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Posts posted by tomartoh

  1. Are the chiang mai university thai lang courses any good, they cost 30,000 for a year.

    Is it possible to learn thai in 2 sessions of 2 hours each a week? is there any urgency to learn or are intensive courses better?

  2. I can't understand why you guys take any notice of any figures published from any source in Thailand. They are all suspect and in many cases just meaningless gibberish.

    You can all see for yourselves the lack of tourists and if the Thais are lucky they will only be 22% down.

    The big money earner is in residential tourism, but they are not going to go down that road for sure.

  3. what doe sit mean 'a fixed isp address?

    i use dns advantage as had problems with open dns, but now have problems opening a lot of sites, have to keep clicking on them to eventually open them, especially yahoo. is this a dns problem?

    am on maxnet in chiang mai

  4. sorry jem but it sounds rubbish. but you already know that.

    why mess around with complicated programs which are designed just to keep on drinking?

    if you have such good control over your drinking then why not mon to sun 0x

    then you have something to really reward yourself for.

    sorry but i dont intend to be rude

  5. I am 70 next week and I am fuc_ked if I am going to give in to old age any more than I have to do. Just been out this afternoon and bought myself a s/h road racing bike. as a birthday present to myself.

    I wont ride as far or as fast as I used to do when I rode in my forties, but I will still have a lot of fun riding up Doi Suthep and doing many other rides.

    When I was ill at 59 and thought I might die, it was a massive shock to me and left me feeling very vulnerable.

    Now I plan to live forever, unless I die first of course!

  6. did border run at mai sai yesterday. straight forward , paid 500baht, told burma guy no time for shopping and he did entry and exit together and then straight back to thailand, all done in 20 minutes.

    no viagara, no cialis, no sexy dvd, no cigarettes, no nothing, just another 90 days in LOS

  7. Yesterday the gf failed her driving test for a car. Boo hoo hoo. That should quiet her down now when I am driving with her next to me. Expert back seat driver. Mind this, watch that, foo fast, careful ,watch it, etc etc

    Seriously though, she is ,for a Thai, a good driver. So I was surprised. But apparently she hit a cone when reversing! and has got to do it again. She had a license but it had expired and you know how it is with this inertia problem they have. So it was a test resit.

    Even more surprising seeing the day previously I had got my licences and in colour and brake and pulling the string test i did a more or less complete f... up. TiT

  8. just got driving licenses.

    letter of residence free from immigration, took them copy of landlords housebook, copy of lease, doctors cert [30baht], 2 photos [4 for 60baht] copy of passport relevant pages, arrived at local immigration office with big big thai type smile, impressed the boss. out in 15 minutes including chat with officer who complemented me on looking 10 years younger than my real age.. all very nice and civilized.

    followed up at driving license place by a painless exchange of documents for new license after 7 years of driving on uk license, [360 bahts for car and bike] plus a bag of cakes for staff to have with coffee for being so nice and helpful to old farang.

    TiT. make the most of it

  9. chris. the contracts in the gf name. its her thats crapping herself and getting worked up. otherwise i wouldnt take any notice. they might blacklist someone but even then i think its doubtful. i had a previous gf who made a regular thing of not paying debts and so far despite owing much money a few years later still nothing happens to her. At one time ubc used to flash messages on the tv screen but she threatened them with legal action and that stopped them.

    i dont believe they would contact immigration as they are not a government dept. like say the tax people, and surely they would need a court order to do anything. The courts come heavy on fraud, owing money through misfortune is not the same.

    I suppose my beef is the chronic lack of service from Maxnet. it really is a nightmare trying to load sites at times. And then they want their contract maintained by the punters without doing f... all themselves

  10. Recently Maxnet told gf she could cancel the agreement as we could not get decent service from them in our location. Very slow, Best ever was less than half a meg. Engineers been and they admit nothing they could do for us as the line is rented from TOT and was old. TOT put a new line into the area but wont allow Maxnet on it. So we were told at the TOT office today.

    So we cancel the TOT line today but Maxnet refuse to accept a cancellation and tell gf she she signed 12 months and she got to pay for balance of 12 months. So she upset and comes onto me saying I got to pay as I wanted it [the internet]. This is after they asked gf to sign new contract a few weeks ago as ''new partner coming into business".

    What a joke. A lot of Thais just don't stand up for themselves and put up with shit and being bamboozled by inefficient services. and downright bad customer relations. So she can mouth off to me but not to those she should do.

    Anyone else being told they have to abide by contract?

  11. If you want to keep a check of the temperature then HD Tune is a useful piece of software.

    My Lenovo runs hot since i moved my desk into another room. I have lifted it clear of the desk a couple of inches on a stand which has been a big help in reducing temp.

  12. Just read this thread and first thing I thought was maybe lack of sleep and depression. When happened to me in my forties my doctor prescribed sleeping pills for a couple of weeks as he thought lack of quality sleep, and to get out and excercise, I went back to running and within a few months was full of energy. Lack of good sleep and exercise are serious problems for everybody

  13. There is a big well known school of hairdressing etc somewhere up near major cineplex on rachadapisek. Exactly where i cannot remember. But it is very well know and most hairdressers will know of it. So start with a asking at an upmarket shop. Its not cheap, but is the best i believe. If you cannot find it in a week or two i can get information then.

  14. Two sites I find very useful are webmd.com and realage.com. Lots and lots of information on them.

    At the end of the day we just have to work a bit harder at everything to get anywhere. Eat well and exercise the mind and body, take the medications the doctor prescribes and take it all at a steady pace.

    I am planning to do the Chiang Mai marathon at the end of this year. No chance of a prize when I would be in the same group as 50year old's doing it in maybe under 3 hours. Be lucky if I could push myself under 5 hours. So why no category for 70's and 80's. Perhaps not enough interest by competitors or organizers or sponsors. Maybe we are just not interesting enough.

    But then I might change my mind and do a 10km or a fun run.. Older mans prerogative At this age now its not hard and fast or so dedicated but a bit of fun and staying healthy.

  15. When i move to CM, my next door neighbour is english and has a stack of yapping and barking dogs. I know as i have seen and heard them barking at me whan i viewed the house. you might say to me that i have been warned then and perhaps should go elsewhere.

    But for me it is a relief. coz my f.....g dogs will now be ok to bark without me constantly shouting to them ''shut the f..k up'' to them all the time. I dont do the shouting where i live at the moment as the dogs next door are thai and dont understand english and dont take any notice, it just entices them to more barking when i shout. then mine start barking. and so it goes on.

    all the rest is ok, no tuk tuks, no mocys, no noodle stalls, no swimming pool but stream between me and next door, quality neighbour, i suppose so, as he is english

  16. If you can do 58 days then you can do as many days as you want to do. You will get some bad days, but dont we all. but whatever the problem you have, drink wont solve it, just give you more problems.

    Despite all the moaning and groaning and complaining on this site and others, there is alot going for being in Thailand and being with Thai people. Come back, enjoy your life and make those around you happy. Its worth the effort.

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