thai lady lost some money already.


    Otherwise, delete this thread.

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