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Posts posted by onni4me

  1. Ever been to Chiangmai? Know anything about its history and its 'brick walls'? Ah, didn't think so....stupid comment from an ignorant farang that forgot we are guests here.

    Been there about ten or so times. And yes, i do know a thing or two about the now-so-polluted-garbage-dump-called-Chiang-Mai. A city that's past is far greater than the present.

    And yes, we are guests but for myself am leaving for new pastures. Thailand is becoming more and more xenophobic with other aspects matching it. Lived here over a decade and had enough with people like you who like see themselves as Farang guest without a right to voice an opinion. Somehow, I never have had any flack from Thais. They are much nicer than an average TV Forum commentator with enormous ego and a bias to match it.

  2. Some of these structures were built about the same time your ancestors were painting themselves with woad. They are fragile, so if everyone did as they pleased nothing would be left of them in short order.

    I recommend a trip to Halong Bay in Vietnam if you want to see the damage excessive tourism can do.

    Fairly obvious from your comments who is clueless.

    I suppose The Great Wall of China is such a fragile and old thing? No? Why, I wonder...

    And these kind of places need constant care and renovating to attract tourists and keep toruism economy floating but here in LOS the answer is always the same sounding: Mai pen rai!

    There is a big difference keeping tourists happy and letting them destroy things. You might not acknowledge such separation but I can.

    Regarding my knowledge on the matters, I do have an MA (Master of Arts) and rather deep knowledge about many things on the field of culture. I see no harm done here. Not even worth the 500 Baht. When there are no well-kept attractions but mere ruins - holy or whatever - these kind of acts happen. Did it somehow become clear to anyone why these brisks are holier than similar bricks elsewhere? i have never heard of city wall that was holy. Maybe the first.

  3. Yeah, okay.

    100000 Baht fine and immediate deportation for the following acts:

    - Shirtless in public

    - Wearing wife beater with Chang logo printed on it

    - Beer guts

    - Being foreigner

    - Climbing stupid brick walls

    - Climbing anything for that matter

    - Being drunk or intoxicated in public

    - Going into a karaoke or go-go bar

    Must say I didn't suspect there to be so many tight-asses but TV never fails to surprise.

    Yeah, and they did something wrong but looking what Thais and some other people engage with in this country I would say it was pretty harmless.

  4. Victim: Sacred wall of bricks.

    I must laugh. Seems most TV members are clueless <deleted> that have never done anything fun and naughty.

    In China - I have heard - they have this wall made out of bricks...

    Why BTW most of the Thai monuments are like this? More or less of piles of nothing? They could be renovated to the level that tourist would like to take selfies. You know, tourism and all...

  5. Publicus sees racism everywhere. That 120 kilo black monster robbing you with a gunpoint is just your evil imagination.

    With a little more realism...I like simple explanations rather than this racism BS. In my native country the street cops are the most negative towards immigrants.

    Explanation lies in the fact that they are the ones dealing with these people...

  6. Yesterday I was contemplating that there are many passive-aggressive personalities in this country. They are educated to keep quiet when parents or elders speak. Behave good with hiding their true feelings and muffling down their own opinions.

    Anyone familiar what follows sees no surprise that they become erratic when the boiling point has been reached. They hide the real reasons and feelings behind the facade but when the dam finally bursts, one never know what happened.

    This relates to overall relationships also. A passive-aggressive person is there to create the misery and frustration to other person also. He or she doesn't - and mostly can't - express his own feelings in a constructive way and communicate with partner or family member. And when the other party finally explodes feeling deserted, lonely, frustrated and disconnected from this monster, he hangs the guilt and blames all on the person that is been the victim of long-running passive-aggressive behavior.

    On the other hand, as the mother did here, when he is not given what he wants and gets silent treatment (which should be his monopoly), he goes on revenge. I suspect that this personality treat is common in both sexes due to the way Thais "educate" their children. And more likely that males are more rampant in their outbursts. Pure speculation but in the larger context I am sure that it's quite widespread.

    Despicable person. And hope he gets thrown in jail.

  7. I know, it is hard to grasp for US- citizens, but in Germany we tried to learn from the past!

    It is not hard just to US citizens. I am European and simply say that either you have the freedom of speech, which Europe was built on, or you don't.

    I wish you Germans all the very best with your PC lives but let us that are not German live our lives without your influences.

    Adn when it comes to Mutti and EU, it will fall. All socialistic systems eventually will. They run out of other peoples money.

  8. Up to you. One needs to know a lot about the local situation giving any advice and IMHO you are in the wrong place to ask here. Or you expect TV contributors have some clairvoyant abilities when it comes to location, price and...*gasp*...future?

    Are you the same guy asking similar thing few weeks ago? I remember someone asking about a plot on Krabi that was so CHEAP, a real bargain? Go for it!

    I really suspect that you are a businessman or long-term resident of Thailand if you need to come here asking such questions...

  9. hub of transportation in the region

    Hubba hubba to yourselves...

    I suppose 'transport' in this case refers to logistics and so on. I have some knowledge on the matter and if we look what percentage of final product these "transportation" cost make, it is something like 12% in Thailand.

    12% !!!

    I have a Thai friend that needs regularly to take stuff from harbor to his shops around the country. He was so fed up with the costs that he mentioned it being more from harbor here to his shops than from China to the harbor.

    He finally bought his own truck...

    As a comparison, in Europe average cost for product is 5-7 %

    Big companies can squeeze that to 2-3 %

    Thailand is overprotective with its attitudes and continues to shoot itself in the foot. They should open up the competition for logistic companies and then maybe then they could talk about becoming a transportation hub.

    I don't see that happening anytime soon.

  10. I wager that this new crack down on visa overstayers is going to last no more than 6 months...

    Simpleton's analysis

    "...............when I came here first time a decade and a half ago, I needed just to fill an application and got a Non-O next day."

    Really?.........................Lucky duck, just like that?

    To Hobobo:

    Yes, I look things as I see them. Your comment does not seem to bring anything to the discussion either. I've been here long time and seen things change and not always for the better. I'd like them to make it more simple and easier.

    To Ratcatcher:

    Yes. That was true then. Year 2000 and later I still got a Non-O just doing that. Paying the fee and filling the application. It was a consulate in my native country, not an embassy. My point was to say that it used to be a lot easier and it still could be but now we just need to do more silly bureaucratic moves for it that some seem to get so excited about.

    Generally speaking, I've had many dealings over the years and not all pleasant. Different officials interpret the law and regulations differently which I see as an overall nuisance. I would like them to leave married couples and those with families alone once the status quo has been established. At the moment one is never sure what new silliness they come up with next and all the time wasted and money spent on this so-important-nothing I see as a way to tell us that we are not really welcome. Be it a month or decades.

    And yes, in my country we have very strict laws upheld but once the status of a married foreigner is established, he or she has the same rights as a native. Including social welfare, work permit, medical care etc. Something what we Farangs can just dream of here. So, if you feel that this country is so lovely in all aspects, I tend to disagree.

  11. I wager that this new crack down on visa overstayers is going to last no more than 6 months. By that time the officials are fed up dragging elderly(?) guys to the slammer with no money or means to pay the penalties and a ticket home where they have nothing. They will find out that these 'international criminals' are not-so-well-off-guys that simply can't afford paying the fees of visa business.

    That's what I think.

    BTW, waiting these holier-than-thou people, when I came here first time a decade and a half ago, I needed just to fill an application and got a Non-O next day. So, to all that say one needs to jump all the hola-hoops, it used to be more simple and much easier. What has changed? Not much except the level of nonsense. Those were the times.

  12. And markets valued this in 15 minutes as nothing had happened...it is going to crash and central banks are out of options.

    ECB president Mario Draghi pulled out a bazooka today with a package that allegedly exceeded expectations.

    1. QE goes from €60bn to €80bn
    2. ECB to buy corporate bonds
    3. ECB Cut the deposit rate to -0.4% from -0.3%
    4. The main refinancing rate fell by 5 basis points to 0 percent

    The Financial Times reported “The euro dropped sharply in response to the package of measures – a clear sign that the central bank had manage to excel even aggressive expectations.”


    Second Thoughts

    It’s not the news that matters, it’s the market’s reaction to it. The market had strong second thoughts.


    That’s a huge 2.7% swing in about 3 hours.

    So much for the bazooka theory. Is this a “clear sign” Draghi failed?


  13. If OP has to ask members of this forum, he should forget it. He fails to mention the skills/background education of his wife and what she is able to do and what she used to do. Also no mention of the capital input. Does OP think 50K Baht or 50 million Baht? I would estimate ROI to be around 7-12% to a well-managed and kept and thought business if one pulls it through. So for a million Baht one could get 70000-120000 Baht yearly which is not high.

    My family has business and at the moment the income is not great. People are not spending. But since we have little expenses, we are okay. It took years of studying the marjet, getting skilled and experience before we got where we are now. Somehow the Op expects his wife being able to score profits from the start? Or do I misinterpret him? I say it takes quite a while before any business makes good return and a lot of patience.

    Judging by his lack of input, I believe he is just pulling our leg.

  14. Consider also:

    1. If your wife dies than what?

    2. You said you believe the seller can be trusted...mistake...big one...

    3. You seem affluent enough. Why not just rent? I would get really bored on an island after a while. Plus before mentioned lack of services etc.

    4. Small community can be good thing or then not. Do you really know the people so well? You might be able to trust your wife but how about the others?

  15. You can't own it your name and looking at things how they are developing just now I would wait for a democratic election to take place and proper government elected before investing anything here.

    And if you are thinking of just your own use for a house, it's not a good investment IMHO.

    I believe how things are developing there will be better offers but regarding the fact that small places are very corrupt, you have no chance making any money.

    But up to you, as they say. In my experience nobody ever listens any advice, good or bad. In their case, everything is always different.

  16. ....I do everything legally while in Thailand. Always have. I was a day overstay only once in 12 years

    Contradicting yourself in first sentence. If I would be holier-than-thou it doesn't matter who's fault it was, you broke the law!

    I'm not being self righteous, belligerent, pompous or what have you. I'm obeying the law.

    Just feeling tad better than the rest of us then, I suppose? You would stand naked on your head if that would be the law. I got it.

    It indeed does rile me up quite a lot to read of people who chose to ignore the line up. You know that feeling when your at a bank or movie and someone just walks to the front of the queue, right in front of you. Same.

    In case they don't do visa runs they definitely do walk in front of you taking your place. You seem to enjoy queues. Hope they change the law so you must do it every week and pay just a bit more. All for your safety and convenience, of course.

    I feel, specially, if what they are doing illegally is affecting MY BUSINESS directly i.e taking customers away from my Legal business, then it is an affront to my honest business acumen.

    So, why don't you go and point them out to related authority? Out of your kindness? Or you aren't sure about their legal status? In my experience, similar businesses enhance the overall financial activity. That is, if your business in up to the competition and provides good product/service.

    For such a law abiding citizen, you seem to concentrate awfully a lot to other people's affairs and making accusations. I'd suggest going out a bit more and enjoy your life. You can't teach others to live theirs.

  17. In my country my married partner would have the same rights as me. Like social welfare, right to stay and getting his/her own passport in about 5 years becoming a national.

    In Thailand, even if married, you have to do ridiculous reporting and if your wife/partner dies you may have big problems staying whether or not you have kids...

    Everyone having a go at people who stay here with or without visa are self-righteous AHoles...just mind your own business and let other people tend to their own.

    I was once one of those overstaying and I was worried but cleared this "crime of the century" at the airport and came back attending my family. Anyone seeing this as a thing to deport me can come and say it to my face. Do not expect nice reply.

    Seems most TV members being holier-than-thou have never experiences drawbacks or bad moments in their lives. If they would have lived and seen life a bit more perhaps they wouldn't be such tight-assed variety?

  18. I feel that this victimless crime and the overall suspicion and hatred(?) towards foreigners is going to make this place more and more unpopular. Word spreads when guys taking care of their families but not being able to do all the necessary paperwork and travel for it get kicked out...

    ...er...thinking about it...maybe I should overstay and get deported for a loooong time...would save me a pretty penny... wai.gif

  19. made a $240,000 down payment

    Buying off-plan property development is risky business. There are so many things that can go wrong. The developer or builder going bankrupt or legal problems and so on.

    Before blaming Trump for everything, I'd like to know the details of the story.

    i would never hand over 240K for something that doesn't exist. I am careful with my money but that's just me. There is a fool born every minute and a fool and his money are easily separated.

  20. Alcohol and possible drugs lead to dangerous and sometimes life-threatening situations. Although, he might've been one that was sober but I very much doubt it.

    I once adviced a friend against going to that crazy party island and he listened and enjoyed Thailand in other ways. I see no point going to somewhere where you might get robbed, poisoned, drugged or possibly sexually abused or even killed. It is an industry feeding on stupid young people.

    And whoever wrote this...

    idyllic Thai island of Koh Phangan

    You must be in a heavily drunken state to see some idyllic in a place that is filled with plastic and garbage and full of noisy drunken druggies blasting music surrounded by local mafia thugs...not my idea of idyllic anyway...

    Lawless islands...very much so and who might be behind the corruption and mafia? I wonder...

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