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phuket Mike

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Posts posted by phuket Mike

  1. 5 hours ago, internationalism said:

    This medicine is japanese favinopavir, which was imported since around june in tens of millions pills. With total order some 240mln stretching into next year. 
    from august the GPO started to make it in rather small quantities of millions, with total for this year some 60mln. 
    They cost some 1500b box of 50. On the black market from 4k per box ( stolen from hospitals). 
    charging for them in private hospitals 3x more than on the black market is a daylight robbery. For such i would refuse to take them until i negotiate price to below 2k. 
    Because they are only in a small dose 200mg they need to be taken some 10 pills per day. In india they have started to make them 800mg to be used specifically for covid. Its possible to get them on the net

    I was given 10 days supply of favinopavir by my local government hospital 12 tablets 2 times a day, as far as I understand it government hospitals do not charge for covid treatment.


  2. I saw this thread and didn't think a lot of it until today when I my wife told me her niece is one of those infected. She works at the factory checking in new deliveries. She is in hospital with minor symptoms (mainly a high temperature) while her son (3 years old) and husband are in a hotel in Trang in quarantine.

  3. I was at the Satun crossing in January and was told that I would have to stay in Malaysia 24 hours next time, I also talked with a Visa Run company in Phuket and they have stopped using that crossing because of this.


    I am due to do another run early April, I was planning to do the Andaman Club in Ranong but have now decided to go to Langkawi for a few days so will take the ferry from Satun.


    I have heard that the Pedang Besar border is still good for coming straight back.

  4. 13 minutes ago, transam said:

    Weeeeeeeeeeeell, I have been a Psoriasis sufferer for decades....Thankfully it is now in remission, the sun does not cure it, it may help, only one UV ray from the sun works on it but it is not fool proof.....

    Now this will make you laugh.....Our neighbour is a hi-so nurse, she told Mrs.Trans NOT to have sex with me cos she would catch it....Absolutely true....

    Psoriasis is your bodies immune system going into overdrive, there is no cure, your body deals with it if it wants too..

    I have also had it for over 30 years and although the sun helped when I first came to Thailand it doesn't now. Nowhere as bad as this poor girl but still a problem. Someone recently told me about a cream called Yiganerjing, a Chinese wonder cure, I was extremely sceptical having tried many things in the past. It does help, the Psoriasis patches clear up after a few days, not a cure but a good way of getting rid of the outbreaks.

  5. Very sad news indeed, I met Nick when I first came to CM six years ago and we hit it off immediately as he came from a small village in East Yorkshire only a mile away from where I was from. He was a really great bloke and a for a long time was the only reason I went into to town to chat with him, he will be sadly missed. RIP mate.

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