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Posts posted by MonkeyHouse

  1. :o

    Okay... as in an apartment or rental that you don't own, but have to pay a higher rate of electricity.

    You don't have to go as far as Monaco -where I'd wager that you'd actually have fewer people buying things for their parents as there are probably fewer folks who are still in constant contact with their parents through adulthood and their wealth development, higher earning years- to find folks who people feel the need to 'give back' to their parents, and sometimes even grandparents. This is especially true in cases where they were given priviledged head starts (property portfolios, already up and running busineses, etc.) on life by their parents, grandparents, etc. It's IMO much more common in this part of the world, where generational transfer of wealth is more common. Given, for some segments of foreigners visiting Thailand, this will be an alien concept... hence comments like yours.


    Well i was meaning it was very unlikely, I mean out of 100,000 thais how many buy there mum a house on mothers day, i wouldnt of thought many, so HENCE the reason i said get real.

    I thought thats what you meant about the electric? No i dont rent an apartment, i have my own house in bkk so therefore i pay the going rate. But whats that gots to do with anything?

  2. The amounts are a non-issue as it's all relative. Some give their parents money, some don't. Some buy their parents property or automobiles... so at least you should be happy that you're not doing that I guess?

    All's even Steven if she happily takes the news that you've bought mum 300 GBP worth of flowers on Mothering Day.


    What? Where do you live? monaco? c'mon man get real!

    Where do you live? Somewhere where they charge you extra for electricity?


    Im sorry you lost me there? what do you mean?

  3. The amounts are a non-issue as it's all relative. Some give their parents money, some don't. Some buy their parents property or automobiles... so at least you should be happy that you're not doing that I guess?

    All's even Steven if she happily takes the news that you've bought mum 300 GBP worth of flowers on Mothering Day.


    What? Where do you live? monaco? c'mon man get real!

  4. Hi, just after advice and opinions really, my Thai wife is here in UK on a settlement visa, she arrived earlier this year. However she has been telling me that its soon to me Mothers Day in TL, she asked me what I do in UK for Mothers day here, I said, buy flowers, take her out for a meal, or buy things for her garden, things like that..she looked bemused and said "oh no, in TL we always give money to our mums for mothers day" she said she normally gave about £300 to her mom, as its a very important time!! Hmm this isnt a problem as its her own money she would be sending as she is working full time here, however this does seem rather alot in my opinion, I just wondered if this was the norm for middle class families in TL?? What do you send to your mom in TL for mothers day?? Many thanks in advance, Newstart

    300 baht sounds nearer to the mark! 20000 baht? bloody hel_l it wont be just mothers day it will be mothers month/s!

  5. I can see where you're coming from but the guys like you are referring don't generally live here.. they are probably on holiday or something. It doesn't take long to realise that other people (Thai people) take offence to certain things that people do if you've got half a mind, most people that end up staying here longer term have a bit of respect for Thailands society.

    I'd never stand in the middle of somewhere like central world yuo (Although I don't know the place, I'm imagining it as some sort of shopping plaza) equivalent in the UK sucking the tongue from a girls throat, but definately not here. Even the prostitutes have a general bit of decorum when it comes to stuff like that so this one must have been a real degenerate to allow him to do that so perhaps they were soulmates? :o

    Anyway, these A-Holes come in all ages.

    I did see though, a couple of young chavs, and they WERE chavs, in Bangla Road, Phuket... (England shirts, tracksuit trousers and white trainers lol) They were wasted and dancing on that ladyboy stage on the end of soi crocodile... Everything I come to Thailand to avoid was well and truly alive in Phuket... In the heart of it's red light district... right, nuff said... haha

    Sounds a bit like what i imagine pattaya to be like, terrible place, stay away from the tourist places and you will be ok!

  6. We will be dead before that happens mate - no worries. Besides next few decades you will see mind blowing technological advances in the areas of transport. :o

    Yeah most of you on here will be dead as we found out on another poll most of the members on here are old foggies, i mean fogies!

  7. I'm referring to 20-30 years in the future...

    In the Stone Age you couldn't book a flight online and fly to Thailand...

    I'm 23 now and almost married to a Thai girl (5 days) 20/30 years isn't that long away really, I'll be in my 40s or 50s and that'll probably be around the time I actually live there permamently... I'm planning establishing everything working in the UK and retire there at about 40ish.

    jeez i just replied to another worrier on a previous thread.

    Look mate, 20-30 years is along way off so why worry, if i was you i would worry about dieing more than oil running out!

    Anyway when oil runs out it wont just be thailand will it?

    Stop worrying about oil and start worrying about what your gonna do in 5 days time. Have a great day.

  8. well obviously if you are the guy sticking your tongue down the mouth of a dark skinned Thai girl wearing a see through blouse and low cut jeans in the middle of central world yuo dont care what other people think about you...

    i agree that worrying what others think about you is not good, however i still think people should not make complete idiots out of themselves in public. it just gets old after awhile.

    i think you are 100% wrong that its impossible for Thais to respect farang. there are many that ARE respected but as long as the majority act like <deleted> on a regular basis, you are by default a <deleted> until proven otherwise.

    Dont worry about other people, worry about yourself mate. There will always be people out there that will tarnish the reputations of farang, unfortunatly thousands of them in thailand, but why worry you cant do anything about it.

    Listen to the monkey when he speaks.

  9. subject not allowed. feel free to read rules and regulations of this place.

    however if posts are tastefully done, im sure this thread will be tolerated.

    <deleted> has it got to do with u? wannabe mod?

    Get a life.

    Sorry OP that your continued thread isnt going to plan!

    Exactly! Who appointed Ms cynthia a mod? Pompus ar-se

    Ive read some of her previous posts so your comment would be 100% correct.

  10. Hey naam thailand would still be beautiful if it wasnt for pattaya. obviously your not here for the beauty!

    Monkey--What do you mean by saying Pattaya doesn't have beauty. The last time I checked, the asking price was 1000 Baht for a short time beauty and 1500 for a long time beauty ! :o

    Check out the inflation thread - and bring more money next time :D

    What inflation? 1000 baht is what they would charge me, maybe your not as handsome as me.

    As for beauty, im not on about the women im on about the place in general!

  11. Makes me realise how lucky i am to be here in thailand!

    Also noticed that out of the seven people n the second photo four are most likely illegal immigrants from africa. Thats about right too.

    Anyway why post such a terrible pointless thing?

    Do you have any evidence for your allegations? Or are you a bigot?

    LOL, fact is probably 80- 90% of all black people who say they are french are illiegal i know from experience, for example out of the 80 people they checked in the raids on factory workers where i come from in the UK 26 of them were infact illegal, why is it gonna be different anywhere else in the UK? havent you noticed the great influx of africans since we joined the EU? Anyway dont start me on the other nationalitys, races etc, Open you eyes, the Uk has every man and his dog there, Like i said thank god im here not there.

  12. Hey naam thailand would still be beautiful if it wasnt for pattaya. obviously your not here for the beauty!

    Monkey--What do you mean by saying Pattaya doesn't have beauty. The last time I checked, the asking price was 1000 Baht for a short time beauty and 1500 for a long time beauty ! :o

    Pssssstttt. Short time, TV members arent here for that reason, cmon mate you should know better than that!

  13. Gotta call bullshit on this one!

    don't tell me you suspect his girlfriend is pulling a fast one on him :o

    Thats more like it naam, why didnt i think of that? I guess i lucky i dont have to worry about things like happening to me.

  14. Lesson number 1, never buy gold for your gf

    lesson number 2 dont get an account where you can withdraw more than 20,000 baht a day,(which i thought you couldnt anyway)

    lesson number 3 dont go with strange ladies you have just met in car park for a bite to eat.

    Anyway you cant be serious can u?

  15. Don't get me wrong, I like Thai food but ...

    I don't have much of an appetite in this warm sticky weather and when I do I like to woof down my food. You know, really get stuck into it.

    Nothing interrupts the rythym quite like stopping every three seconds to extract a sharp little piece of bone (or gristle, skin, fat, gravel, etc). I sometimes ruminate on the thought that to produce a mish-mash of body bits like this could only be the end result of tenderising with the rear wheel of a pick-up truck. Though I must say most Thai people seem to leave their plates pretty darn clean!

    OK, I appreciate that portioning with a cleaver is the fastest way to get things ready for the pot. I wonder though if this is the price you must pay for the depth of flavour we all know and love with Thai food? Or whether it is just the easy option?

    Perhaps some TVer who is a cooking whiz could advise whether you can have one without the other (preferably the flavour without the inedibles).

    After a year of bein here...well i can say that Thai food tastesall the same now, so its nasty to me, i hate it, my wife and i spend alot of money a month on buying and cooking western food....I mean I am sick of having a bit of spicy grissle with my plain boiled rice....but lets talk about the way the cook it too? i mean come on man, reallY? are you serius?? i mean that aids Hepatitis C all over it...and yet people still think is good, anyways I agree with Chiangmainbruce......now about having one without the other, you would have to really open the door for them in international food or give all thais classes so maye they can expand their views that maybe there is something else out there to cook than just pork.....Then again, Thailand is a poor country, the food that is not thai is expensive, all 3rd world countries have their own style or indigenous food, but this countries food is awful.

    What a strange piece of drivel.

  16. mg,have you been to goa.

    i havent but have got friends who love it and i have been looking on the net for a few days on the lifestyle in goa

    i have been to goa and was not impressed. india drove me batshit to be honest. i found it mostly repulsive. but then again, my experience might have been not so great because i was there in the (very, very, very) HOT season, where there was no respite from the heat at all as the electricity was usually out and even the water in the sea was hot. i was also there alone, and i do mean alone! there were few if any other tourists when i was there! i did sort of like gokarna though- beautiful place, nice beaches- my yoga teacher has moved down there now. food was crap there though.

    You went in the wrong season.

  17. Makes me realise how lucky i am to be here in thailand!

    Also noticed that out of the seven people n the second photo four are most likely illegal immigrants from africa. Thats about right too.

    Anyway why post such a terrible pointless thing?

    A young white girl throws a fizzy drink at a young white man.

    The young white man chases the young white girl, catches her and punches her to the ground then stands over her hurling abuse and threats.

    What do you glean from this scenario - 4 young black men in the background are probably illegal immigrants from Africa.

    Well done for getting to the real crux of the story!

    I wouldnt say probably! i would say highly likely, French passports etc

    Of course it's far more likely that they are British.

    But lets say that your assumption is correct - and they are French passport holders.

    They are not 'illegals' just EU citizens.

    Thus, they have as much right to be in the UK as you have to be in Thailand (assuming you are here legally).

    BTW - did it never cross your mind that the white people could be 'illegals', or can't you see beyond the colour of a person's skin?

    Where i come from in the UK, since we joined the EU there has been a great influx of black people who have french passports, Anyway due to police raids it was found out that everyone that was checked did in fact have a false french passport. I only assume the rest are on fake ones too, but anyway thats another topic.

    Anyway i just making a point about the UK! just look at the picture closely, it says it all.

  18. mg,have you been to goa.

    i havent but have got friends who love it and i have been looking on the net for a few days on the lifestyle in goa

    Goa is cool mate, but you have to go south! peaceful back in pre 2003 when i last went there, Used to spend 6 months there 6 in uk for around on a 5 year stint.

    Highly recommend it! but.....there aint much night life and no women. :o

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