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Posts posted by MonkeyHouse

  1. From what i can gather so far there seems to be no live coverage of the olympics

    in english I assume one of the local Thai channels will have live coverage but i

    somehow expected True with all its sport channels to be covering the events in english

    but the lack of mention of the Olympics in the current months magazine leads me to

    believe that once again true visions is out to prove what an inept useless company

    it is with absolutely no concern for its subscibers

    If anybody knows different i would be interested to hear if there is going to be live

    coverage in english anywhere on Thai tv

    I cant believe the nerve some people have, i just hope your not english. I am! its quiet embarrasing.(not be english but some comments english people make :o )

  2. i picture them sitting in your living room listening to you fight with your teenage kids and then sneaking their bf in through the window for some loving who then notices you have a really nice tv/portrait/whatever

    i could'nt do it either nospeakit, however at a push i would rather have a maid than my wifes mother living here.

  3. My Thai wife has no respect and little compassion for Thai girls that prostitute themselves as she feels that it serves only to tarnish the reputation of Thai woman in general

    Hey mate your wife has got it all wrong!

    Its not the thai girls that tarnish thai womens reputation, Its the farang or others that use them, in other words supply and demand!

    Its a bit like those people in china that kill cats and skin them to make coats for rich europeans, Its not the poor chinese persons fault, they are just making a living it the rich europeans buying the coat!

    PS There is nothing wrong with prostitutes, there making a living and there human.

    And Genghis Khan was just a misunderstood nationalist ??? :o

    dunno? maybe?

  4. I was actually sickened when I saw the results of the poll and the large number of men that were in involved in relationships with women 40 years younger than themselves. I do not understand how these disturbed guys could be involved with girls that are easily young enough to be their granddaughters. I cannot imagine what they must be thinking when they crawl under the covers with these youthful hard bodied nubile luscious nymphs ??? ( excuse me while I quit drooling on my keyboard) I may sound a little prudish but for very personal reasons, I think that a 36 year age difference is totally OK and perfectly normal and acceptable but any more age difference than that is a little demented. :o

    Do you want the monkey to be honest? ahhh i better not hey..good monkey

  5. Im 28 and my wife is 31, when I was 22 my ex girlfriend was 42,

    You slay me :o It's called "the mother complex" by the Psycologists who go to to college and research this stuff.

    I had the same experience, it was great for both of us, she don't tell and don't swell, and was apprieciative as hel_l!! Never payed for anything .I miss and thank her. She taught me a lot! Today I am just a dirty old man because I'm over 50 and still love being with a lovely lady. Discreet of course. Age is a state of mind and the Thai women know this, that's what makes them so irresistable :D . Chok Dee.You guys are getting to serious about a thing

    that we all came for. Beautiful women in a beautiful country. Age is meaningless if you are happy !!

    Don't complicate things with western BS. Have a happy life here.

    You have a point there papajohn, but i would say most of the time they are just trying to be nice about the age thing.

  6. My Thai wife has no respect and little compassion for Thai girls that prostitute themselves as she feels that it serves only to tarnish the reputation of Thai woman in general

    Hey mate your wife has got it all wrong!

    Its not the thai girls that tarnish thai womens reputation, Its the farang or others that use them, in other words supply and demand!

    Its a bit like those people in china that kill cats and skin them to make coats for rich europeans, Its not the poor chinese persons fault, they are just making a living it the rich europeans buying the coat!

    PS There is nothing wrong with prostitutes, there making a living and there human.

  7. I find it curious, and rather depressing, that only one member pointed out that the focus of his attention would be the feelings of his own wife (Hats off to Steve)

    I thought he is rather a rude man to snigger and talk about people behind there back or even accross the room as he stated he does!

  8. This thread is working out better than I had hoped.

    The idea, as I have stated, was to test the response of individuals to the situation - I absolutely did not want to discuss prostitution, feminism or even 'should one tell the wife or not'.

    While those 'off track' distractions have come up, what is far more interesting (and the point of the question I asked) is the 'thinking behind individual responses'.

    The term 'prejudice' has come up, referred to in its common usage of people being prejudiced against others - paradoxically the people who have expressed opinions on those lines have also been those who are exhibiting the greatest prejudicial view of other other people's thinking. Examples are comments on feminism and some very weak arguments against social norms.

    There are a number of clear objections to women's opinions in the responses.

    One member asked the very reasonable question 'what this question has to do with Thailand?'. Forgive me for not answering right away I didn't want to skew the discussion.

    The answer to that is: Firstly it is a situation that is not uncommon in Thailand but more so I wanted to see if people's experiences in Thailand had changed/colored their view of what are the social rules and where the lines are drawn - The confirmation of this has been remarkable. (I make no comment on whether that is a good thing or not).

    However, what is clear is that individuals are very keen to argue the injustice of social norms/rules where they themselves/or their behavior are subject to censure by those rules. Importantly, people who argue in other threads on the importance of integrating to Thai society and following the Thai rules argue against following the particular social rules that lie at the heart of the 'situation' in my question.

    Those who would deny the importance/relevance of these social rules/lines have proved otherwise by their response to the question - the more ardent the case against the rule, the more positive the confirmation that there is a clash of values in the situation and that these rules of social class do matter and are important.

    I find it curious, and rather depressing, that only one member pointed out that the focus of his attention would be the feelings of his own wife (Hats off to Steve)

    This sort of thing should be common to you guesthouse, what i mean is the country you live in,the guys there are allowed 7 wives?, am i right?

    It must happen to you lots then :o

  9. Drivel, sorry I don't have that big word in my vocabulary. Could you perhaps re-address the attempt at humour again in your next post.

    Stick to something simple, remember, TheDOn reads this stuff too.

    Thanks and regards

    Ok here goes....

    monkey and bkkjames were sitting on a street corner in bangkok wondering if they should buy an ale with their last steel. monkey suggested that they buy a sausage. bkkjames started bitching, complaining that he couldn't drink a sausage and he *really* wanted a drink. But monkey had an idea that could get them many ales.

    "What we do is buy a sausage, go into a tavern, and order two drinks. After we drink our ales you drop down to your knees, and I'll undo my breeches and pull out the sausage so you can suck on it. The barman will throw us out thinking we're queers."

    bkkjames thought this was a great idea, so they bought a sausage. They went into the first tavern, ordered their drinks, and drank them quickly. Then bkkjames dropped to his knees and started to suck the sausage. Sure enough, the barman kicked them out thinking they were queer.

    They hit about ten or fifteen taverns when the bkkjames started to complain about his knees hurting. He asked if in the next tavern if monkey would do the dirty work. The half-elf replied, "I'd rather not. I lost the sausage after about the fifth bar."

  10. Stick to smileys mate, frowning doesn't go with your TV persona.

    Ok i will make a note of that.

    About that cat fight? Personally i think it was quiet funny. If people cant read it without a smile then there is something wrong.

    Come on lets all be one happy smiling family on TV.

    Whats TV without humour?

    Mate, you stick to the serious stuff, I will do the humour, trust me, its much funnier that way. :o

    Please please im getting embarrassed now, lets stop the cat fight for now, but dont worry i will be back onto you on another thread :D Not hard considering most of your posts are drivel.

  11. Im 28 and my wife is 31, when I was 22 my ex girlfriend was 42,

    <deleted>.. 4 real?

    I have a picture of my mind TheDON cuddled up next to the mamasan at Rainbow 4 bar in nana plaza.


    I would have to be very very :D to go with a girl 20 years older than me even for one night.

    Oh I don't know. It's all relative... :P

    When I was around 17, one of my best mates at school had a girlfriend who was late thirties. I remember feeling a little envious not to say curious as to what some aspects of his relationship with her might be like... :burp:

    Fast forward a few decades and I no longer feel envious... The curiousity has waned as well...

    For some reason they are not together any more either...Perhaps just as well as I'm not very good at blocking images from my mind sometimes. :P

    Having fantisies about your teacher is one thing, but not your own mother mate, come on now!

    Your one sick person for even thinking that bkkjames.

    Monkeybrains, word of advice if I may.... if you are going to attempt wit, please look up the meaning in the dictionary first. It's on page 575 between whimp (not chimp) and winner (not loser). Failing that, please feel free to PM me for detailed description of where to find it, and more importantly how to use it.

    Now if you can't find the PM button on here, I suggest you log off, log in again under a different name so any comments you make won't reflect negatively on your TV persona.

    Wit? was that meant to be a wit?

    As for TV persona, im not really worried about what people think of me, Are you?

    The impression you give me is that your one of those washed up old guys who do the rounds in soi nana preying on young BG's. Im right are'nt i? No need to be shy about it though theres 1000's of guys like you here!

    My point exactly.


  12. Im 28 and my wife is 31, when I was 22 my ex girlfriend was 42,

    <deleted>.. 4 real?

    I have a picture of my mind TheDON cuddled up next to the mamasan at Rainbow 4 bar in nana plaza.


    I would have to be very very :( to go with a girl 20 years older than me even for one night.

    Oh I don't know. It's all relative... :P

    When I was around 17, one of my best mates at school had a girlfriend who was late thirties. I remember feeling a little envious not to say curious as to what some aspects of his relationship with her might be like... :burp:

    Fast forward a few decades and I no longer feel envious... The curiousity has waned as well...

    For some reason they are not together any more either...Perhaps just as well as I'm not very good at blocking images from my mind sometimes. :P

    Having fantisies about your teacher is one thing, but not your own mother mate, come on now!

    Your one sick person for even thinking that bkkjames.

    Monkeybrains, word of advice if I may.... if you are going to attempt wit, please look up the meaning in the dictionary first. It's on page 575 between whimp (not chimp) and winner (not loser). Failing that, please feel free to PM me for detailed description of where to find it, and more importantly how to use it.

    Now if you can't find the PM button on here, I suggest you log off, log in again under a different name so any comments you make won't reflect negatively on your TV persona.

    Wit? was that meant to be a wit?

    As for TV persona, im not really worried about what people think of me, Are you?

    The impression you give me is that your one of those washed up old guys who do the rounds in soi nana preying on young BG's. Im right are'nt i? No need to be shy about it though theres 1000's of guys like you here!

  13. Im 28 and my wife is 31, when I was 22 my ex girlfriend was 42,

    <deleted>.. 4 real?

    I have a picture of my mind TheDON cuddled up next to the mamasan at Rainbow 4 bar in nana plaza.


    I would have to be very very :( to go with a girl 20 years older than me even for one night.

    Oh I don't know. It's all relative... :P

    When I was around 17, one of my best mates at school had a girlfriend who was late thirties. I remember feeling a little envious not to say curious as to what some aspects of his relationship with her might be like... :burp:

    Fast forward a few decades and I no longer feel envious... The curiousity has waned as well...

    For some reason they are not together any more either...Perhaps just as well as I'm not very good at blocking images from my mind sometimes. :P

    Having fantisies about your teacher is one thing, but not your own mother mate, come on now!

    Your one sick person for even thinking that bkkjames.

  14. I wanna be 7.

    Sorry mate. there ain't room for two 7 year olds on this thread! :o

    From reading alot of your posts i would of thought your were a 5 year old, C'mon mate if you 7 at least act it!

    I love it. Monkey, you fuc_k up the poll so that it is dead upon arrival, and then you have the balls to insult the readers who were insulted by you in the first place. I think it's time you whack your monkey.

    Yes i stated that i fuc_ked it up along time ago.

    Not only me who has the balls im getting quite a few insults myself. hehe

    Whack me monkey? Yes all the time.

    ps i dont like dogs farang prince

  15. Monkey , you have a good avatar. Your kind is probably the reason many of us left our homelands.

    Abrasive and abusive to people senior to punks like yourself. You see us as victums to be taken advantage of by your hooligan attitudes. Thailand has always shown respect for the wisdom and experience of their elders. I see and feel it everyday here from the the thais, young and old. You hooligans have no respect for the sacrifices

    and hardship that we old foggies have made to give you the arrogant attitude you display. From my experience, in my time on this rock, your arrogance

    will be rewarded, not in the way you expect.

    Chok Dee

    Don't let him bother you Papa. Part of getting old is realizing you become more invisible with each passing year. It's also senseless to try to explain anything to them 'cause they already know everything. You get old and in the way. No big deal. You can take advantage of your seniority, and have fun with their arrogance. I think the OP is just having fun pushing buttons. He's just bored and/or drunk. Remember Papa, the older the bull, the harder the horn.

    I think his avatar is one ugly monkey, and I like monkeys.

    How old are you anyway OP?

    I'm a monkey man, and I'm glad you are a monkey woman, too.

    Why thankyou "short time"

    when i was 18 i thought i knew everything now i am 31 i realise i didnt, when im 40 i will know more than i know now, but when im 50 i will realise i still know fuc_k all.

    Yes im a ugly monkey, you would be if you were stuck in this monkey house that i am serving time in.

    Im a bad monkey

  16. Monkey , you have a good avatar. Your kind is probably the reason many of us left our homelands.

    Abrasive and abusive to people senior to punks like yourself. You see us as victums to be taken advantage of by your hooligan attitudes. Thailand has always shown respect for the wisdom and experience of their elders. I see and feel it everyday here from the the thais, young and old. You hooligans have no respect for the sacrifices

    and hardship that we old foggies have made to give you the arrogant attitude you display. From my experience, in my time on this rock, your arrogance

    will be rewarded, not in the way you expect.

    Chok Dee

    Im sorry you got the wrong impression of me!

    I respect anyone who respects me! Respect ihas to earnt doesnt it? In general i respect my elders, but not ones who look down on me!

    Anyway thankyou for your thoughts!

  17. After reading a sentence today on thaivisa it made me think that many farangs who live in thailand have delevoped a hatred towards the west.

    I must admit i hate the weather in my home country but i wouldnt go as far as saying i hate the west (western style life) just yet anyway.

    Does anyone here feel hatred?

    Well I used to really like Americans, but I don't anymore.

    Life is more real for me out here, very much harder, Westerners start to look a bit weak and spoilt. I don't like the hype, spin, and mania from the West and the terror rhetoric either.

    Is that what you mean?

    I was just interested to find out peoples views as i know from what alot of farang who have moved to thailand (not just thailand) have become anti west!

    You're 100% right on that sentence i have highlighted though.

    Well, monkeyhouse, despite your continued determination to get this topic back on topic it seems some are determined to air their prejudices.

    Shall we give it one more shot before giving up?

    I will leave that up to you sbk

  18. A thai wife or g/f may react differently, but believe me, a farang wife want's to know - I will never forgive the farangs who didn't tell me what my husband was up to!

    i agree that most farang women want to know if their man is cheating, but it has been my experience as well that when you do tell them, they usually find some way to deny it and turn it back around so you are the one at fault (for making up stories, whatever)... so the best thing to do is to stay out of it unless you are really good friends with the wife. :o

    Im not being funny girlx but i would of thought most women regardless of where they are from would want to know if there husband is cheating if they loved him.

    Not just farang women but all!

  19. Makes me realise how lucky i am to be here in thailand!

    Also noticed that out of the seven people n the second photo four are most likely illegal immigrants from africa. Thats about right too.

    Anyway why post such a terrible pointless thing?

    A young white girl throws a fizzy drink at a young white man.

    The young white man chases the young white girl, catches her and punches her to the ground then stands over her hurling abuse and threats.

    What do you glean from this scenario - 4 young black men in the background are probably illegal immigrants from Africa.

    Well done for getting to the real crux of the story!

    I wouldnt say probably! i would say highly likely, French passports etc

  20. Out of loyalty to my friend, I would introduce them to my wife and out of common courtesy ask them to join us. My Thai wife has no respect and little compassion for Thai girls that prostitute themselves as she feels that it serves only to tarnish the reputation of Thai woman in general however she since she has a lot of class, I am sure that she would be very gracious to them out of respect for the fact that he is my friend. My wife is very independent so it is not really any business of mine as to how she would handle it in the future should she at some time meet my friend's wife but I would guess that regardless of how she felt, she would handle the situation with class and respect for everyone as this is the way she always handles social situations.


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