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Posts posted by onni4me

  1. The UK will not be involved in the EU side of the talks and will have no say on the final terms offered.

    I am saying: if you are out, you are out. And the EU is not obliged to fulfill any wishes the UK might have (and vice versa).

    They can always say NO! to terms offered. Or what you think? Classical ultimatum leading to trade war or worse.

    Or are you in favor or mafia type offers that can't be refused? EU is acting like a thug and not like a democratic union of nations as it was sold to us. Me myself want out and want EU reduced as a free trade zone. Nothing less, nothing more.

  2. If he is happy up to him.

    There are enough guys not looking after themselves and seeing wrinkles, beer gut and blemishes as some kind of attraction.

    IMHO, he doesn't look 35 but some improvement can be seen.

    In my family we have these huge "teabags" under our eyes sometimes making it even necessary to remove them like my uncle has done and I fail to see anything wrong with it. After all, it is ones own body and he can do whatever he wants with it.

  3. So he is basicly saying that people should spend in his shop instead of going abroad for shopping?

    I suggest he makes his product a bargain with good service and possible replacement of damaged item?


    Okay, I will still keep looking elsewhere.

    BTW, I am very familiar with the retail space pricing for some reasons and Central shopping centers are VERY expensive. They are more expensive than some rather nice retail rentals in Europe...that says it all, doesn't it? And to add that they hike the rent every year adds the insult to injury.

    If I want brand goods I buy them from where I get them cheapest and that is not Thailand.

  4. As far as I understand the French government offered them a chance to go to a camp where they could be processed including taking their finger prints...this they refused.

    So, they want and want knowing fully well that they are not entitled to any of it.

    I couldn't care less for them. Judging by the news and video clips it was about time to clear that shanty town riddled with crime.

  5. So democratic...let the party representatives to decide...

    I am not too fond of Trump and suspect that if he is elected that would play into the hands of Clinton, which I would see as even worse option. We've seen what Clintons are all about and nothing would change. One questions is there really no better alternatives than these corrupted speaking heads available?

    Trump might be clever enough to hire more clever advisers than he himself is. That would be the only way he could fulfill his promises of change.

    It seems to me that something is boiling and simmering as they see him as such a threat. I suppose it can only be that they feel that he can't be controlled or blackmailed.

  6. Make things more difficult and expect more tourism. Yeah...in your dreams.

    In today's world getting some permit 10 days in advance to drive your car to some other country sounds like bureaucracy fifty years ago. If no insurance when entering, provide one at the border with a cost. Easy.

    But this is about money. It is not for the luxurious tuk-tuks and scam volunteers called taxi drivers.

    I'd be looking elsewhere. Just my five cents.

  7. The movie was aesthetically well done but since I was born in an arctic country it really annoyed me looking the stupid way they chose to write the storyline. If a real person would have done as Leo did, he would be long dead in the film. For example, no-one can survive arctic temperatures by laying down on cold soil and sleep there unconscious or not. It takes not long to die from hypothermia.

    He was brilliant when younger but lately I see his acting becoming more and more sort of dull routine. Just my opinion. Wouldn't go to see a movie just based on the fact that he is on it.

  8. The number of far-right attacks on migrants...

    I got this far when the article lost all credibility. Germany got about one million so called immigrants/asylum seekers last year and in the light of recent numbers that record will be broken this year. Normal citizens that are affected by this madness are trying to take action.

    Germany is going to get us all into a new disaster that is has created for the third time in a century. She must be delusional imagining her communist-socialistic union will eventually become reality. I personally believe she never grow up from the communist beliefs.

    If something, she is a despicable person.

  9. Yep...not to mention some Christians that have reportedly been thrown overboard...

    Easy solution would be that those irresponsible parents wouldn't drag their children on board...but that is just silly wish since now the daily hoard is over 4500 to Greece.

    Divide et impera version 2.0 They want to establish the Union of EU as Merkel being it's dictator. These people and drowned children are just pawns in this bigger game. Soon they will try to declare emergency and as a only solution they will come up with the United States of Socialism.

    War will follow.

  10. The main change is the people it attracts. When I came it was relatively unknown to a lot of people. A few, not too many, local bars, similar to back home, people of all nationalities used to meet up regularly for a chat and a drink, no bar girls, no bill padding, and no trouble, as more or less everyone knew each other.

    Over the years peoples drinking habits have changed, mine included, and the town does not have that same atmosphere as before. Nearly every bar has bar girls, and you would struggle to find a local bar as they have all moved on.

    Your point about produce in supermarkets is a good one, but exactly how much time per week does one spend in a supermarket ? I, personally, spend as little time as necessary in them.

    The walkways in Khon Kaen are a disgrace and an accident waiting to happen. It is not possible to go for a nice walk, without keeping your eyes fixed to the ground in front of you, to spot the obstacles ahead of you. This includes the walkway around Beung Kaen Nakhorn which I walk regularly.

    Finally, I am not unhappy here, I have a good life, and I enjoy it. But I feel a move to pastures new would be a better option for me, and hope to move on in the near future.

    I don't do bars anymore so can't really tell. I don't like the idea of bar girls either it making Khon Kaen just another illusion filled with available dreams.

    My example about supermarkets was just one way saying not all change is for worse. I like cook my own food so some stuff was hard to come by in earlier years. Now almost everything can be bought in better equipped stores.

    When it comes to infrastructure I tend to agree with you. It is a nightmare to walk or bike around. I recently bought a nice bicycle and been running it on the countryside. Too much dust and pollution and potholes in the city not to mention the traffic that makes it far right dangerous to go around.

    Funnily enough, I have been contemplating that a change of scenery would do good also. I am a bit bored after all these years and probably will exit in 2-4 years time. I suppose, any place looses its charm when you know it intimately. And times, they change too. Not always for the better. I fear that Thailand will eventually become like any other place losing its own character and becoming as pricey as anywhere else. Years ago it was a bargain. Now I am not sure anymore.

  11. what kind of pervert watches those movies anyway? it is just disgusting to see what happens when a man spews all over a womans face! just let the sperm banks eat it all up!


    Although, it's mostly gay porn since I'm gay.

    I usually watch some when my partner is away working somewhere. Saves the relationship when I have an urge to tickle and he is not around. Sometimes I even get an idea or two refresh our bed activities. Nothing wrong with porn. I like to look handsome bodies and daydream sometimes.

    Haven't caught any diseases yet. So it is safe, makes you satisfied when the significant other is not available without domestic troubles and gives nice ideas to improve or try something new.

    One thing I wonder is that who pays for porn? The net is full of it for free.

  12. Then we can add some more info to the passport also:

    - committed a crime, whether it was speeding or not paying your taxes or getting drunk in public

    - religion

    - divorced/adultery

    - employed/unemployed

    - DNA sample

    - any nutters in family

    - annual income/wealth

    Soon we will arrive to paradise, it's called Dystopia.

    Whatever happened to done your jail time and having a second chance? Will this be denied from now on?

  13. I've been here ten and a half years, not many people remain here that were around then.

    Ask anybody if it is as good as, say, two or three years ago. Ninety plus percent will tell you it is not.

    I've been around 10+ years also and I am in that 10% minority.

    If I understand it right you still live in Khon Kaen and yet are not happy. So what has changed according to you?

    I see KK has grown, becoming more modern - and expensive - and having more places to go. On top of that various supermarkets have improved the selection of food variety and I can easily find what I am looking for.

    Regarding the city center I try to avoid it during rush hours and would not like to live in center since the traffic and pollution is quite high.

    Things change and I think for the better.

  14. "Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."

    There, proved that both the "popular website moderator" and you are incorrect and that with just 15 words.

    And you for one, didn't have anything of your own to say but needed to quote Benjamin Franklin.

    Yes, one might say something significant or amusing in a single sentence but to explain his point of view with examples and convince others of it, takes a bit more.

  15. As JD notes above there is little "peace & harmony" in the average Thai village! I live about 1k between 2 Thai villages, if one village is not producing vast amounts of noise the other is!

    They have little respect for each other and even less for the Farang visitor!

    Sigh...wasn't this about helping the OP find some places to exercise and train and have activities?

    If you don't like the villages, keep away from them then. Simple.

    I have lived in a village nearby KK for many years. People are some good, some bad. Some poor, some affluent (by Thai standards). I have never had any problems with them and what we have agreed has been done as said. My family is respected here and they keep me well informed what's going on and so on.

    I think that showing up in any Thai village with a lady from a certain kind of a bar, is an instant mark for Thais to know what kind of people they are dealing with. Respect is not given, it is earned.

  16. If you into swimming and gym, this place is okay


    If I remember correct they give 3 day trial for free and monthly 1800 Baht or a years membership 12K. It's a new place with nice amenities and not very crowded.

    Don't believe all the BS that old sourpusses give you here. Khon Kaen is a great city with all kinds of possibilities. If you gang up with the permanently drunk barflies, don't expect any rewards.

    The language barrier is stronger here since locals speak very little English but in my estimate those who don't constantly drink or get involved in some kind of scam, are generally friendly and nice people. It takes it's time to get to know the good guys. Those seeking immediately your friendship are best avoided.

  17. Awhile ago a popular website moderator complained that younger people posting on his site have no hold of grammar or punctuation and neither they can produce more than few lines of drivel. He has maintained 800 words as a minimum of submission saying that anything less there probably will be nothing worthwhile to read. I tend to agree.

    Sites - or rather apps - like Twitter, are limited to very few words indeed. A sign of our less-than-intellectual times, I suppose.

    Whatever one thinks of Stephen Fry, I enjoy his take on things and his humor. In this world of mediocrity he is a shining beacon. *Inappropriate phrase removed* I miss the wit of Oscar Wilde and the likes.

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