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Posts posted by david555

  1. 52 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    And now ?  Negociate with a PM, of which the EU also does not havbve the faintest idea, the concluded agreement holds in Parliament ?

    Or the next PM ?

    Let the HoC come with a complete proposal or at least some alternatives. The EU learnt, with whatever the next PM-Joker with her/his crew comes with.. has close-to no value. Or do you think, there were no British diplomats, government specialists etc also involved in the negociations, only Terisa May ? 

    As long the H.O.C keep having the same power structures any deal shall be declined by one side or another side , now even more as Nigel Farage is interfering , it start looking like a Syria warlords situation ….lucky only in politic way … too many different interests and strange alliances  .

    So in which way to expect a solution ,...sure not from E.U. side 

    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Actually they are not the same at all.


    Boris has come down firmly and committed himself and the Leavers in the Tory party to leave one way or the other on 31st October.


    Teresa May, Philip Hammond and the Remainers want to fight Brexit to the bitter end. I guess that they never wanted to leave the EU and so ignored their mandate (which was to leave) because they "knew" better than the electorate.


    Hopefully at the next general election they will be unceremoniously they will be tossed out of their seats and get NO promotion to the HoL. 


    It will be cleaned up with or without the assistance of the EU.


    same same was meant at it is 1 party , even different fractions , they sacrificed  your U.K. for party interests in which up today they failed , and I think the E.U. has not one  interest to assist in the repair of them...5555 lol 

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    The chaos that he inherited from the Remainer PM, Theresa May who lied from the first day by saying that the UK WOULD Brexit and that a no deal was better than a bad deal.


    If she had DONE the job that she took on then Brexit would be over and done with. As it is she dragged it out slowly and painfully for the people of the UK for more than 3 years.

    Same same as coming both from the " catfight conservative party " it's your U.K. mess so clean it up a best way possible ,good luck.

    • Like 1
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  4. 11 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    If the UK pays for some agreed future projects, will the UK be able to benefit from those projects I wonder. If not then we shouldn't have to pay that part. 


    Judging by the EU's disgraceful behaviour shutting the UK out of the Galileo project (after the UK contributed hugely with development expertise, and €1bn), I don't think the EU can claim any moral high ground on future obligations.  

    Are you sure that 1 bn€ . Galileo is not taken in consideration when making that bill ….? Who knows … none of us from both sides where present when calculated ...so maybe yes , maybe not ...

  5. 1 hour ago, Miami007 said:

    Does anyone believe that the USA under the current president will give a favorable deal to the UK? 

    Or is it more likely that the USA will take advantage of the situation and the president can talk about his great deal for the USA?

    "The pig for sacrifice is arrived ….." is a Nigerian proverb....

    Very "Trump" applicable...  ????

  6. 2 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    It's not opinion. It's a fact. The UK haven't agreed to pay anything. The bill was part of the withdrawal agreement. The EU can, of course, renegotiate the deal and bring the payment into scope, but as long as the agreement is binned, so is the payment.


    Ever heard of the expression "you can't have your cake and eat it (too)"?

    I guess not...

    :whistling::coffee1::wink: Whatever you find …. E.U. see different and …. no payment no trade deals …. nothing of all your opinions can change that .

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, puipuitom said:



    Maybe time to do some reading first ?  Google and "UK divorse bill"... starts with… as it is the UK obligations to the budget as agreed… but some time already passed, so less of the budget period left, so .. 39 Bn is already reduced.

    Second: where you got the rest of the nonsense from ?  Italians 6 hours lunch break ( google with "working hours per day in Italy" ) … French to continue to fish in UK waters... ( Google with "French fish rights in UK waters after brexit" )  

    I know another: British always drunk, cannot behave, always holigans, +



    The EU "divorce bill" - Full Fact


    https://fullfact.org › europe › eu-divorce-bill

    Brexit divorce bill - Wikipedia


    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Brexit_divorce_bill


    Spring naar History of the negotiations - The Brexit financial settlement ('divorce bill') is a sum of money due ... During the 2016 United Kingdom European Union ... decide, it is reasonable that we should make an appropriate contribution.




    The EU divorce bill | The Institute for Government


    https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk › explainers


    28 mrt. 2018 - What was under negotiation in the EU divorce bill? ... But it also makes clear that around half consist of payments the UK will make during the ...




    Brexit: What would happen if UK decided not to pay the £39bn divorce ...


    https://www.independent.co.uk › ... › UK › UK Politics


    10 jun. 2019 - The EU says the sum covers commitments already made by the UK at ... of the UK not paying the divorce bill would be to wait for it to be paid.




    Brexit: the financial settlement - Commons Library briefing - UK ...


    https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk › CBP-8039


    14 mrt. 2019 - ... 'exit bill' or 'divorce bill' - sets out how the UK and EU will settle their ... the WA's implementation – made up of representatives from the UK ...




    Brexit divorce bill: what is it and how does it affect talks? | Politics | The ...


    https://www.theguardian.com › politics › jun › brexit-d...


    20 jun. 2017 - The precise nature of the bill is dependent on what the relationship ... promises the UK made during its period as a member state are kept, even ...




    Brexit: Does the UK owe the EU £39bn? - BBC News


    https://www.bbc.co.uk › news › uk-politics-48586677


    25 jul. 2019 - He was referring to the UK's "divorce bill" from the European Union (EU). ... EU budget commitments made while the UK was still a member of ...




    Brexit divorce bill explained: Why the UK needs to pay the EU to leave ...


    https://qz.com › brexit-divorce-bill-explained-why-the-...


    21 nov. 2017 - The UK is reportedly thinking of doubling its offer to €40 billion ($47 billion). ... Everything you need to know about the Brexit “divorce bill”.


    I gave op on my opponent, as it is hopeless to see how they see it , finally it is simple, if they believe there is no bill to pay …. let them no pay ….they are happy …, and E.U. not agreed and so don't start ANY trade deal as result …. simple isn't it , both have their way, E.U. don't trade and another stalemate ...End of that story and beginning of other things ...

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Forethat said:

    I'm sorry mate, but I have NO clue what you're talking about.

    You said, quote:

    There IS no breach of contract. Your claims are incorrect. You don't don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. No one knows what you're talking about.


    Just to once again clarify the legal position:

    The UK haven't agreed to pay one single penny. The UK are not obliged to pay anything to the EU. There is no breach of contract. There is no agreement.

    That's the whole point.



    keep rehearsing that endlessly , but it wont change the fact of that debt existing  ….

    Better we stop this as we both are on different opinions and would become endless discussion 

    • Confused 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    What are you on about? We haven't agreed to pay a penny. The £39B settlement bill was part of the PROPOSED withdrawal agreement that was rejected by the UK parliament on THREE different occasions. Rejected. 


    Perhaps you're simply uninformed?

    I think you better wake up from that idea , as nothing go move on trade deals with. U.K after Brexit in such case , I am even surprised they took long to react on that treat  , and as you know they are very persistent to follow their announcements  as from Brexit's beginning they never changed their red lines 

  10. 18 minutes ago, Handsome Gardener said:

    Right so it goes like this :-


    We AGREE a £39b divorce bill - we then renege on that AGREED deal withholding money as an amateur bargaining chip. The EU don't play ball and the UK get to keep £30b or so - well done UK. But hang on.....


    Next day the UK calls the EU and says listen lads we've got <deleted> all trade deals of any substance as the US deals are years away and we've walked away from the ones we had with you, oh and you're not getting the £30b we agreed to.


    Right lets sort out some trade deals together , oh and while we're talking to the US we'd appreciate it if you didn't use your £15trillion GDP advantage over us to undercut us - how do you think that's going to go ?


    Bojo should be paying that £39b just to grease the wheels of any deals coming down the tracks!


    Seriously are there ANY brexiteers on here that have even been in business ?

    Are you consider this as U.K. blinking ..? E.U. should not accept this as blinking …, just calling it an effort to conclude you go finally pay your "leavers contract breach  bill ".....and then talk about trade


  11. 24 minutes ago, batata said:

    the main reason was because they are an island, not part of EU mainland, there must be a (good) reason why (le channel) La Manche is where it is

    I suspect the pre historic French dig that channel and pushed the piece  into the North sea …., as then already they saw they could never live with them together …..:cheesy: 

    We the rest of Europe, should be grateful to the Frenchie's ????

    • Haha 1
  12. just now        Boris can whistle it this time....


    Jennifer Rankin in Brussels

    Mon 26 Aug 2019 10.10 BST


    EU 'would block trade deal if Britain reneged on Brexit bill' 
    UK must honour its debts before starting to negotiate trade deal, say Brussels sources

    The European Union would refuse to negotiate a trade deal with the UK if the government reneged on the Brexit bill, EU sources have said.

    At the G7 summit in Biarritz, Boris Johnson said it was a “simple statement of reality” that the UK would withhold much of the £39bn financial settlement agreed by Theresa May, in the event of a no-deal.Brussels sources have warned that future trade talks would be blocked until the UK agreed to a settlement.

    The financial settlement was a “totemic” issue for EU member states, one official said. “The message will be ‘honour your debts, or we are not even going to start talking about a trade deal,” the source said, reflecting a widespread view among diplomats.



    • Haha 1
  13. 10 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    The question is whether there's a legally binding agreement that makes UK financially liable for projects that are not directly related to UK.


    For instance, EU agreed to part fund the Construction of the S5 motorway between Nowe Marzy and Bydgoszcz in Poland. The project was drafted April 11 2019. The EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributes €255,1M through EUs Infrastructure and Environment programme. This is an example of a project where - according to EU - UK is financially liable. If the projects overspends (which it is likely to), May's deal states that UK should pay for that as well.


    So the question is, should UK even pay for this motorway in the first place Of course not. It is equivalent to a divorce where the husband and wife agrees to build a house. Before the house is built the wife wants to divorce and the husband then claims that she should pay for the construction of the house. In EU terms, if the wife doesn't pay, they will beat her up. In addition, the husband has decided that if he wants to change the plan and add a swimming pool, a four car garage and a wine cellar, the wife should pay for that as well. 


    While I'm at it, please find attached a map outlining a few future EU infrastructure projects around Europe that are part funded by the so called 'settlement bill'. The black and red 'lines' on the map indicate new railways and motorways - most of them receiving hundreds of millions of Euros in EU funding . There are a couple of regional projects in the UK as well, mostly related to broadband improvements and fibre optic cable work valued at a couple of million Euros.


    No, there's neither a moral nor legal obligation for UK to pay EU one single dime.


    Screenshot 2019-08-26 at 09.40.43.png

    "The question is whether there's a legally binding agreement that makes UK financially liable for projects that are not directly related to UK."



    I understand your point as divorce announced …., but , question is ….. extensions are made more than once ….and this could or should make you still a member …..difficult judging , like always ...U.K. even more 1 foot in 1 out .

    I think E.U. would never accepted anymore a member in this way 


    De Gaulle was clairvoyant long before , we must admit...

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