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Posts posted by ozzieovaseas

  1. I'd like to remind the posters on this thread of the rules against referencing prostitution, including bargirls- which seems to have been stretched even on the first post. I will probably not bother cleaning the thread up, so if it doesn't behave itself it gets closed.

    Oh, and on topic: you were sooooo cheap. I think you should give her 500,000B a month at least!!

    Sorry for my part of the profanities,i just couldnt help it!

    As for 500,000 a month!!...

    Goddamn ill shave my own head and paint a pretty face in lipstick and walk backwards for that!!

  2. Thanks all...Ive had a great laugh reading the various replies on this one.

    The thing i dont understand is this:

    If you have a bargirl budget of 20,000 per month then why not go buy a different one every night???

    If you are really that way inclined im sure some suburban trawling with a 1000 baht note could find you some rather welcoming company.

    Surely there are many benefits:

    a. you get to choose a different one every night.

    b. you only have to do the monday to friday shift (at 1000 per night,costing 5000 per week) and have a well earned rest on the weekends!

    c. No-one hanging around nagging and hitting you up for more cash.

    d. Dont have to hide your bank records

    AND NO! i dont say this from personal experience!

    I actually have a monthly budget of not much more than 20 000 for my own living expenses!

  3. And JFTR plachon...

    I agree with some of what you said, but the tone of your letter seems to insinuate that ukme is showing some attention seeking traits? I dont think that is the case at all..he says he was somewhat a recluse when going home,which i can also relate to.I actually shyed away from talking about Thailand to much as i know how it can be annoying when someone comes home from a trip making your ears bleed with the whole jamie durie travellog thing.

    I think some of the "shit" he is talking about also comes from the presumption that every single guy that goes to thailand is going there for the sole reason to shag his guts out..as "WHY ELSE WOULD A GUY GO TO THAILAND??"...this is a question i got from an EX female friend whom i thought knew me.I just stood there in stunned silence.

    It is sometimes hard to see the good in others and forgive the negatives when about 80% females will automatically brand you with the "sleazy stick" for no reason other than you're male

  4. yeh i must say ive heard some of those,especially the grass hut one.

    You just have to laugh it off..they may be ignorant and have no idea what they are talking about but in all honesty i could probably have said the same things when i was younger and untravelled.

    I suppose if many people think like this it will at least save T.L from becoming to overcrowded!!

  5. Goddam mate..looking at your words is like looking at a carbon copy of my thoughts when i went home..exactly in the way that you are describing too..right down to the people and the way they think and how they change towards you.It really sucks..you can get really strung up about if you let it

    you can shake your head constantly wondering why those closest to you couldnt just listen,and have an ounce of understanding and spend a couple of minutes thinking of something other than themselves and how their idea of life is the one and only right way....OR you can just feel a tad sorry for them for having that outlook on life.

    The thing that REALLY pissed me off was the complete refusal of those close to offer anything remotely constructive or positive to my experiences.

    For example one person..when i shared a very hearwarming story about my time teaching at an english camp...went on a rant of vitriol about phedophiles and how Thailand was full of them and how she wouldnt want to be involved and how i should watch my back in case i am somehow caught up in it...

    F...... unbelievable!!!

  6. YES..I know exactly what you are all on about,so i thought id bore you all with my new found psychology skills..

    After my first trip to BK in 2007 i went back home to Australia with a plan to work flat out for a year or so then pack up the house,get it rented out and get the hel_l out as fast as i could and hope i never had to come back.

    Ive just passed the three months stage and am going great guns,although each day i am filled with both joy and dread..joy for being here,being able to have this life and dread for the thought of having to go home at some stage.

    I believe we experience a definate shift in conciousness when we delve out of our own culture and into someone elses.We have basically grown up in a society where competition,jealousy and envy dictates the way we interact with each other and after years of this sort of conditioning we seem to be inbuilt with a fixation to be "better" than the next guy.

    Ego plays the lead role as ego is the ultimate judge and jury of how we percieve ourselves as being a success or failure in life.Ego makes us believe our life is made of possessions,positions and status,therefor our whole self worth in life is based on these things alone...this is who we are,PERIOD

    The cruel part is that ego can never be satisfied.

    When we travel we are without all these things and we discover there is a real thinking,unique individual person lurking beneath even when all the trappings of life are gone.The things that were important to us no longer have the same pull.

    Without the house,the flash car,the suit and tie cover-up we are alone in our own skin.Our survival instincts have awakened and we are once again centred on life in the here and now.

    So its only normal when we go home and see every one playing "the game" it all seems very childish.After seeing the challenges and hardships faced by our less fortunate fellow man we have a very short tolerance for bullshit and you see our former way of life for exactly what it is.

    And YES, the fact that others treat you like a leper because they are jealous doesnt help.

    For me i guess the thing is not letting their behaviour make you bitter and cynical.Do what you can to help others see the positive changes in you and try to convey that you are not trying to spruke about your experiences to somehow elevate yourself and make them feel bad.

    At the end of the day anyone can do what you have done....you just have to be thankful you were able to do it.

  7. Every so often in the history of international affairs, a great transnational turbulence shakes the foundations of the world and brings many of its older structures tumbling to the ground, as we witnessed in 1919, 1945 and 1989. In the confusion and babble that follow, it's difficult to see through the dust and recognize the shape of the altered strategic landscape.

    Peering through the wreckage of the past year's financial crisis, it seems clear that every nation was a loser in 2008. The world's developed economies have taken a heavy beating, whether measured by their collapsing industrial production, tumbling exports, surging unemployment, frozen credit markets or the near- paralysis of maritime trade.

    Yet we also hear cries of distress across the globe. Vladimir Putin's proud Russia is reeling toward internal collapse. China is sending factory workers home to the countryside. The International Monetary Fund is trying to rescue Iceland and Ukraine from economic oblivion. Brazil's currency is plummeting against the U.S. dollar. And the brief honeymoon for commodity-exporting African countries is over. Which national economy didn't take a blow to the head in this annus horribilus?

    When the dust settles, will we see all countries equally battered, like the streets of Dresden after the Allied bombings in February 1945? Will every power simply have taken several steps backwards, so that the "order of things" that existed in January 2008 will be the same in december 2009? I doubt it?

    In the midst of general turmoil, there are always relative winners and losers. Those who are likely to lose most in the coming year will include Russia, Venezuela and Iran (too dependent on oil), most of Africa and Latin America (too tied to commodities), and Japan, Taiwan and South Korea (too wedded to exports, shipping, electronics).

    By contrast, and unless it falls into the trap of a Pakistan war, India will advance; none of its banks (so far) are on the Bear Stearns Cos. track. China will take hits, but that probably means an increase in economic growth of 5 percent or 6 percent, deriving more from domestic development, and less from cheap exports.

    Europe's prospects for 2009 are mixed, which is simply another way of saying that here, too, there will be relative winners and losers. Norway will ride the storm on its still-massive currency reserve and the rest of Scandinavia has strength in depth -- unlike the less competitive economies of East and Central Europe. Germany's combination of ultra-high-quality production, superb infrastructure and financial caution (few Germans use credit cards: Americans, take note!) give it strengths that are lacking in the U.K., France, Italy, Spain, Greece and other European countries that fell for easy credit and large government deficits. Prussian fiscal rectitude will keep the euro high, and compound the dollar's weaknesses.

    The biggest question concerns the United States. My instinct tells me it will lose ground in 2009. I simply don't see how the Treasury can print $1 trillion to cover deficit spending, offer those bills at very low interest rates, and expect foreigners (not Americans, because we don't have the savings) to buy them, persuading the world to keep afloat its greatest debtor since Phillip II of Spain. Why should sensible Chinese investors do that when they can buy Swiss bonds, gold, or Scottish real estate? Yet if Asians decline to buy tens of billions of Treasuries each month in 2009, U.S. interest rates will have to go up again.

    So: India up, China up, Germany up (all relatively). The developing world down, Russia down, most of Europe and Japan down, and President Barack Obama's America down and down.

    The more i think about the catastrophic state of world affairs,global economies going bust,rising bankruptcies and disasterous personal debt, the more i wonder just who is actually hurting the most.

    The countries who have been hopelessely poor in past will remain hoplessly poor long into the future,regardless of the price of oil,gold and the state of stockmarkets.

    Has anyone noticed how citizens of some countries can live in conditions bordering on poverty,yet they still feel the need to have the mod cons,fancy label clothing and drive their brand new Mazda3's into a house and carport that both look a bees fart away from falling in?

    Who's fault is it that these people work there <deleted> off for pittance and struggle to put food on the table because they feel their whole lifes worth is based on trying to keep up with westerners? and for what?..to save face and look good?

    More interestingly,to whom is this pittance going to at the end of the day? and who gains from it?

    The middle class who are better educated with better jobs may have a slightly better quality of life but this is only due to the fact that they are somewhat humble and live within their means...But guess who will be the first to get shafted when the rich bosses and greedy corporations dont achieve their huge projected profits?...and when the CEO's have to find new ways of justifiying their self awarded 8 figure salaries.

    This may be a childish analogy but as a kid i remember playing monopoly with my younger siblings.The more properties and hotels you had gave you the best chance to make more money and bankrupt all the other players,which is of course, the ultimate goal of the game (I remember this well as i was a ruthless little bastard and usually won 9 out of ten games)

    BUT i realized that when i took everyones money the game would be over SO, if i wanted to keep the game going a little longer i had to give some of the money back..then i could go on having fun bankrupting them again and again.

    As we all know there is no such worry in the real world..we want to wrap up the game as soon as possible.

    I guess you can always give a bundle of money to your mates in the finance industry, maybe they can spend it on some new technology that will cut through stone to get to all that precious blood inside.

    Anyway my point is that there must come a time when the rich and greedy (the same 10 percent of the population that controls 80 percent of world wealth) have sucked the system so dry that theres not enough people with enough money left left to buy the constant flow of crap they keep spewing out and forcing down our throats in order to keep their slimy bottomless pockets full....so they cry poor and tell us how things are so bad and everyone is broke...(mind you they dont tell us that their definition of broke is when their accountant wont let them trade-in the ferrari this year and buy the annual new beach house and boat).

    So then Mr Joe Blow down the road, who used to happily spend most of his $500 per week on assorted products he didnt really need, hears about this poor bugger whos got the arse out of his pants with his last 2 bob falling out holes in the pockets and thinks "oh crap i hear these poor people are doing it so tough, i better keep what few bucks i have left for when the shit really hits the fan"

    So then poor mister fatcat loses the last few bob that he could have tossed into the fountain at a casino in monaco.

    I sometimes think the ones who are screaming the loudest are the rich,fat,greedy bastards who have been exploiting the earth and everyone in it for to long..at least i can only hope so anyway.

  8. Hi Everyone ,

    I have just moved to Bangkok from Melbourne , to be with my partner. Together we have started a business here ... So i need to meet some new friends to keep my sanity ..... As i am sure most of you will understand ... I am wondering what i am doing at the moment leaving behind my kids ( 20 & 21 ) , family and friends ..

    Can anyone suggest some groups for me to join to meet some other people here ....

    while i am at it can anyone suggest where i can buy a nice outdoor setting and of course i NEED vegemite !!

    We have booked to go to the Thai visa New Years Eve party so if you see a 41 year old blonde looking lost ,, please say hi

    I look forward to meeting you

    Al the best


    Hi Michelle..

    Was nice to hear your story and I wish you the best for the future.I often wonder if well-wishers back in Australia secret brand me a crazy lunatic for wanting to moove over here,so hearing your story is a welcome testament to the people who actually get out and have a go instead of sitting back home in Australia knocking everyone and everything that is different to their own insular world....So good on ya!

    I see quite a few Aussies on here from time to time and ive got to say that we are not all the beerguzzling,womanising loudmouth middleaged slobs that some would give us credit for.

    Im suprised that somone on here hasnt started a thread for aussies to meet somewhere at some stage,or maybe they have?

  9. BKKRick

    Youve 2 posts desperately looking to meet Austalians when youve only been away for 5 minutes, now i can understand you may miss some Aussie food and Aussie sports and maybe your mother, but why would you want to travel 1000s of miles only to hang out with people from your own country, maybe try mixing with other nationalities they wont hurt you.


    I can understand both your points...but maybe our Aussie mate has been reading the threads about the quality of foriegners in Pattaya!..rayong never looked better

  10. I came across the Australians in Thailand (AIT) club on the Australian Consulate website. They are based in Bangkok apparently, and have 80 members.

    I Had a look at their website. Looks like it may be something I would be interested in joining so as to meet fellow Aussies. I see that they have an Australian Day Gala dinner coming up at some swish hotel on Australian Day, but at 3000baht, it is way to expensive for me.

    Has anyone had any experience with AIT, are all their meeting events so highly priced? If so, this would definately put me off.

    If anyone has any feedback, would be greatful?

    hey old mate...im sorry i havent got any info about the club but i couldnt resist the temptation to have a friendly ozzie to ozzie S***stirr.I see you arc up at the thought of paying 3000 baht for the aussie day function but i noticed another thread where you talk about how you got stung 3000 for a couple of hours on the ran tan chasin thai skirt.haha.

    Sorry just couldnt help that!

    Actually id love to come and have a beer and a yak with you as ive been here nearly two months and have tread your steps already,but i cant afford it and have been off the grog totally for three weeks.Im actually glad i never found any aussies to run amuck with as i managed to somehow spend AU$2500 in my first three weeks here...and christ knows how much it would have been with the help of fellow aussies!

    Your turn to laugh at me...ive been repeatedly ripped off,shouted countless beers to thai pissheads as well as getting myself pissed every night,had lots of massages, shouted many dinners and basically spent,spent,spent mostly on every b..tard except myself..and at one stage i think i might have even been pickpocketed.I laughed it off at first but now i am biding my time at a 4500 baht a month hotel in the suburbs until i go to laos next week.

    Take it from me, you might wanna come home from the party or before you know it you'll be as dazed and confused as a headcount in a tasmanian shearin shed!!!

    The Aussie Expats thing may be ok.

    Maybe I would be a member too,apart from the fact we have dropped 36% in exchange rate in 5 months.

    Can't see too many Aussies moving here permanently.

    Cant believe you guys...Is this is fair dinkum?

    well what can i say..what i wrote is the truth..to right mate fair dinkum,now look i wouldnt tell a fib.

    As for the mooving issue...If you are getting income from a rental property in Australia at the moment (with low interest rates) you are getting good value (if you dont have huge debts of course) so theoretically you shouldnt be in to bad shape considering the difference in the cost of living...even if you only get 20 baht per au$

    I plan to ride out the so-called oncoming financial crisis over here or in a nearby S.E Asia country where visa rules arent so full-on.Getting exchange of around 22-23 baht per $AU is not as good as months ago but on the other hand the baht is falling too,and with the bad tourism predictions it might go lower and offset the aussie dollar losses..lets just hope the experts back home are wrong in predicting a 0.50 aussie dollar soon

  11. hey old mate...im sorry i havent got any info about the club but i couldnt resist the temptation to have a friendly ozzie to ozzie S***stirr.I see you arc up at the thought of paying 3000 baht for the aussie day function but i noticed another thread where you talk about how you got stung 3000 for a couple of hours on the ran tan chasin thai skirt.haha.

    Sorry just couldnt help that!

    Actually id love to come and have a beer and a yak with you as ive been here nearly two months and have tread your steps already,but i cant afford it and have been off the grog totally for three weeks.Im actually glad i never found any aussies to run amuck with as i managed to somehow spend AU$2500 in my first three weeks here...and christ knows how much it would have been with the help of fellow aussies!

    Your turn to laugh at me...ive been repeatedly ripped off,shouted countless beers to thai pissheads as well as getting myself pissed every night,had lots of massages, shouted many dinners and basically spent,spent,spent mostly on every b..tard except myself..and at one stage i think i might have even been pickpocketed.I laughed it off at first but now i am biding my time at a 4500 baht a month hotel in the suburbs until i go to laos next week.

    Take it from me, you might wanna come home from the party or before you know it you'll be as dazed and confused as a headcount in a tasmanian shearin shed!!!

  12. Your right in your assesment that a few of there scenes in "Australia" were a little bit fanciful, but in comparison to the American standard of cinematics where one guy (a Sly stallone,tom cruise or chuck norris) takes on a countries entire army and comes out stunningly victorious without so much as a hair out of place, i thought the story line was kept reasonably humble.

    The terms you metioned (actually pronounced as written "blackfella" and "whitefella") were the terms most originally used in the those days but over the years the aussie's discriminatory vernacular has coined many more names such as coorie or abbo and the much less savoury boong and coon, to name a few.

    Like most of our planets "civilized" nations, our forefathers treated the indigenous natives in ways that could only be described as disgraceful.The forceful taking away of children from families was a practice of the not so distant past but first settlers in certain parts of remote Australia considered it somewhat a sport to hunt down and kill the males in their own environment.

    Such other things you wont see in history books:

    British settlers killing aboriginals in cold blood and taking their hand carved weapons and art (boomerangs, spears,woomeras ect) as souveniers of the kill.

    When later asked of their wives what these mysterious artefacts were they simply stated that "they were found growing on peculiar looking trees"

  13. LOL that one just looks strange.

    err whats the point of that picture?..does staring into it long enough make you all hot and wild like your pic??

    so,are you still going to moove to china?

    I recall on a certain post you offered someone "your ass" if i remember correctly!!

    oops i hope your female :o

  14. My thai friend sent me the following link that she sae found on a youtube link.

    As you will see it claims no software is needed..no downloads,no hardware ect ect, so it sounds like some sort of streaming system?

    All sounds to good to be true me thinks!

    Has anyone tried or had any experience with this??

    I have some reservations about whether it will work on my system and since you have to pay the fee upfront and without a demo,it smells a little fishy:


    It sounds ok at first glance and seeing how its a U.S innovation, maybe someone knows something??

  15. wai.gif,

    So the question is:

    Is there any software I can buy (at IT Ctr?) so I can watch TV from the U.S. on my computer in Pattaya?

    Many Thanks,



    AMAZING!.. i was just about to start a topic tonight about the same issue with getting Aussie tv!

    My thai friend sent me the following link that she claimed to be from youtube.

    As you will see it claims no software is needed so it sounds like some sort of streaming system.I have some reservations about whether it will work on my system and you have to pay the fee without a demo,which could be a bit dodgy:


    It sounds ok at first glance and it if you trust your fellow americans please let me know how it goes!!

  16. By uncertainty i mean stuff like this:

    *to get the 1 year visa which is unavailable from ANY Embassy or Consulate other than from your HOME country....

    does this apply for education visa..can i get that from Laos?

    *When i got my 2 month visa from consulate in Australia i was told that visa-runs are not legal or satisfactory but yet if i did engage in these practices then such things would look bad on my passport and i may get kicked out of the country at any stage...

    so is it legal or not?.

    *I also enquired of the walen college if the fee was a once only price and did i have to do any OR pay for any visa runs...they said "its a one time fee,no added charges and possible to have 12 month visa"....this was clearly (if not a lie) then very deceptive.

    With respect,its all these things that make me have no confidence of a "fair go" in Thailand,and to use the word "uncertainty"

    dam_n!..i would be happy to pay the monks whatever they want and do a course in Buddhism in a temple somewhere if it means i could stay without the foreboding thoughts of what...where..am i going to go next?

    The statement about the one year visa means a multiple entry visa (90 day permit to stay) or a non immigrant oa retirement visa ( 1 year permit to stay). Certain classes of multiple entry visas can be obtained in KL and Penang.

    A one year extension is possible on an ED visa. In most cases they are issued for 90 days at a time. But you don't have to leave the country.

    What the conulate told you is basicly BS. I think they are talking about border runs to get the old 30 day entries. I have never heard of any body being kicked out unless a crime was commited. Such as working without a work permit.

    Walen has since sorted out that issue and clearly states on its website that you will get extensions every 90 days from immigration for a cost of 1900 baht. You will have to make one visa run to get the ED visa that can then be extended. The topic link I posted was not meant to be construed as negative. If you go to near the end of the topic you will find posts by Mac Walen explaining the problem. I have read many good reports on Walen.

    You can get a 1 year extension on a visa to study Buddism. But I think most monasteries require you to enter the monkhood to do it.

    It is no problem to make trips to Vientiane every 6 months and get a 2 entry tourist visa. That means 60 day entry 30 day extension, border run and another 60 + 30 then back to Vientiane. Lots of people are doing it.

    thanks for all that invaluable info and time taken to type it,appreciate it...i owe you a pint or 2!!

  17. Would love to stay longer but am sick of all the uncertainty...

    What uncertainty. Do mean all the posts saying that this new little change in the rules is part of a growing anti farang sentiment.

    Its not against any one group of people. It's aimed at those that are working without a work permit and is to make it harder on them. It is a revision to the rule change that was done in September of 06.

    It just means people are going to go get tourist visas more often instead of making 3 border runs to get another 90 days after having a tourist visa. Unless that want to make them every 2 weeks or buy a ticket out and back every 30 days.

    How many people that are working would be able to take 2 or 3 days off to make a visa run. You can do border runs on weekends but not visa runs.

    If you want to study Thai and can pay for going to school it is good option. Spending 4 hours in class a week is a lot better than making visa and border runs.

    By uncertainty i mean stuff like this:

    *to get the 1 year visa which is unavailable from ANY Embassy or Consulate other than from your HOME country....

    does this apply for education visa..can i get that from Laos?

    *When i got my 2 month visa from consulate in Australia i was told that visa-runs are not legal or satisfactory but yet if i did engage in these practices then such things would look bad on my passport and i may get kicked out of the country at any stage...

    so is it legal or not?.

    *I also enquired of the walen college if the fee was a once only price and did i have to do any OR pay for any visa runs...they said "its a one time fee,no added charges and possible to have 12 month visa"....this was clearly (if not a lie) then very deceptive.

    With respect,its all these things that make me have no confidence of a "fair go" in Thailand,and to use the word "uncertainty"

    dam_n!..i would be happy to pay the monks whatever they want and do a course in Buddhism in a temple somewhere if it means i could stay without the foreboding thoughts of what...where..am i going to go next?

  18. might join you there mate,also considering Vietnam..very easy on visa rules also...comparisons?opinions anyone?

    Hey bud,im in the same boat as you,I am Aussie,I am unmarried,Financially independant,Under retirement age....rented out my house in tasmania and going to ride out the financial crisis over here.

    Would be interested in what you eventually do..i was thinking Laos myself,since the language is similar and is a more laid back place from all reports.

    Now that i know the truth about walen...thanks ubonjoe....if staying in thailand it would be better to do the text and talk and at least get a job and work visa out of it in the end...

    but then again ,i am assuming there has to be some slyness with the tefol idea also..haha

  19. to get the 1 year visa which is unavailable from ANY Embassy or Consulate other than from your HOME country

    Excuse me, but I'm a newbie. I did my first visa run to Mae Sae on Thurs and got the new 15-day visa for my pains. While getting stamped back in I noticed a sign at Thai immigration saying that Tourist Visas (10,000B) and 1-year Non-O visas (20,000B) were available there. Is this true?

    with all this conjecture about visa laws,visa runs ect, I am thinking its just easier to enrol in a language college such as WALEN, learn thai,pay the 28,500 baht fee and get a 12 month education visa and be done with it..no stuffing about..does anybody have experience in this or any opinions????

    See this 12 page topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Callan-walen...ml&hl=walen

    hey thanks ubonjoe,i never saw that one..invaluable info for my future plans..might change em and go to vietnam or cambodia.

    I understand the referance made about slyland now..I have managed to get an appartment for 5500 bht + electricity.. includes internet and some cable tv.Would love to stay longer but am sick of all the uncertainty...

    the land of smiles they say...ive noticed the smile turns to a frown when you refuse to throw money around

  20. to get the 1 year visa which is unavailable from ANY Embassy or Consulate other than from your HOME country

    Excuse me, but I'm a newbie. I did my first visa run to Mae Sae on Thurs and got the new 15-day visa for my pains. While getting stamped back in I noticed a sign at Thai immigration saying that Tourist Visas (10,000B) and 1-year Non-O visas (20,000B) were available there. Is this true?

    with all this conjecture about visa laws,visa runs ect, I am thinking its just easier to enrol in a language college such as WALEN, learn thai,pay the 28,500 baht fee and get a 12 month education visa and be done with it..no stuffing about..does anybody have experience in this or any opinions????

  21. which is why i suggest Vietnam...6 month visa with small fee,nice people,no hassles so NanLaew and Jip..maybe you should join me..when my two month tourist visa is up i dont think i will even bother with the extension,its GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!

    Vietnam, you'll find, is expensive living.

    Really? i am staying at an appartment for starting cost of 5500 baht a month..what comparison to vietnam?

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