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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. On 4/14/2019 at 9:31 PM, CharlieH said:

    No offence to those that do,  but for me, its just  "an invisible friend for adults".


    Science tries to reply to the question "how" and people will never be tired to find replies

    Religion tries to reply to the question "why" and people will never stop to try and find replies

    ...don't mix both

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, aussiandrew said:

    It's one time of the year when no no means yes yes to getting wet and wild.. Enjoy or stay inside...

    About 30 years ago I returned during Songkran days from Don Muang to my house in Sukhumvit 24 and while sitting in a speeding tuk tuk my head got hit by a very strong spray of water : it cracked my ear drum and I developed a severe ear infection and since then I stay inside

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    would you follow somebody that jumped from the 10th floor

    Hi Mavideol ...don't try to discuss with idiots like Sweetstickyrice who thinks that the EU is something like the former USSR with a Politburo in Brussels while in fact all 27 remaining member states - even the smallest - have full veto right on every decision. 
    Kenneth Clarke the dean of the House of Commons wrote in the English version of Der Spiegel last week QUOTE There was always a group of nationalists in the Tory party that didn't come to terms with our changed role in the world. In their eyes we have an imperial destiny UNQUOTE

    • Haha 1
  4. I understand there is in Thailand central register keeping a record of all people with a bad credit record.

    When my Thai wife discussed with a finance company about the credit terms to buy car, she told the representative of the finance company that he could check her name in this central register...but this guy said that even doing a check already makes the targeted person suspicious...

    • Thanks 1
  5. 15 hours ago, lkn said:

    This sounds extreme. To arrive at late fees of more than 200,000 baht then the owner must have neglected to pay for the entire 10 years and have a reasonable sized condo (relative to the building having 165 units and what gets built today).


    E.g. 80 sq. m. at 35 baht per sq. m. per month is only 181,440 baht in late fees after 10 years, going by the maximum 12% that can be charged according to the Thai Condo Act (which does not allow compounding, and require that the fee be specified in the bylaws).


    If someone has actually paid nothing for 10 years, it’s hard to claim ignorance, OTOH it really is the building’s responsibility to send out invoices, and without having sent out invoices with payment terms, it’s hard to claim late fees.

    yes we had 10 years of severe negligence by Committee and by Manager of Juristic Person

  6. On 3/10/2019 at 12:48 PM, welovesundaysatspace said:

    I‘m wondering if the oh so democratic union on the other side of the channel gives its member states the same veto right. How can the UK people actually vote Olly Robbins out of office? 


    If the question is if all EU members states have the same veto right ....the answer is "yes"

    The UK people can vote Olly Robbins out of office by voting with a majority in the next general election against the government which appointed him

  7. 17 hours ago, Crossy said:


    Yes, I reckon after 10 years of mis-management you need to take a pragmatic approach.


    For the non payers - To avoid the penalties.

    • Start paying now.
    • Pay a percentage of owed back fee.

    Fail in the above and the full force of owed fees and penalties and the law come in to play.



    There are in total 165 co-owners, about 1/3 always paid the common fees on time regardless if they got invoice or not, about 1/3 started with the change of management to pay the arrears and also the penalties and for some of them this was several hundred thousands of Baht....How can we start to negotiate with the remaining 1/3 and reduce their penalties while infuriating those who  accepted to pay the full penalties. A TVF member suggests in this case to reimburse the penalties paid by the second group....while there is a delay of 6 to 8 months to pay the companies providing the guards, the cleaning women...and now a maintenance company sends pro forma invoice of 2.4 million Baht to renovate the elevators (the total of the unpaid common fees is 15 million Baht)

  8. 1 hour ago, Jeffkp said:

    We had this problem with one co-owner. Refused to pay for over 2 years. We finally sent him a letter from our lawyer. The only option is to take them to court. I suggest negotiating about the penalties.

    Who has the authority to "negotiate" penalties prescribed by the law : the Manager of the Juristic Person ?  The Committee ? the Annual General Meeting?...or the Thai courts?

  9. 9 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    The common fee will be a regular fixed part of your building rules and regulations and so cannot be ignored, regardless of whether an invoice was received or not.


    Any supplementary fee would be exceptional and of a fixed duration, but it would (or should) have formed an official part of a general meeting and been voted on by co-owners, and the positive result of that vote should have been reported in the minutes. As long as it was so voted and reported then it is a valid fee and also cannot be ignored.


    If the fee was just something imposed on a whim by management or the committee without a co-owner vote then I doubt that it could be justified.

    Many co-owners accepted to pay the arrears and the penalties as they were voted a long time ago. The question is that other co-owners refuse to pay the penalties because they say that they got no invoices (=requests to pay) /  if this pretext is legally acceptable then those who already paid the penalties will be furious if others can use this pretext and escape from the penalties.

    See Section 18 of Thai Condo Act 2008 here under :


    Section 18/1 In the case where a joint owner fails to make payments set forth under Section 18 with the prescribed time, such joint owner shall pay surcharge at the rate not exceeding twelve percents (12%) per year of the amount unpaid without compound interest charging provided, however, that this shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth under the Bylaws.

    A joint owner with an amount in arrears under Section 18 from six months and upwards shall pay surcharge at the rate not exceeding twenty percents (20%) per year and may be suspended from receiving common services or using common property as set forth under the By-laws including the non-existence of the right to vote in the General Meeting.

  10. In our Condominium there is now finally a serious effort to clean up 10 years of mismanagement ...yes there is a new Committee and there is a new Juristic Person.

    A big issue is now that in the past only 1/3 of the co-owners paid regularly the common fees regardless if they got an invoice or not : they knew the surface of their unit and the common fee charge per square meter.

    The other 2/3 did not pay regularly or never paid and the management company is charging them the penalties as prescribed in Section 36/6 of the Thai Condo Act 2008.

    We are now facing uprising from co-owners who claim they never paid the common fees because they never got an invoice...so they refuse to pay the penalties

    Until now nobody could reply to the question if a co-owner has the right to refuse or neglect paying common fees if he or she did not get an invoice (it could mean invoices have to be sent by registered letter)


  11. 20 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    Give us some actual examples of what risk there is to the EU if the border stays open after Brexit. 


    Somebody said previously that sub-standard beef could be exported to the UK, then re-labled, then transported to RoI and then into EU countries. The cost of doing all that would wipe out the profit, and also the whole process would eat into the beef's sell by date. So this is not going to happen. 


    If the EU were to install a border the troubles would start again. It would re-start a war. People will die. 


    Which option do you think the peace loving EU will take - leave the border open and risk a few fast boiling kettles making their way into Dublin, or install a border and start a war?


    There will be no border! 



    the process you describe worked very well before the end of East Germany for manufacturers such as IKEA /  West Germany refused to accept there was a border between them and East Germany / IKEA manufactured in the former East Germany and then transported it to its facilities in West Germany from where the furniture would be sold without import tax in any EU member state

  12. 3 hours ago, anterian said:

    Ulster wants no hard border, neither does Eire nor the UK, so keep the EU out of it and there will not be one.

    It would mean an open border - no controls -  between between the UK and the EU ....may-be you suggest a solution like in the arrival areas of  airports ..."nothing to declare = green lane" while " goods to declare = red lane"  /  smugglers are going to make a fortune


  13. 19 hours ago, Presto said:

    If there's one thing to say about Brexiteers like Johnson and Farage then it would be that they are clueless. A big mouth, yes, but no plan, no solutions, nothing. Empty headed power seekers.

    They seem to think that the EU Commission can act as a kind of "politburo" / they do not want to know or are simply ignorant that the final decision on the EU side is not with the Commission with with every of the 27 member states / for this reason it will be always difficult to get a "divorce" whereby one side wants to go ...and 27 others on the other side regret this and need to accept the divorce conditions / 

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