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Posts posted by MonkeyHouse

  1. I really don't believe that it makes any difference which one of these men is President of the United States. They were both selected from the powers that be, and either one is quite willing to do what they're told to do. They are simply puppets anyway.


    I've been trying to get people to listen that for many years. I know that by the time you get to the point of being allowed to be a major party candidate for the presidency, you are already certified as "reliable" by the "powers that be" as you call them. Glad to see that at least one person else agrees with me. I'm stuck here working as a civilian with on a military base, and you woudn't believe the propaganda they put out about voting. No they are to the stage that is suggesting that a person who doesn't vote is somehow anti-american. I just ignore them, mostly.

    By the way, have you ever heard that you can write in your candidates name on a federal ballot. You don't have to vote for the choice of any national party. It's the law, and you write in vote must be counted. Of course, no one will ever tell you that, instead they imply you must vote for one of the candidates listed on the ballot.

    In the U.S. now that is called democracy.

    Still waiting for this to somehow be relevant to Thailand :o Come on Old Croc, chime in please.

    Most things here are irelevant to thailand, just like yourself. :D Afterall your a foreigner in a foreign land!

    So if everything on TV has to be about thailand then does that mean everything in thailand has to be thai?

    Confused? Im not LOL

  2. Not really, I see hatred towards the Thai's alot though

    Yes, that is right, middle and upper class Thais are racists, NOT ALL, of course, but it was one of those things that I saw and felt when I was the first time in Thailand(Chiang Mai), now 4 years ago.As far as community goes, we can learn from each other, if open minded, but politics are evoluating in more Nationalistic direction worldwide, that is something to be afraid of...

    I think he meant westeners not thais!

  3. Well, I like Pattaya regardless of its downside.

    I've toured all over Thailand and nowhere there is without its downside if you choose to think negatively.

    It depends very much on your attitude and your expectations.

    Anyway, I still haven't found a place that's better for a good cheap chill out, which is why I still go there.

    It has an awfully big downside.

    What a load of crap you just posted.

    You go there for a lay, simple as that mate.

  4. Folks, i know this is a particular dodgy question but when you decided to make Thailand your full-time home, how much money did you have to do it??? I dont need the exact figure, just round it up :o

    And, from thinking about making the leap to actually getting on the plane and doing it....how long???

    No, i dont work for the Inland Revenue!!!!!! Just trying to work everything out and decide on timescales etc.

    GO FOR IT...................

    No one can answer your question here mate, people will just try and make negative comments. Research yourself somewhere else if i was u like thailand.

  5. Fresh, safe and delicious. (some of the best thai food in thailand is from the street carts) :o:D

    Delicious maybe. Fresh? - well if lying in the sun for the whole day with flies buzzing around it before being cooked is fresh, then it's darned fresh. But safe? Doubt it. Even if it doesn't give you a stomach upset, the sourcing of the cheap ingredients can be a problem. When fish are killed by dropping poison in some canal or river, the fish end up on cheap stalls. I've seen half pigs being transported in the backs of pick ups and I bet I know where it ends up. Don't get me wrong, I sometimes eat in street stalls, but my Thai friend definitely refuses on health grounds. And have you seen those friendly cuddly rats running over your feet when you eat at these places? The restaurants owners and customers rarely even bat an eyelid.

    So where do u eat then? Probably your food comes from the same place as were the food stall people get theres from. Or maybe you eat that heart attack farang food.

  6. Ok to many errors on this poll, I should of just done the poll of "Are you old fogie perverts here for young thai women"




    Well guess that explains your agenda now... :o

    No not at all, im just messing around, i get bored alot on here and have nothing more to say on this topic.

    Im not a female dont worry.

    Whatever the reason for people to be here in thailand, at least me honest about it, unlike 99% of tv members.

    We all know what we are here from you lot just dont admit it.

  7. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but here's my story. I moved to Thailand with my wife just under a year ago, she was offered a job with one of the International Schools in Bangkok. Anyway we hastily agreed assuming that I would be able to get some kind of work while I was here. So one year later and I'm still jobless, we're getting by on here salary but it's been a source of contention and also something that's been getting me down as well.

    I've also blown throw my meagre savings so I have no money of my own at the moment. I've heard and read that it's difficult for people in my position to find work especially when they don't have a dregree. I've spent many years as a struggling musician so mywork history is a bit patchy and my CV/Resume is pretty lame.

    At the moment my only other option would be to return home for a few months so I could take a temp job and then return to see out the rest of her contract which runs till summer 2009.

    So any ideas?

    Ok send me bank details i will transfer you some money to keep you going. ok?

  8. because they offer you such big income if you join and sell that stuff

    Not heard of them as such, but that sounds suspiciously like yet another pyramid scheme. They wouldn't be beauty/health products by any chance?

    they sell anything from beauty products vitamin tablets food you name it the have it

    You name they have it? what u talking about? they sell just beauty products and vitamin tablets. doh

  9. You read one sentence today from one poster, hardly deep research or a consensus. Are you trying to comply with the pleas of certain mods for more intelligent topics?

    If so, please try harder. :o

    LOL well that one sentence just made me think about writing this thread thats all. No need to get cocky with me!

    Mods? who are they? haha

  10. After reading a sentence today on thaivisa it made me think that many farangs who live in thailand have delevoped a hatred towards the west.

    I must admit i hate the weather in my home country but i wouldnt go as far as saying i hate the west (western style life) just yet anyway.

    Does anyone here feel hatred?

  11. Giffarine,

    Anybody out there knows that company and what is your experience

    my wife uses gifferene products she seems to like them.

    Why do u need to know?

    because they offer you such big income if you join and sell that stuff

    I would of thought its commission based. If your mrs has lots of freinds into it she might be ok, but its not gonna make you millions.

  12. I seriously doubt that the presence or absence of a father figure-straight role model in the boy's household makes a difference. My father was present, and I finally came out of the closet. I raised 3 boys and 3 girls (often as a single parent) even after I came out, and they all turned out straight. Lots of posters here were raised by terrible male role models, but ended up straight.

    Most folks in the West are still hung up on polarity, like there is no middle ground, only two opposite genders, anatomically and psychologically. No. Sexual orientation and attraction is a continuum, a spectrum on which even you may not be at the extreme end. Most of our Western thinking is shaped by a Church which is/was homophobic for no good reason.

    Were not talking about homo's are we? You should be talking about ladyboys.

  13. Just curious to see if im right in thinking the majority of TV male members who live in thailand are old foggies.

    Old foggies please dont be offended. :o

    Male residents of thailand vote only please.

    Since you can't spell 'old fogies', I won't vote. :D

    Foggies, fogies whatever.. You know what it meant.

    I guess your one of those people who have to pick out the slightest little mistake in posters posts. YAWN

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