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phuket Mike

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Posts posted by phuket Mike

  1. Seems to be problems all over Thailand at the moment with TOT. I am down in Trang and have had the same problems. I have tried different DNS settings but I still get these errors occasionally on different sites.

  2. An International Driving License is only a translation of your home country license and can only be valid for one year. It is also only valid when presented with your original license. Fortunately most Thai Traffic Police are either unaware of this or don't care.

    You might find it easier to get a 5 year Thai license in a province other than Phuket, providing you pay a fee.

  3. If you are a foreigner you will need an affirmation of freedom to Marry from your Embassy, you will need to attend your Embassy as your signature needs to be witnessed by an Embassy Consulate. Most Embassies have this form available on their website. It then needs to be translated and stamped by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok, this part can be handled by an agent (at a cost).

    Once you have this you can attend the Amphur Office in Phuket Town, you need your passport, affirmation of freedom to marry (suggest making copies), she will need her ID card and Tabian Baan and a witness (Thai person that knows her). As for cost when I did it (my wife is from Trang) it cost 150 baht.

    If took about 20 minutes from start to finish, good luck.

  4. These USB viruses are everywhere in Thailand, they usually run by a hidden autorun.inf, generally they seem to be harmless. I first step is to disable autorun this at least stops them from spreading. The second option would be to load something like autorun eater, which is a memory resident program that detect these files and stops them from running (these viruses are particularly prevalent on memory cards from mobile phones). I recently loaned my digital camera to someone and it's SD card came back with a virus.

    By far the best solution I have found is to purchase a good AV program I am currently running AVG 2011 and it immediately finds these viruses and removes. As I have a number of USB drives and memory cards I found they all had viruses mainly coming from from internet shops, but AVG found them all.

    Trying to delete these files from the command prompt is a pain and I am a very experienced DOS user, in today's world you need a good professional AV product it's worth every penny.

  5. The process is very simple your domain name remains registered with GD (or whoever) so all renewals are thru them. Within the domain name configuration with GD is a nameservers option you simply change these ip addresses to match your host DNS addresses.

    That way the two are kept separate and should you wish to change hosts in the future you simply change the nameservers in GD control panel.

  6. Padang Besar is very easy and you can take your car through without any special paperwork, I think the limit is 24 hours. You can walk across if you wish but it is a fair old walk and with no footpaths not very pleasant.

    I've been there many times, now when I go I pay 60 baht for motorbike taxi by far the quickest and easiest way.

    There is also a reasonable duty free with good prices on booze etc.

  7. I have also been looking at cheap smart phones. I am currently looking at the Motorola Quench XT502 - it's now down to 6500 baht. Opinions from you smart phone experts would be appreciated.

    As I live in the middle of nowhere, I'm not interested in 3G. I've watched all the youtube reviews and although nobody raves about it for 6500 baht it seems to tick most of (my) the boxes. (apart from the terrible name).

    I would love a HTC Desire HD, but I just can't justify it.

  8. Well no more rain at the moment, water got up to about 10cm in the house, although it has cleared now. We are now facing more serious problems potential health risks. We currently have no running water and all the drains are backed up.

    There is over 2 meters of water out the back of the house, which is obviously becoming dirtier by the minute. I suspect a plaque of mosquitoes tonight, I have already got a load of coils ready and have isolated one room completely for sleeping.

    The other problem is the smell, this water is fast becoming stagnant and already stinks.

    One the positive side the sun is out and we have a small market, although we did get relief supplies yesterday (5kg rice, tinned fish, noodles etc) I was impressed by the speed of the help. We are thankful for a great local community who have all helped each other. Yesterday we even had teams of locals coming round asking if we needed help cleaning up, so for me the only falang for miles around I am very impressed with my Thai friends and neighbors.

  9. Woke up this morning to 5cm of water downstairs. It's not too bad a least we knew it was coming, spent most of last night moving everything upstairs. It was quite a party atmosphere with all my Thai neighbors helping each other.

    Apparently it's a lot worse further south with many people coming up here, a lot of wife's family have already evacuated. It's not raining at the moment in fact it feels quite hot although no sun.

    I still have power and internet so I'm staying put.

  10. Why not forget Ranong (it's a dump) head south do your visa run at the Malaysian border (good duty free) Hat Yai, Songkla then up the east coast.

    Stop over in Trang on the way down, if you wanted to be really adventurous take the kids to Genting Highlands in Malaysia.

  11. I have always used the Pegan Basar (unsure of spelling) crossing not Sadao.

    Many times in the past I used to pre-arrange for a driver from HY airport to take me to the border, this was a all-in package from an agent in Phuket. He would always take me through the border (stopping first to fill in exit/entry cards, last time the Malaysians didn't use them just swiped my passport, but this seems to change).

    You can walk between the two although it is a fair walk with no pavement, I did the first time lol. A motorbike to take you across costs 60 baht and is excellent because you bypass most of the queues, and is very quick.

    As for bus services, I have never used them but there a service between the border and Hat Yai, not sure about airport to border, doubtful. If I were you and have booked a ticket from an agent in BKK I would ask if they can arrange a taxi to the border, I know you may think this would be expensive but it's then hassle free, he will be waiting for you with your name on a sign, the guy that I used to take me drove a Volvo, spoke good English.

    The duty free shop between borders at Pegan Basar is also pretty good for booze, the driver I used always stopped there (he got commission), but the prices where still good.

    I don't do this now as I live in Trang and always drive myself to the border, but still take a motorbike taxi, because it's so easy.

  12. This FLOAT property is great. I continue changing also other posts now in my blog to reduce the size of the embedded videos, and now I have run up against another problem. In the post below, the two BR tags towards the end of the post, before the text "The two last songs songs:", have no effect and I cant't figure out why, tried everything with P and DIV tags.


    This is the code:

    <div>Lugano is host to the <a href="http://www.swiss-harley-days.ch/shd.cfm?pageid=106〈=en">Swiss Harley</a> Days as part of <a href="http://www.agendalugano.ch/estivalugano/">estivaLugano</a>, hundreds of glorious Harley-Davidson machines in all squares and streets, but it was <a href="http://www.djangomania.it/html/new.html">Djangomania</a> that lured me into town tonight. This is what the festival program says about them:
    <br /><br />
    <em><span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">“Djangomania” offers an original performance, a tribute of Django Reinhardt, traditional manouche music and popular italian songs from the fifties. Fresh, dynamic and intense.</span></em>
    <br /><br /></div>
    <div><span style="float:left;">  Amore, baciami</span>   <span style="float:right";> Instrumental piece </span></div>
    <div><object width="200" height="160" style="float:left; margin-right: 1em;">
    <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ekzuahwc3J8&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param>
    <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
    <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ekzuahwc3J8&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="200" height="160"></embed></object>
    <object width="200" height="160" style="float:right;">
    <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0OZHkTVy7u0&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param>
    <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
    <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/0OZHkTVy7u0&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="200" height="160"></embed></object></div>
    <div><br /><br />
    The two last songs songs:
    <br />
    <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.google.com/reader/ui/3523697345-audio-player.swf?audioUrl=http://www.mdn.fm/files/183700_uyv7r/20100616%20Djangomania.mp3" width="300" height="30" allowscriptaccess="never" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" wmode="window" flashvars="playerMode=embedded"> </embed></div>

    P.S. Note to myself: change the last line of text to "The last two songs"

    You probably just need to use the clear command - <br style="clear:both;" /> after the end of your div.

  13. Amazing it looks like 3 people posted at the same time lol

    You could try something like this, it will work dependant on the parent containers' width. This also assumes you don't have access to the style sheet. If you do, you could simply assign ID's to object and paragraph and then address them via the style sheet. The break clear:all may not be needed.

    <object width="200" height="160" style="float:left;">
    <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HGOd7LekaI0?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param>
    <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
    <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HGOd7LekaI0?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" 
    allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="200" height="160">
    <p style="float:left; margin: 0 5px;">Two days ago, on my way to the dentist, I was for the first time driven accross the Bhumipol bridge that was 
    opened for traffic in September 2006. Very impressive construction.</p>
    <br style="clear:both;" />

  14. If you are still looking for someone to harvest your trees my wife's cousin is looking for extra work in Phuket. He is living there with his wife but they are from Trang (big rubber producing area). He is a skilled cutter.

    I tried to PM you but got a message saying you are not in the message system. Anyway if you are still in need please PM me (if you can).



  15. I'm also about to get started on building a website.

    Is it possible to construct a site (commercial) that will upload to facebook simultaneously?? Or even a site that takes what you upload to facebook and adds it to your website??

    Depends on what you mean by upload to FB, there are various methods of integrating content into Facebook, from Like button, authentication, displaying friends etc. You can also add some meta tags to your site so that it is seen by Facebook as a Fan Page.

    In terms of getting content visible in FB I would recommend using RSS to distribute your content, then you can use one of the many RSS Facebook Applications to publish links to your content, I use RSS Graffiti which also sends out a Tweet on twitter and uses bit.ly URL shortening.

    The best thing sbout this solution is that it's all free.

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