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Posts posted by orosee

  1. Clearly Khao Sod has not understood that being evicted is always against your will :-)

    So "ready to be evicted" means about as much as "ready to be attacked". Have they been stocking weapons already?

    Also, calling 70% "more than half" is definitely true, but ridiculously imprecise. Why use 12 letters for such a vague description when 3 characters are sufficient? Even "over 70%" would be shorter (which is what lazy typists go for).

    That said, I'd definitely welcome a walking are next to the river. I wonder if that's include property belonging to some of the 5* hotels as well, or if these are the 30% remaining?

  2. Every decent book store in Asia with a section on biographies or WW2 should have an English language copy available, it's not as if the book was banned (except in very few select countries); even in Germany the book has not been banned, only the publishing (and sales) has been prohibited using the now expired copyright - possession has never been a problem. As mentioned above, for a German version the Internet provides for free almost everything from text-only files to scanned copies of originals. A carefully annotated version would definitely be a good study object, but selecting the "proper" annotations will be a pain in the butt.

    It should not be forgotten that those who perpetrated some of the worst crimes however, grew up reading Schiller, Goethe and the Bible - today, "Mein Kampf" would probably exist as an angry Blog or YouTube channel with more followers than Hitler ever had readers.

  3. Is this the same Turkey that ignited WW 1?

    Watch the Russian answer.

    You simply don't mess with Russia unless you are suicidal.

    Just google "did Turkey ignite WW1?". Or take "no" for an answer. Hint: Both WW1 and WW2 were ignited by persons born in the same country.

    While you're at it, do these searches, too:

    "Did Turkey invade Poland in 1939?"

    "Turkey Atomic Bomb Japan 1945"

    "Kennedy assassination Turkish angle"

    "Turkish space program moon landing hoax"

    "MH370 wreckage Bosporus"

    Sorry to spoil your party, but the The first world war began in August 1914. It was directly triggered by the assassination of the Austrian archduke, Franz Ferdinand and his wife, on 28th June 1914 by Bosnian revolutionary, Gavrilo Princip.

    Bosnian Crisis

    In 1908, Austria-Hungary took over the former Turkish province of Bosnia. This angered Serbians who felt the province should be theirs. Serbia threatened Austria-Hungary with war, Russia, allied to Serbia, mobilized its forces. Germany, allied to Austria-Hungary mobilised its forces and prepared to threaten Russia. War was avoided when Russia backed down. There was, however, war in the Balkans between 1911 and 1912 when the Balkan states drove Turkey out of the area. The states then fought each other over which area should belong to which state. Austria-Hungary then intervened and forced Serbia to give up some of its acquisitions. Tension between Serbia and Austria-Hungary was high.

    See, I told you Google is your friend (or Wikipedia).

    Although it is commonly understood that the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the trigger to WW1, I won't put the blame at the feet of Princip when the start of the war could have been avoided by diplomacy by Austria-Hungary and Germany, who instead opted for aggressive military action because they thought they could get away with it.

    Edit: I hope someone tried the Turkish moon landing Google search; I had no idea that that's a real thing!

  4. Is this the same Turkey that ignited WW 1?

    Watch the Russian answer.

    You simply don't mess with Russia unless you are suicidal.

    Just google "did Turkey ignite WW1?". Or take "no" for an answer. Hint: Both WW1 and WW2 were ignited by persons born in the same country.

    While you're at it, do these searches, too:

    "Did Turkey invade Poland in 1939?"

    "Turkey Atomic Bomb Japan 1945"

    "Kennedy assassination Turkish angle"

    "Turkish space program moon landing hoax"

    "MH370 wreckage Bosporus"

  5. My suggestions:

    1. Change the name to something not remotely associated with TV.

    2. Broadcast from a non-Asian country, using presenters who never ever would want to visit Thailand.

    3. Bring *real* news, not just the ones you can report on without risking being closed down or expelled.


    Or make it a comedy show. Every week, one octogenarian presenter with his 20-ish wife assistant will read selected TV.com commentaries. At the end of the show, he'll die of an interesting cause - falling off the chair (which should be at least 3 stories tall), knife in the back, anything goes. Then last minute, a policeman rushes to the scene and declares it an accident or a natural cause. Cha-ching!

    Then the wife-now-widow will read the lottery numbers and declare herself winner.

    This could go on for a while before you need to change the procedure.

  6. U people concerned with the welfare of the perpetrator r also mentally ill. We can't even expect u to know that criminally killing people is a mentally ill act, and society, via laws, decides what to do with such people, based on circumstances. If u want to outlaw anything u consider as cruel, then u r of the flavor of being fearful of rules in society. Why don't u live among yourselves in a society like that? See how that works for ya. U just can't see things from another's viewpoint until it happens to you. That in itself is a deficiency and it's too bad that intelligence tests at voting booths aren't required in order to vote.

    I'm trying to read this and am reminded that metal illness can take many different forms. At least yours is harmless to others (apart from causing slight headaches and nausea). If your doctor gave you pills, remember to take them as prescribed.

  7. Man I HATE the way big threads on ThaiVisa tend to play out.

    For the first 3 pages, starting with an OP that contains incomplete or incorrect information, there's the usual mix of trolls and bashers and a small number of diligent posters pointing out inconsistencies in the OP.

    Pages 5 to 10, the OP finally gets corrected and/or updated so by then, there's enough data to give a clear picture of what's going on, some valuable posts appear that add information that's missing from the OP or that is pertinent but missing from the OP, and the usual mix of trolls and bashers stating "Thainess", "Burmese scapegoats", "The Man In Dubai" and other witless one-liners that stopped being funny not less than 3-6 months ago. But in general, this is where the thread develops real information value, until...

    Pages 11 to Last, posters who just woke up, live in a remote time zone or just recharged their phones after the batteries ran out in a bar at 2AM, start commenting on posts on pages 1 to 5 which by then have long since been corrected, refuted, explained, withdrawn... basically anyone who's not yet operating at 100% brain capacity and all those who don't give a damn about how an internet forum is supposed to work. From this point, all the new and relevant information gets buried under an avalanche of redundant, irrelevant and repetitive "discoveries", questions, etc. - a full repeat of things completed on pages 1 to the current. Bad enough, but...

    Pages 15 to Last, well-meaning but ill-advised posters actually reply to the late risers, often just with "read the thread" - in some cases, many replies to the same post. Now the post/page count is spiraling out of control, and for every original and informational update or new contribution, there's 10+ of these "static noise" messages that frequently lead to an entire page not containing a single bit of new or valuable info. At some point, only a fresh thread "continued from" is able to return the topic briefly to a readable state. However...

    New thread, page1 to current: Lots of half-brains posting who never read the preceding thread, which basically makes any important follow-up the proverbial needle in the haystack.


    Yeah, I see the irony in that my post is also more noise than signal. But after reading 26 pages of this thread, I felt the urge to write it.

    I wish ThaiVisa had a system that would assign a moderator to any thread longer than 5 pages, a person specifically assigned to delete the noise. Or an algorithm that blocks the "reply/post" button unless at least 80% of the existing pages have been visited (hey, they can do this for EULAs so why not here?).

  8. I figure that muslim terrorists kill anywhere from 500 to 1,000 (or even more) muslim non-terrorists per month - by bomb, war weapons or archaic murder. In the same amount of time, how many Westerners have been murdered by them? I'd estimate around 1% of the muslim figures. In cases of this 1%, the forum is full of writers denouncing muslims, calling for their expulsion from Western countries and demanding an apology from "the Muslims". Not to mention that news about the 1% will generate a dozen pages of comments, while this one (as so many others) will end up with plenty of space at the bottom of page 1.

  9. Though some people on this forum couldn't careless about Muslim deaths at sea, UK & other countries navies are working in a search & rescue mode to minimise casualties. The boat people currently cannot be returned to Libya as it doesn't have a functioning national government, nor do many of the originating countries.

    Last year UNHCR claimed a large number of the boat people originated from Eritrea and Syria. Syria is a failed state, Eritrea to all intents is also a failed state. In addition UNHCR claims tens of thousands attempting to get across the Mediterranean from Africa are Christians; I assume posters would care about Christians fleeing from persecution and threat of death from Islamic extremists.

    in contradiction to all ethical / moral standards in the past few years Saudi Arabia has deported hundreds of thousands of workers / refugees back to dysfunctional countries such as Somalia. KSA has not signed and ratified the relevant UN Conventions, but it does support 70,000 Syrian refugees within KSA; obviously a drop in the ocean in comparison to other regional countries. Back in 2013 KSA provided US$10 billion to Jordan to assist the Jordanians in caring for 700k+ refugees; don't know about Saudi funding for other Muslim countries dealing with massive numbers of refugees.

    NATO countries are currently refusing to engage on the ground in Africa to interdict human trafficking / people smuggling organisations (many of which pay off Islamic extremist groups) stabilise governments and so on.

    All in all a hugely complex scenario with no immediate solutions from the international community

    The first/only intelligent contribution here and then you get sandwiched between a racist and a moron. Ah, ThaiVisa...

  10. Tell me is there any shortage of trolls on here, a guy and his family have had everything stolen on them, they are fellow expats and from what i read, just drivel comes out of some people statements, quick and short troll comments, have you guys no intelligence or emphaty, what if it happened to you or your best mate or your family??

    2 children locked in a water well and only for a neighbour found them they could have died!

    Properties stolen with the full knowledge fo the family lawyer.

    Trolls should be banned and their IP blocked in such circumstances. The whole meaning of an expat community is the word Community, a place of support and protection

    What you call trolls are most likely people that have been burned in Thailand, one way or the other... Their voice is just as valid as yours, whether you like it or not... Advocating banning people due to their views, however much you disagree with them, says more about you than them...

    Trolls voices are NOT valid. Trolls make comments that are purely for their own and like minded fools entertainment. They do nothing to promote a good forum. You can put your point of view that contradicts an OP without being nasty. I don't advocate banning trolls because they just come back with another name. Trolls just want attention ..

    In addition, I'd call any poster a troll who comments on an issue without at least reading the information that is provided in the initial post. Pretty much most of the first replies on this thread come from these fools.

  11. Orosee:,why the wide time interval for "estimated" re entry? Almost a month. The debris must have reached orbit, huh?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    I'd say that since there is always a possibility of a launch delay (let's say because of weather, or technical problems), the start would have been on one day in a window of about a month or so - since ships are slow to get out of the way on short notice, they issued the warning for the entire window. Once the rocket was launched, things would happen according to schedule within minutes - the spaceflight101.com link on first page actually explains it much better and with the correct numbers, if one is interested in this technology. The image below - take note that speed is in meters per second, not km per hour - multiply with 3.6 to get a feeling how fast that is. Unfortunately you can't see the horizontal component (distance from launch site to East).

    By the way, cool orbit - 284 km closest to 20,650 farthest from surface.


  12. Well the satellite made it successfully to orbit, so the Phuket Gazette might want to read up on the Wiki pages for "satellite" and "rocket" - they're not the same thing :-P

    Probably secondary boosters and/or first stage debris from within the atmosphere, I'm still trying to find a launch trajectory graphic.

  13. White House says crash not linked to terrorism

    Now I am completely confused.

    If the co-pilot's action was deliberate, if property and lives were lost what was it but an act of terrorism?

    Is Terrorism only what is linked to 9/11? Or to Muslims? Or to the USA?

    Please, help with a definition.

    This was murder/suicide if it was planned and deliberate. Maybe his mental state ("voices in my head") made it less planned and deliberate, but that doesn't really matter anymore. This wasn't terrorism, but if you see this as an act of terrorism, then the terrorists have already won.

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  14. He must have had a "psychotic" moment. I don't see how a suicide could have been planned as there is no way he could have predicted that the pilot would need a bathroom break and that he would be left in the cockpit alone.

    Guess he took his chance and if the pilot on this flight didn't use the bathroom for the entire flight, well his option was wait for a flight where it did happen.

    Who knows, maybe he this scenario had already played out before and failed.

    It seems it was inevitable.

    That's what I think, too. Counting on the captain to leave the cockpit on this specific flight would've left too much to chance.

    This guy knew the passenger manifest; he knew there was a school class and babies on board, yet he decided to kill all of them. Why?

    Although I wouldn't be surprised if further details might bring some more sense into this weird, weird story.

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