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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. Hi


    Months ago I applied for free a SCB virtual card. I used it only one time to book an hotel in Laos. It worked fine.


    Now, I tried to use this virtual card to buy services from two US companies. Both didn't accept this card. Someone with same experiences?


    I could use my real credit card, but thought, it's a nice idea to use the SCB one for small purchases and even safer, since I decide how much money I'm willing to load the card.

  2. 3 hours ago, toenail said:

    The 3-4 Hell's Angel farangs / expats I know are nice fellows. Go beyond the "façade of tattoos and toughness" they're normal blokes. Yes, there are always a few "bad apples" in a group so it is up to the "farangs" to throw out (or tone down) the ones (Australians in this case) that are misbehaving; for, it should not be "us" verses "them".

    Is that the meaning of 1%? 1% bad guys?

  3. Is this the original Thai article?




    Google translator is lousy. But it says something, don't splash water. Beware our tradition and so on.


    It's an interview with Mr. Payruth.


    That's for sure not a joke. :)


    Posted at 28. March.




    Does this guy look like he would do a 1st April joke? Rather not.

  4. 15 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    I have nearly been wiped out a couple of times by things on the wrong side of the road.

    One had a bag in the front basket which blocked out the headlights completely and I missed a crash by centimeters.

    I have little sympathy for people that wipe themselves out driving stupidly, but I feel extremely sad for those they injure and kill while they are doing it.

    Me too. And I'm sure you know also the follow situation: You set your indicator to turn right, slow down your vehicle and suddenly  a idiot overtake you on the right side. Even if someone don't have a driving license, he should realize the danger of such maneuvers.

  5. 1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

    The water throwing was never anything more than a perversion of the actual Songkran tradition.  Kind of embarrassing that so many foreigners come not knowing or caring about the difference.  In this particular instance, the "unelected officials" enjoy the support of many Thais.  But how dare the locals spoil the simple-minded antic fun of ignorant tourists, right?

    Wasn't it Thaivisa who came up with this joke? Can't find other sources.

  6. In the meanwhile I ordered 3 times ,different meals. Every one was very delicious. Again, thanks to the op for that recommendation.

    BTW, I have nothing to do with this company. I'm only a new happy customer.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

  7. 41 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

    In germany we have the "Autobahn' that's a motorway without speed limit on some parts,and believe it or not,more accidents happen in the city than on the motorway,besides that the discipline  and  driving skills of thais totally suck.

    This might be true. But I bet, much more people dying on the Autobahn. And, not to mention the heavy multiple crashes as soon some fog appears or it starts to snowing. I think there is no other country in Europe where this happen so often.




    Another phenomena are the ghost drivers. Drivers who drive in the wrong direction on the Autobahn. Happen almost every day. So, I wouldn't take Germany as an example for safety roads.

  8. 19 minutes ago, fruitman said:

    I do know:

    - They like to sit in aircon, so they drive slow to waste more time.

    - They can't drive well, so they drive slow.

    -They don't like to drive on the left lane where cars are parked, motobikes go faster, motobikes drive against you so they drive middle lane.

    - They can't see a duck with those very dark tanned windows

    - They are too small to see the nose of the car so they drive slow

    -They don't have a driverslicense at all

    -They are drunk or very old or on the phone or all of that together

    -They are very important so they can hold up the line (every thai is very important)

    -They know the brakes of the car don't work properly, so they drive slow

    -They have an old amulet, so tehy drive slow..


    And they do drive so slow on the fast lanes because the police does NOTHING against that.

    Thanks for your effort. That was a good laugh. But probably every single point is true.

  9. Just now, hobz said:

    I agree that they are arrogant and possibly exploitative of the drivers. BUT There's nobody more arrogant than the "real" taxi (mafia) that overcharge, cheat, refuse to use meter, drive like they own the road, refuse passengers. 

    I agree too. And here lies the real problem. The gov is not able to force the laws and rules. It's only a chaos. If uber says, we don't care if we are illegal in Thailand or not, that's a loss of face for the authorities. I really hope, that they will go hard against uber and force the regular taxi drivers to use their meters.

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