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Posts posted by ozzieovaseas

  1. Maybe ill give that a try next time. I always did like that combination. I was just in the mood for something meaty at that time.

    I cant believe there are so many postings for so long on this pizza issue.Have you people ever heard of gordan ramsay??


    Its not that hard,if you are all so freaking useless then email me and i will give you fool proof and child proof directions..and i gaurantee it will be far better and cheaper than all of the places mentioned in the last 8 pages of useless drivel.

    AND by the way,the reason that the pizzas are topped with mayyo in Bangkok is because dairy (cheese) is a tad costly here...

    FOR F...S SAKE!!!

  2. With all respect mr.toad..(maybe canetoad would be more appropriate!)

    Just how could a swat team,army or anyone disperse a crowd of thousands,or even hundreds with the use of non-violent means? and in five minutes as you say.I might add Australia and little johnny Howard has never seen anything like this...he would shit himself..his solution would be to spend millions of dollars on around the clock bombardment advertising (aka workchoices) trying to convince the people that it would be a good thing to just bend over and take it...while hospitals and essential services suffer.

    Or maybe little johnny would round all the trouble makers up and put them in detention centres...as that worked such a trea last time!!!

  3. With all respect mr.toad..(maybe canetoad would be more appropriate!)

    Just how could a swat team,army or anyone disperse a crowd of thousands,or even hundreds with the use of non-violent means? and in five minutes as you say.I might add Australia and little johnny Howard has never seen anything like this...he would shit himself..his solution would be to spend millions of dollars on around the clock bombardment advertising (aka workchoices) trying to convince the people that it would be a good thing to just bend over and take it...while hospitals and essential services suffer.

    Or maybe little johnny would round all the trouble makers up and put them in detention centres...as that worked such a trea last time!!!

  4. Im an Australian male citizen (38) and will be residing in Thailand for 12 months.I am fully qualified in all areas of butchering and food handling and have had experience in hotel kitchen environments as a chefs aid.I speak some thai and i also have links to Australian meat exporters.

  5. I agree with the previous posters who find your situation a little confusing,however i will say this word "gaereng jai" sounds suspiciously like another thai word ive heard.hmm

    A thai friend states that it is rude and impolite to refer back or even remember a favour that you did for someone else if you've willingly offered to do it..especially if you are still paying for it!!

  6. hey aussiegal,im an aussieguy and i was wondering if you could offer any tips about how you managed to moove to Thailand (permamantly?), as i intend to do the same myself...and let us put the word out about the many benefits of living in thailand and the beautiful nature of 99% of its people.

    Its just so sad that 99% of aussie females are convinced that EVERY male (no matter of nationality) wants to go to thailand for dodgy purposes and is automatically branded a sleazy pervert...yet its perfectly fine if a female wants to go!

    On second thoughts let us say nothing lest the insular,self centred,self obsessed aussie females come and infect the thai women with there insecurity-based bullshit..

    with the company of your good self excluded of course!!!

  7. Hi there ..If you are looking for rental options around the Hua Hin area i may be able to help you in the near future

    My girlfriends family owns a beachfront property with various dwellings in the Pranburi area about 15 mins south of hua hin via Phetchakasem road.Being private property it has its own private swimming beach and a decent parcel of land with fantastic views of the THREE HUNDRED peak mountains...(to those who saw the previous listing with a highly inflated number...sorry!).There are numerous attractions including beaches,amazing caves,mountains,markets,resorts, ect

    There will be future renovations happenning on other parts of the property,however the master residence is liveable now with a little work.Water must be carted in at a cost and there is no hot water at the moment but these are things we will be working on in the near future.

    BUT...the good news is..IT WILL BE VERY AFFORDABLE!

    I have to discuss the situation with my gf's family however i am confident of getting things happening soon.If you or anyone is interested i can send further email and pics until which time we can provide more solid details....cheers


  8. Hi there ..If you are looking for rental options around the Hua Hin area i may be able to help you in the near future

    My girlfriends family owns a beachfront property with various dwellings in the Pranburi area about 15 mins south of hua hin via Phetchakasem road.Being private property it has its own private swimming beach and a decent parcel of land with fantastic views of the thousand peak mountains.The whole property needs some rennovating,however the master house is liveable now,if not a bit basic.Water must be carted in at a cost and there is no hot water at the moment but these are things we will be working on in the near future.I have to discuss the situation with my gf's father however i am confident of getting things happening soon.If you or anyone is interested i can send further email and pics until which time we can provide more solid details....cheers


  9. Hi dude..In regards to those of you who are looking for options of places to live/stay/rent around the Hua Hin area i might be able to offer some help in the near future

    My girlfriends family owns a beachouse which is pretty much vacant all year round and hence isnt providing any income whatsoever for the family.

    It is located in the Pranburi area about 15 mins south of hua hin via Phetchakasem road.There are numerous resorts and attractions nearby but being private property it has its own private swimming beach and a decent parcel of land with fantastic views of the thousand peak mountains.The whole property has multiple buildings which we will be looking to be rennovating,however the master house is very liveable now,if not a bit basic...but importantly..it will be cheap..Water must be carted in at a cost and there is no hot water at the moment but these are things we will be working on in the near future.I have to discuss the situation with my gf's father however i am confident of getting things happening soon.If you or anyone is interested i can send further email and pics until which time we can provide more solid details....cheers


  10. Hi James..Are you still looking for options around the Hua Hin area?

    My girlfriends family owns a beachouse which is pretty much vacant all year round..except for when we visit)

    It is located in the Pranburi area about 15 mins south of hua hin via Phetchakasem road.Being private property it has its own private swimming beach and a decent parcel of land with fantastic views of the thousand peak mountains.The whole property has multiple buildings which we will be looking to be rennovating,however the master house is very liveable,if not a bit basic...but importantly..it will be cheap..Water must be carted in at a cost and there is no hot water at the moment but these are things we will be working on in the near future.I have to discuss the situation with my gf's father however i am confident of getting things happening soon.If you or anyone is interested i can send further email and pics until which time we can provide more solid details....cheers


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