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Posts posted by 473geo

  1. Keep it....it does make the away team come out and play a bit,remember them boring draws where nobody dared set foot in the others half,anything that makes teams attack and open up the games is fine by me.

    Boring draws used to be common-place in league games as well without the away goal rule. I think the way the game is played has changed and i'm not convinced that scrapping the away goal would change that.

    Scrap offside in all areas other than the penalty area, would stretch the games and make for more opportunities.

  2. Thaivisa have three categories.

    1. The wannabe

    Been here as a tourist and wants to move here, always positive posts.

    2. The expat

    Living here and have a balanced view of the kingdom.

    3. The looser

    Lived here but lost everything to a BG, always negative posts.

    4. The one time loser who is now a winner

    Lived here, lost everything to Thai "wife," posted negative stuff, then got back more money than he had, lives a single life now on a sailboat with a dog and no wife, and now post even more negative stuff because he understands the reality of Thailand :)

    Almost as well as the dog!!!! :D

  3. Thaivisa have three categories.

    1. The wannabe

    Been here as a tourist and wants to move here, always positive posts.

    2. The expat

    Living here and have a balanced view of the kingdom.

    3. The looser

    Lived here but lost everything to a BG, always negative posts.

    How about the fourth catagory

    4. The Thai apologist AKA The Pseudo-thai

    Living here and accusing everyone of not understanding/accepting Thai culture

    That would be the 'expat living here with a totally unbalanced view of the kingdom'

    Which would make number 2 a possible minority!!!!...... :)

  4. Just looked at the poll and it is 100% for keep it!!!!

    one vote....me... :)

    Seriously though it is a fair enough way to decide, if the other side displays more character/courage/determination/enterprise, and skill, to score more away goals.....they deserve to win the tie...........especially if this occurs against ManU....... :D

  5. I know of quite a few of intelligent people that have left the forum because of the abuse when trying to speak truth and reason. I think the trick is to treat this more like a comedy forum because you can't take 95% of the things posted on here seriously. I believe alcohol and bitterness play a large roll in the insanity and abuse that goes on here and a lot of the members are just trying to get you all riled up before they move in for the kill which seems to make them feel important for some reason. In any case I wouldn't worry about it or take any of it seriously either other wise you will wind up being bitter.

    I agree with approaching the general forum with a well topped up sense of humour tank!!!!....... :)

    There is a great array of genuine information sources and more selective posts in alternative forum listings.

    I think the deliberate provocateurs are quickly identified, and, usually disappear after a while, due to being ignored by the more alert members

    or they seem to drop through an invisible trap door..........now how does that happen???... :D

    edit: Spelling

  6. Daz

    If you give money.....too liittle and you are cheap......too much and you are an flash idiot who made a rod for your own back

    If you take whisky and she doesn't drink!!!!

    If you give gold....and she would have preferred money!!!!

    Just wait until you arrive, suggest to your wife you would like to take a small gift for her mother......let her help you decide.....it is so much easier.....and you want to get it right....right?

    Good luck.....enjoy the experience.........your experience.

  7. Thaivisa have three categories.

    1. The wannabe

    Been here as a tourist and wants to move here, always positive posts.

    2. The expat

    Living here and have a balanced view of the kingdom.

    3. The looser

    Lived here but lost everything to a BG, always negative posts.

    its a pity TV can not show which categoies people are in then as a 2 i would not have to waste time with a 1 who knows way more than me.

    I don't call that a balanced view.....so you actually don't fit anywhere it would appear.... :)

  8. I am not sure if its possible, but an effective way to disperse the protesters without violence would be with ear splitting noise, it wouldn't be much fun for the local residents but it would get rid of everyone within a few hours.
    Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!.........

    No money, no protest.

    Then the smart move would be to let the protest run......totally deplete the UDD funds.......then call an election when they cannot purchase votes!!!!

    And most of the Anti reds are saying finish it off and send them home now.......wow such vision eh!!!

    Never heard of contingency funds?

    If you "totally deplete" contingency no longer exist right? otherwise you have only partially depleted!!!

  9. I am not sure if its possible, but an effective way to disperse the protesters without violence would be with ear splitting noise, it wouldn't be much fun for the local residents but it would get rid of everyone within a few hours.
    Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!.........

    No money, no protest.

    Then the smart move would be to let the protest run......totally deplete the UDD funds.......then call an election when they cannot purchase votes!!!!

    And most of the Anti reds are saying finish it off and send them home now.......wow such vision eh!!!

  10. If you agree one man is not supporting the reds financially, your question which you persisted with so passionately is actually redundant!!

    I said NOT only one man is supporting them, he is the biggest supporter by far I would guess and I see that rainman agrees with me as he also agrees it would not carry on as is without his money..I guess not so redundant after all.. but thanks for playing

    In case you missed it and need it explained for you, the point was NOT the answer to the question but rather to have Rainman actually answer it without all his spin and deflection issues.. you know if it's NOT about money why would Thaksin pulling his money have any effect at all?? I don't suppose you want to take a shot at that one?? Ya thought not...

    Bedtime for me kiddies.. have a good one...

    Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!......... :)

  11. Try broadening your thinking......are there other money people who may wish for a change of government?......if so then yes the movement would continue...... why the assumption that only one man supporting the red movement has financial clout?

    I don't need to broaden my thinking you need to read along more closely. I never said ONLY one man was supporting it. Did you read where I said that? I asked a simply question if that ONE man pulled all his financial backing would it continue as is? Rainman now admits he even agrees it would not continue on as is...

    This is now and has been from the start of things a Thaksin circus, he is pulling the strings and financing a large part of things if he is not than the RED leaders are lying to the supporters as they are telling people that are signing up that their "Dear Leader" is helping them by paying them to fight for the rights of all Thai's but that of course he means the minority that still give a rats ass what happens to him...

    If you agree one man is not supporting the reds financially, your question which you persisted with so passionately is actually redundant!!

  12. Nothing is avoided. You, like many others, are implying every single day that the red shirts are simply here because they're being paid. I've seen leading newspapers and dozens of people on this forum thereafter claiming that people are getting paid 2,000 or 4,000 per day to protest. So I'll do the math for you. Say only 2,000 Baht. Only 60,000 protesters (according to government sources) for 21 days (3 weeks). 2000x60000x21 makes 2,520,000,000. Over 2 Billion Baht that Thaksin has allegedly spent in 3 weeks, just for the protesters. Not including the transportation, stages, etc.

    Some people can't see that the red shirts are their on their own free will. They are however paid for the gas to drive to Bangkok, I'll give you that. It's absolutely unacceptable that poor farmers that make less per month than we spend in a day should be paid for the gas to come to Bangkok to express their opinions.

    yes it was avoided in the first reply and in this one too... I am NOT claiming that every protester is being paid I am NOT saying it is 2,000 or 4,000 per day... I am well aware that many of the protesters there are there because of various reasons other than money.. some are true believers, some and being duped, some having nothing better to do..

    BUT again please answer the question at hand not just spouting your same old tired deflections

    IF Thaksin pulled ALL funding he is personally responsible for, do you honestly believe the RED shirt movement would continue on as is without any change?

    Try broadening your thinking......are there other money people who may wish for a change of government?......if so then yes the movement would continue...... why the assumption that only one man supporting the red movement has financial clout?

  13. A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

    Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

    OK i'll change my question then, dont give me your home address, just give me the address of your business and i will come round with 20 or so mates and break in there. is that ok with you?

    Take milk and sugar or would you and your mates prefer a beer?............. :)

    so no sensible reply then?

    Oh I'm serious..... can you make it a bit later in the year it is too dry to plant rice at the moment and I'm sure you and your friends being the charming people you are would wish to help out the local farmers too. Wouldn't be any breaking in though, you just walk into the field......sorry business.... :D

  14. A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

    Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

    OK i'll change my question then, dont give me your home address, just give me the address of your business and i will come round with 20 or so mates and break in there. is that ok with you?

    Take milk and sugar or would you and your mates prefer a beer?............. :)

  15. I find middle aged Thai ladies like all things Thai........I once suggested I buy a very smart but reserved Thai 'silk' top for the mother in law......surprisingly my wife agreed it was a good choice and a good idea.....the mother in law would appreciate and wear the top for special occasions........it cost all of 500 baht.

    On that basis ask your wife/girlfriend and possibly wait until you get to Bangkok and buy something Thai that is useful.........could throw in a hello kitty T shirt as a bit of fun!!!

    just my experience.....but every one is different..... :) .

  16. A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

    Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

    A private dwelling? Like harassing Abhisit at his HOUSE? Like the almost successful attempts on Abhisit's life during Black Songkran. You, sir, sound like someone who is really completely out of touch with what the reds have done, and are doing right now. You make it sound so innocent. They are violent thugs attempting a violent revolution. They will stop at NOTHING. So the question is, how will they be stopped?

    Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

    Comparisons have been made of this mindless mob of violent peasants to the Maoist cultural revolution. Read up on that. Do you want that for Thailand?

    But they have stopped well short of the actions many predicted.........They have protested relatively peacefully, not behaved like the thugs you attempt to portray, and their actions appear to have thwarted the 'wait for the violence' gang so much they are resorting to advocating a destabilising confrontational conclusion instigated by the government, to move on a few people hanging out on a street corner!!

  17. Do you think if there was a free election, it may be prudent for a government that wishes to remain in power, to make sure the main opposition had no funds?........just a thought......so no election until certain legal matters are resolved in the goverments favour methinks!!!

    The PT / udd / reds (meaning the thaksin clan) can get funds from numerous sources (offshore deposits and there's probably lots) and if they are depermined they could quickly and secretely get those funds into Thailand by numerous means outside of the normal banking processes. Easy as ABC. I suggest it would be fruitless to try to stop them.

    If your suggesting freezing every source of funds to the PT /udd / reds from within the normal banking process, then that would mean that the government was acting way way outside of it's powers.

    This would just give the PT / udd / reds ammunition to accuse the government of double standards. Not wise.

    It would appear there may already be a slight lowering of possible opposition election funds!!!!

    THE NATION: the comtroller-general's office has signed order enforcing the court's ruling on Thaksin assets seizure

  18. And all these bombs going off around the capital and elsewere are very thoughtful and restrained.....NOT !

    I wonder if you would hold the same views if it were you or your loved ones who were injured or killed ?

    this madness must come to an end and it must end now.

    Well if you know the perpetrators please come forward and identify.......I'm sure everybody would wish to have them arrested

    Please do not post your proof here, it may affect the result of the trial.

  19. I disagree, right now the people in BKK are getting frustrated, but that feeling will change with the first few dead bodies. Basically, the side that gets violent first will lose the hearts of the majority of the Thai people. The Red leaders are hoping that the police or army will lose their patience and start shooting. The govt. is probably ready for another 'Red Songkran', so that can have an excuse to crackdown on the protesters and throw some of them in jail.

    Each side is pushing the other side, and the side that loses their patience first, loses.

    Agreed nobody wants to see Thai fighting Thai........

    Abhisit has to be ready to deal with any danger, but for now the situation is largely under control, to his credit.....this is a waiting game ....currently he risks only the support of a few disgruntled people in Bangkok.

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