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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. I have lived in Dubai for 9 years, Actifed is widely available over the counter btw :o

    There are always lots of stories about people having "just" a bit of weed. Fact is, risky place to have weed, harsh penalties for it so I dont dabble over here. Make sure you clear your pockets and bags out when traveling, people coming from ropey countries are most likely to be stopped, this country works on a network of grasses and informants so sometimes you here about minor offences but there is sometimes a 'back story' of why they were stopped, it's likely people coming in and out from countries in Africa, for instance, are more likely to be kept an eye on. Despite flying in and out of Asia plenty of times during my stay here I dont think I have ever been stopped, let alone searched.

    Not sure about that poppy seed guy :D the standard term for weed is 4 years, even for a puff. Have often have amnesties for minor offences but they still like to convict to show how serious they are then pardon them. Alot of those 'bit of weed on their shoe' stories they convict and when family back in the West contact press, embassies things usually get straightened out and they're pardoned at the next EID.

    Naomi Campbell was here at the Burj al Arab having a party and a 'friend' brought some drugs in, stopped and arrested and then quickly pardoned by the Sheikh ... we dont want to be sending out signs to the rich and famous now about not being able to come to Dubai and party !! :D Soon after some DJ was doing a gig and brought some pills, was stopped, nicked and no amnesty (yet, anyway) ... that's the way it is here.

    OP is a bit sensenationalist, nothing to be scared of, not sure what the rules are on alot of prescription drugs tbh, with or without presciptions, best to check, chances of being searched are extremely unlikely though, especially if it's in your actual baggage that you check in.

  2. The players do get paid for international duty but it's a nominal amount especially in comparison to the salaries they get. If we did ever win anything no doubt they would have (more) riches poored onto them, knighthoods, etc not to mention bonus and book and TV deals. They also still get the old fashioned cap with a tassle on it as the official 'cap' for the appearance.

    I dont see a smashing of Andorra tomorrow, maybe another 3-0 at most, hopefully stay injury free and card free so that doesnt bite us later in the campaign, Ferdinand already a doubt with a back injury. I'd take a point off the Croats right now, capable of beating them but the way we are playing the lack of any kind of 'buzz' about the side doesnt fill me with confidence.

    A few players owe us decent games for the Croat game, if we can maintain concentration for 90 mins then we can be difficult to score against, Barry, or whoever is in defensive midfield has a big job, they showed alot of running between the lines when they played us before and we struggled. Beckham hasnt looked great in last few games, legs have wained a little and he has a big physical job ahead of him, that right side worries me a little tbh

  3. Probably too late but Gulf Air are rubbish, terrible level of service, planes are rubbish (no entertainment), expect plenty of delays too, they dont seem bothered by this either. Eitihad blows them away tbh or even the likes of Qatar Air

  4. I live in Dubai, Ettihad are a good airline, certainly on a par with Emirates, maybe even a little better as I think Emirates have gone downhill recently :/

    Luckily Virgin now fly Dubai - London so can use them when visiting home. I think when the new planes are in use then Emirates quality will increase again, some of the planes are getting a bit tatty, not <ropey Eastern Europe Airlines> level of tatty but just a few things here and there, talk is they are waiting for the new planes.

    Can recommend Etihad, prices similar to Emirates too, maybe little less. If in Dubai they arrange a free bus service to Abu Dhabi if based in Dubai

  5. Nope, if you go there in person there is plenty of English language signs around on each ticket booth, etc and people to help though. I generally dont book in advance in case things change, I know it can be a pain as you probably want to know times, etc beforehand. I take a trip down the day before to check out times if I am in Bangkok but if you're going somewhere 'big' then buses will be frequent, might not need the pre-trip, will always be buses 7, 8, 9am, etc for instance

  6. "I live in Dubai, Arabs seem to like Pattaya more than ideallic resorts, I find. Simple folk, give them a whore and some shops and they're happy !! :o "

    your view - not mine but.......surely then that does NOT bode well for any future development on Koh Kood?

    Depends how they market it to them, I guess, the more 'up markert' they say it is the more likely they are to be interested, make it nice and shiny, plenty of garrish gold stuff and it's a winner

  7. What you are describing there is the 'long game' in conning parlance.

    Seems like a nice girl to be so up front about things and effectively 'warn you off'. As someone said above, not uncommon, maybe you cant understand her rejection of you as a 'proper' partner, she's doesnt want it, if I was back home I wouldnt keep pursuing that and you probably wouldnt either. Sounds like she doesnt want to ruin whatever good thing she has, that means better than what is on the table with you.

    Move on, mate

  8. If you're considering going back and getting a Bkk boss to Koh Chang then you can go to the airport at Bkk instead and the Koh Chang bus stops there, saves a bit of time of getting back into Ekamai, etc

    I tried to make the same trip a while back, think I gave up and headed back to Bkk way and bused back out again, not a massive time waster

  9. I live in Dubai, Arabs seem to like Pattaya more than ideallic resorts, I find. Simple folk, give them a whore and some shops and they're happy !! :o

    I've always liked Koh Chang, spent a lot of time in Thailand but now can maybe only make it over for few weeks at a time, Koh Chang is easy to get to from Bangkok and always liked it. I was there 1999/20o0 time, fantastic place, didnt go for a few years and was horrified when I went back, building all over the place. I'm not a hippy, drippy "just leave it alone, man" kind of person and I dont begrudge people making money but last visit (18 months ago) it was getting to overkill, especially around the middle part of White Sand.

    I stay further up the hill part, little walk, was there in off season and only 600 baht, top gaff, couldnt knock it but resorts are going mad, time before that couldnt even get a room, gave it some Thai verbal and someone let me stay at their place overnight and move into (their) hotel the next, not a bad deal but couldnt get a room for love nor money in the high season !!

    Always found the beach to be good though, not sure if that has changed since the last time i was there. Have driven on a bike around and not sure where else I want to stay other than White Sand, I was thinking between White Sand and Gai Bae, some places around there, cheaper and use the extra cash to rent a bike the whole time, just for going to beach, few drinks and that's it, dont need to be staying on the beachfront paying those prices. Anyone actually stayed between the beaches or have anything positive to say about Gai Bae or that hippy, lonely beach (which looked alot more developed last time i was back too).

    For convenience from Bangkok not sure where else is worth, not blowing resort type money but 500-1000 a night is cool for me, not a fan of Samet, never have been, I have to hike all the way down South again ?? :/

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