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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. The toilet attendant thing is all over, not only Thailand and I really can't be arsed with tipping the toilet guy. I don't want any 'bants' or a spray of aftershave I want to go to the toilet, wash my hands and leave as quickly as possible

    I would rather pay a fee to go to the toilet then face these people. My tips shouldn't keep the toilet clean, that should be the job of the venue regardless of whether someone is there all night or not

  2. Firstly, not all Thai dishes are spicy at all, that is a ridiculous thing to say

    Secondly, ask them to not make it too spicy and lastly, plenty of people do like their food spicy, I do, maybe that food just isn't for you but there are plenty of other options

  3. Two and a half years ago a Tony's Gym opened a kilometer from my house. I was mentally kicking myself in the ass on the way home "What are the hell are you doing buying a lifetime membership in anything at age 75" never mind that it cost only 3,900 baht. Today I am 50 kilos lighter and my blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc are in the normal range. I can drink as much beer as I want and eat whatever I want and my weight stays around 100 kilos. I try to go to the gym for two hours every day with about half of that on the bike and the rest pushing and pulling weights. No direct lifting due to a bad back..I might not even be alive if I hadn't joined the gym. In addition, most of the gym regulars are friendly and most say hello and will chat sometimes. Quite a few decent looking birds to admire during their morning workouts doesn't hurt either. Eating and sleeping habits have changed. I eat a good breakfast and only eat again if I am hungry. I may have a sandwich at lunch and then not again until the next morning. Same with sleep. If I get sleepy I go to bed whatever the time. If I wake up and get up at 2 or 3 a.m. so what? Read quite a bit (just bought 80 used books) or watch TV news from the USA.

    Old age doesn't mean you can't ward off some of the demons.

    3,900 baht lifetime membership??? Seriously, that's a no brainer!

  4. A fast paced walk may be better for your knees in the long run but it certainly isn't better exercise than running

    That's a kind of silly statement smile.png

    If running ruins your knees how can it be better than paced walk?

    Cause we're talking about exercise, running is clearly a better form of exercise than walking

    I have ran since my teens and in my 40s now and my knees are fine. I walk all the time and you can't compare as forms of exercise

  5. It's not strictly a Thailand thing, wherever expats congregate you will find them

    Other parts of Asia and here in the Middle East too. You wouldn't believe the army types I have met or people that had trials with football teams, you're the odd one out if you didn't have a trial with a professional football club not to mention all the great investments and businesses people run .. whilst sitting in the cheapest places, drinking the cheapest beer all the time and appearing to do no work ...

    True, but since this is a Thai-based forum, we focus on Thailand. I don't doubt that these characters exist in every country on the planet, (to which some have only a tenuous link). They would have been the same back in their home country, even though everyone would have known their history.

    I don't know, I think people take the opportunity of being away as a chance to come out with this kind of rubbish

    Perhaps they embellish things back in their own country are but chances are more people know you back home, went to school with you so know you're talking rubbish

  6. It's not strictly a Thailand thing, wherever expats congregate you will find them

    Other parts of Asia and here in the Middle East too. You wouldn't believe the army types I have met or people that had trials with football teams, you're the odd one out if you didn't have a trial with a professional football club not to mention all the great investments and businesses people run .. whilst sitting in the cheapest places, drinking the cheapest beer all the time and appearing to do no work ...

  7. I lived in Hong Kong in the 90s and spent a lot of time in Lan Kwai Fong ... don't remember any princes

    Cool. If you drank in La Dolce Vita, Club 97 and ate at Post 97 then you would almost certainly know me as I was in Dolce Vita and 97 practically every single day after work until they closed in the early hours.

    If you ever went clubbing in Amnesia you'd know me as I was one of the founders of the club.

    Do you remember Ce Top, Yellow Frog, Homebase?

    Those were awesome times.

    Yes, I remember those places, my office was above Post 97 but I didn't drink in them. More of an F-Stop or Moose Pub kind of guy tongue.png

    I also worked in Milk Bar for a bit and Californias, I am talking mid-90s to '99. One of the world's greatest cities!

    We must have crossed paths. I lived in HK from 1973 to 2008.

    I was Head of Security; and for a while assistant manager of Lux (the restaurant/bar/club above California). I also looked after security for C Club, downstairs from California for a few years.

    Always good to meet a fellow ex HK resident. Did you get or do you have your HK Permanent ID?

    Hong Kong still feels like home although Bangkok is now rapidly filling that gap and in some ways I'd even say Bangkok is now better than Hong Kong.

    No, didn't get ID, I left in 1999

    Sometimes I wonder whether I should have stayed on for it, some gweilo I know did get it but not sure they made use of it but hey ho, that's the way things go, I guess

    I think those around '95-'98 were tremendous years in Honkers, great place. Not even been back since 1999!!

  8. All these things happen and tourist figures are going up? Guess what ... that may change. It may change very quickly just on one particular incident that could happen at any time. The more these things are reported the more chance of that happening

    You don't wait for a crisis before addressing it and also, countries tend to not want things happening to visitors to their country, they kind of like them visiting

  9. Are you for real. You were green back then or green now? wink.png

    Yes, yes he got paid

    don't stay bkk only issan never seen this before

    I think anywhere across Asia or probably the world, where you hideously overpay and know it's a rip-off like that ... someone is getting paid!

  10. I lived in Hong Kong in the 90s and spent a lot of time in Lan Kwai Fong ... don't remember any princes

    Cool. If you drank in La Dolce Vita, Club 97 and ate at Post 97 then you would almost certainly know me as I was in Dolce Vita and 97 practically every single day after work until they closed in the early hours.

    If you ever went clubbing in Amnesia you'd know me as I was one of the founders of the club.

    Do you remember Ce Top, Yellow Frog, Homebase?

    Those were awesome times.

    Yes, I remember those places, my office was above Post 97 but I didn't drink in them. More of an F-Stop or Moose Pub kind of guy :P

    I also worked in Milk Bar for a bit and Californias, I am talking mid-90s to '99. One of the world's greatest cities!

  11. Just make a time and appointment to go there. Follow it up with a SMS about 10 minutes before you're about to meet up saying traffic is bad you will be 20 minutes late. 25 minutes after than send another saying bad taxi took you to the wrong place. Please wait and order a drink while you get a new taxi. Then 30 minutes later say sorry your mom is sick you need to pai hospital.

    I have seen this before I am not sure if its so much for the food or for the selfie at the restaurant so post for all their friends to see they are eating HiSo. Once prior to my getting married I had a TF girl want to meet me at Central World for Sushi. That was fine and the meal was not bad but the conversation revolved around her needing a new phone. An iPhone 4s (newest at the time) none the less. I shrugged it off and said you will have to save to be able to afford it. Her reply was yes unless you buy it for me!! So I said sure lets go. Went up to the apple shop and had her pick out the one she liked, she was excitedly talking to the sales guy. I excused my self with a quick " Katote krup bap numg, pourt tong mak pai hong man na " She smiled and said OK hurry na. I had quite the smirk on my face getting into the taxi going home whilst blocking her number.

    Som Nam Na

    hong man?

    New superhero, Hong Man, powers of a Hong!!!

  12. Never let hookers order what they want.

    You pay so you the boss.

    Never let dirty old westerners take sexual advantage of you for 20 quid. It's your body, and the tight-fisted <deleted>***s could never get to sleep with a woman with your figure back home so make sure you get a decently priced meal out of them too. Oh, and make sure they book an expensive hotel too. None of this back to my 8k Baht a month studio room rubbish.

    Haha, nice one

    but are we going down the line of everyone on TF is a hooker then? Not sure that's entirely true, is it

  13. Nothing wrong with local beer if that is what you want to drink.

    But I prefer to drink in places where the clientele haven't come looking for a 90 baht LEO served to them by a farmer's daughter.

    Local beer doesn't start and end at Leo/Chang/Singha. There are some excellent local brews around.

    Personally I don't look down on anyone for drinking either, whoever serves it to them.

    But then neither are you a self appointed Prince.. ;-)

    If you knew anything about Lan Kwai Fong in the 90's you would know the name was not self appointed :-)

    I lived in Hong Kong in the 90s and spent a lot of time in Lan Kwai Fong ... don't remember any princes

  14. Have to agree with overherebc.

    If you let the cat out of the bag everything changes.

    Many examples in Thailand.

    Koh Samui

    Koa San road

    Pattaya a big one

    Chiang mai

    Now if person finds a good place they want to keep it to themselves instead of making it into tourist trap..

    And as far as Bangkok is concerned even more reason not to make it public on a forum. Too easy for many to access. Can get there for price of a taxi.

    So, you think we could have kept Koh Samui, Chiang Mai and Pattaya secret if we didn't tell anyone? whistling.gif

  15. Maybe the just want to make sure your not some foreigner without money, or just a way to get rid of you without hurting your feelings.. (lets ask something impossible so he will say no and I dont have too)

    Is that the barometer for 'foreigner with no money' then, one of the most expensive restaurants in town? :D

    It's quite clearly a girl trying it on for a nice dinner. I doubt they get commission but they get a nice expensive meal, free and some photos for facebook.

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