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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. 14 minutes ago, Arkady said:

    I am not affected by  this but I lament the further reduction of legalisation services the British Consular Section is willing to provide to its citizens and this was an important service that affects British residents.  They could have put the ball in Immigration's court by saying they would continue to verify the income based on presentation of a pension confirmation letter that looks genuine, pointing out that UK citizens could be prosecuted in the UK for making false declarations at the Consulate. Then it would be up to Immigration to say that it refuses to accept the letters.  It looks as if other farang embassies are willing to continue issuing the letters and they have probably also received the same pressure from Immigration by now, if they approached the Brits in May.


    The Consular Section used to be a helpful 'can-do' resource for British citizens where you could show up without an appointment, be waived in by friendly Gurkha guards and get many things without any specified restrictions , not to mention getting a new British passport with a friendly vice consul signing as counter signatory. I recall getting company documents of British Virgins Islands company legalised there, as well as the translation of my Thai marriage certificate and several other documents.  Nowadays you need an appointment and they will cancel your appointment, if you want anything not on their list which is as follows:

    Services we provide in Thailand

    Consular staff can provide the following services only:

    • affirmation of marital status
    • affirmation of residency
    • certified copy of British passport and British driving licence
    • Consular Letter showing income for Thai Immigration – postal or email application until 12 December 2018 only
    • letter of “no objection” for adoption in Thailand
    • ED visa letter for internships in Thailand
    • visa transfer letter

    QUOTE pointing out that UK citizens could be prosecuted in the UK for making false declarations at the Consulate UNQUOTE ...as will be the case in every civilised country.

  2. 2 hours ago, Andyfez said:

    If this is a decision by the British embassy (not a Thai policy change), is there nothing we can do to change this decision?

    After all surely the embassy is there to serve us, not the other way round?

    Embassies are created to have better communications between two countries...not to "serve" their citizens...but they should not trouble them...although Embassies act only upon instructions from the Foreign Ministry in their own countries.

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  3. 53 minutes ago, fvw53 said:


    Thanks you very much ...but then who can suspend the late payers...the Committee?


    My Thai wife went to the website of the Thai parliament and here it seems the suspension for late payers is automatic and not "may-be"

    Page 5 first paragraph

     “มาตรา ๑๘/๑ ในกรณีที่เจ  าของรวมไมชําระเงินตามมาตรา ๑๘ ภายในเวลาที่กําหนด ต องเสียเงินเพิ่มในอัตราไมเกินร อยละสิบสองตอปของจํานวนเงินที่ค  างชําระโดยไมคิดทบต  น ทั้งนี้ ตามที่กําหนดในข อบังคับ เจ  าของรวมที่ค  างชําระเงินตามมาตรา ๑๘ ตั้งแตหกเดือนขึ้นไปตองเสียเงินเพิ่มในอตราไม ั เกิน ร  อยละยี่สิบตอปและอาจถูกระงับการให บริการสวนรวมหรือการใช ทรัพยสวนกลางตามที่กําหนดใน ข  อบังคับ รวมทั้งไมมีสิทธิออกเสียงในการประชุมใหญ เงินเพิ่มตามวรรคหนึ่งให ถือเป นคาใช จายตามมาตรา ๑๘”   


  4. 11 hours ago, Delight said:

     I attach a jpeg

    The condo act actually states that the rights on non -paying co -owners can be restricted -only if such detail exists in the Rules and Regulation.

    For example in my building the JPM can cut off power water telephone. No reference to denying voting rights

    In practice those who do not pay never attend a general meeting



    Thanks you very much ...but then who can suspend the late payers...the Committee?

  5. We had in our condo a General Meeting of the Co-Owners but we could not reach decisions because there were not enough people present. So we will now have a follow up meeting where quorum is no longer required. We noticed that about 1/3 of the co-owners have serious delays in paying the common fees and we asked to Manager of the Juristic Person to provide us a list with names and outstanding amounts of those co-owners. This was refused under the pretext that releasing such list is against the Thai Law.  Can somebody confirm if this indeed what the Thai Law says?

  6. 9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    There are two main points to this editorial.


    "...Let’s have proper debate on the medical worth of cannabis, not another junta thrill ride aboard Article 44..."


    It is a very valid point; Article 44 is an abomination and should never be used. The NLA is not exactly an 'independent' organization; a better way forward is to order the lazy salary-suckers to sit until they have done their job. Yes, it does mean waking a few of them up, but that is a good thing.


    The second point;


    "...Marijuana’s efficacy in the treatment of certain medical conditions has been proved elsewhere and little doubt remains about the benefits, and yet there is still debate over making it more accessible, even for medical purposes. That, say critics, opens a slippery slope to legal recreational use. The government insists that cannabis will only be legalised for medicinal purposes..."


    is quite true. The research is done and it is good medicine. And yes, it is almost a certainty that it will lead to full legalization; the idea that it would ONLY be used for medical purposes is wrong.


    The simple fact that while the 'war on drugs' was well-meant, ganja should never have been part of it. It is time to acknowledge that fact and act appropriately.


    Stupid laws against weed have done more harm than weed itself. It is time to grow up, acknowledge that it was a mistake, and move into the future. 


    Hey Thailand! The country in SE Asia that moves first will make a financial killing; don't you want to be that country?



    I have written before in this forum that a very credible source of information can be found on Youtube :  WEED by neurosurgeon and CNN contributor Sanjay Gupta


    Naomi Osaka has double nationality :  USA and Japanese ....but she is more American than Japanese

    Her father Leonard Francois originated from Haiti and her mother was Japanese

    Normally Naomi should have obtained the nationality of her father Leonard Francois but we do not know what was (or is) his nationality.

    Naomi is born in Japan and for reasons we do not need to know she was given the family name of her mother. Then the family moved to the USA when Naomi was 3 years old where they have lived since then without interruption....which explains she could acquire also the US nationality.

    Naomi speaks some Japanese the same limited way as Tiger Woods speaks Thai

    Except that Naomi became a member of the Japanese tennis federation (better access to funding) I still do not understand how she can be considered as a "Japanese" player...In my opinion she is foremost a great American tennis player

  8. 4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    That's right. They are quite harmless and eat 10 times their weight in bugs. 

    I fully agree : if you have a gecko you have less or no bugs

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  9. 5 hours ago, HHTel said:

    I've lived here many years and I've always used booking.com when traveling around Asia.  They have my CC details but it's never been used.  I personally would recommend them to anyone as I've found them to be an excellent service.  I've even booked a hotel one hour before arriving only to find the hotel has all the details on arrival.  I've cancelled quite a few with no penalty, usually advertised with the hotel details.  Hotel charges have always been less than the advertised charge at the reception desks.


    I've used them probably more than 100 times in the last few years and never had a problem.  Great service!

    I have the same good experience with booking.com and I use them also since a few years

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