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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. I dated a Chinese teacher who was teaching in the local university.

    First date, she said to collect her from her condom.

    Er, what?

    Collect me from my condom, at around 7pm.

    Er, your condom?

    Yes, my condominium.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay, We would say condo, not condom.

    Nice girl. Good in bed.

    Haha, I hope you wore a condo during sex tongue.png

  2. Koh san rd. Lots of yanks at starbucks. Who will talk about anything and everything loud enough for you to hear over your thoughts. I think you will find most foreigners keep to themselves. Dont know why i really love american tv but cant stand yanks in person!

    Khao San can be equally a great place to meet people and the most terrible in the city. Obviously, a lot of people knocking about but the long termers that stick around there don't tend to be the cream of the crop, in my experience

    A lot of teachers and if sitting in some of the open bars they are often speaking very loudly with their views on Thailand, culture, politics. Been living in BKK 7 months, you see ... got it all cracked and want people to overhear and engage them in conversation - urgh!

  3. Don't want to ruin the fine reputation of the island as a place to have a calm, serene break ... duh, it's got loads of the Koh Pha-Ngan types and these girls look just like that, bucket by their side (don't get me wrong, I'll have the odd bucket)

    It's got to be someone's fault though, hasn't it. How about a simple 'look at these stupid idiots ... someone tell their parents' - no one forced them, they went looking for it and found it, it's what they were there for *party* so they are responsible for what they put into their bodies rather than slap some vendor on the wrist and make the girls feel they weren't involved in the decision making process here

  4. I have seen plenty of negative reviews on Agoda though so they can't be refusing them all

    It's so weird though, some people are like 'terrible experience' and then rate it 8 and others will say good location and rooms and it's a 6!

    You have to bear in mind people's expectations. Some reviews are 'no hairdryer' when I don't care about hairdryers or expect one and others had a particular bad experience 'the woman at check in did this and that' (very common, it seems!)

    You have to read between the lines a bit and still judge for yourself

    If everyone says it's rubbish then, you know, obvious :D

  5. I do so enjoy the advertising of flights minus the taxes. Everyone knows

    They can't advertising the price with taxes as taxes are variable depending on where to/from, type of tickets even if all in economy and various factors like that. I asked some airline people once

    That's what they say anyway ... hmmmm :P

  6. Erm, it's actually useful

    Why ?

    You judge a place by the cost of a beer

    Edit ,

    You go because its expensive or cheap , same thing really.

    Like are really not goint to go or make a point of going to anywhere listed because of the prices on the link ?

    Curious thats all fellow member

    Yeah, information ... terrible, isn't it. I hate having information, me

    You don't have to use it. You don't have to base your life around it. You may notice 'hey, 100 bucks for Singha in xyz bar, heard of that place, never been. Might check it out'

    A lot of the websites for bars do tend to have prices on there anyway. There are some places I have heard of but not visited so why not have a bit of info up front?

    Don't be scared of information

  7. I have eaten street food in Thailand for nearly 20 years and never been sick once

    Busy stalls, empty ones in the middle of nowhere and nearly all top notch. Consistently good

    One question though. The Khao Gairng curry over rice food stalls ... I have seen them setting up and laying out all their food. It's clear this is some kind of chain and that this food is made centrally and distributed to various stalls but does anyone know where they make it, is it actually a chain of food stalls all interconnected or some kind of 'franchise'

  8. So, he said it was open and you said it was closed ... big deal. It turned out it was open. Why did he need you to confirm it? If he thought it was open why didn't he contact them? If he thought the bank was open why not ring them or go there?

    I don't get why the OP is even involved in this. I may ask 'do you know if ...' and if you say no but I think yes then I'll check

    This whole thing makes no sense to me :D

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