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Posts posted by mazo

  1. On my soi out of say 30 bars only 4 of us were fully legal paid taxes b visas work permit ect. I know of lots guys living and working on 30 day visas who this is going to hit. Most of them have small time bars and are struggling as it is and can not aford to go legal pay taxes social fund accounting. I must say though most of the small time thai business that i talk to hardly ever pay taxes or do things legal to. Every where you look in pattaya you can see lots of new small bars when will pepole learn that they dont make money there are to many. Maybe now the new laws will force pepole to do things properly they will look at owning a bar as not such a good investment after all. I wounder if the thais will be made to do things by the book. :o

  2. One of the reasons i came to thailand was to get away from the violence for violence sake attitude back in the uk. I thought thailand was a more safe layed back place to live not so my wifes mum crys when she looks at the news. She tells me thailand has changed from a caring pepole in to a selfish pepole where you can not trust any one she hates the police and says the young dont believe in buda and the old ways no respect any more. I feel sorry for her as she worrys about her children it looks like i was wrong about thailands layed back mai pen rai attitude

  3. The Property market in pattaya is way out of line there are at least six houses in my village for sale from 4 million up to 7 million two years a go they would of cost 2 million to 4 million. And they all have been for sale for over six months now no buyers i am willing to bet they will still be for sale in six more months. Its just greed hyped by western property agents

  4. hi guys

    Back in the uk i was in to scooters so now i live in thailand i would like one again does any one know where i can buy one i live in pattaya. Also are there any scooter clubs in thailand and do they have rallys. If you are in to scooters feel free to contact me

    chears mazo :o

  5. hi guys

    i have lived in thailand for nearly 5 years now but now have to go back home my problem is that i dont have any thing back in the uk. No home no job yet no banking records i am in the hsbc but i dont realy any money in it because its all in my thai bank. I can get a house and job when i get back but this is my problem i have a thai wife and baby and wish to take them with me but because i dont have any thing in england. I may have a problem geting a settlement visa for the wife the babys ok she has a uk passport. I dont want to go home and set things up on my own because i would miss out on the baby she is only 3 weeks old. I have been told i can get a 6 month tourist vias so she can come with me and then apply for a settlement visa in england this way i would not have to wait for the settlement visa in thailand and they could come back strait away with me is this true and is it easy or hard to get a settlement visa in the uk i have more than enough money to support them and geting things sorted in england would only take a few months ie job house ect. Also can my baby have both a thai and uk passport i have been told no only a uk one

    chears mazo :o

  6. hi guys

    After 5 happy years in thailand me and the wife have to go back to the uk :o . So can any one tell me of a good shiping company to get my things back to the uk. House hold stuff and junk to much to post back and any idea of the cost and any problems i may get. I live in pattaya and want to ship back to nottingham england

    chears mazo :D

  7. hi guys

    i am looking to rent a house in pattaya with a pool. so far i have not found much i am looking for a six month rent then maybe a year. the service i have had from estate agents so far has been veray poor so can any one help me find one

    chears mazo :o

  8. hi guys

    I want to send around 4 mill baht from my thai bank back to my bank in england. i have been told its not easy to do as the thai banks dont like money to go out. I am in the siam commercial bank and in england the hsbc i have sent money from my bank in england to thailand before around 3 mill but not back to england

    chears mazo

  9. hi all

    the green climbing frames we now have strange futeristic structures along the beach at Jomtien with what looks like a polycarbonate sail inside a frame, what ever are they for?

    i think they both are supposed to provied shade. anyway its just another con for some local council guys brother to make some money. i can not believe beach road is still as bad as it is after all this time

    chears mazo

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