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Posts posted by bravingbangkok

  1. I have a religious and cultural tatoo and I have never had any bad looks or been avoided.

    Alot of Thais have religious tatoos from temples so I do not think the general polulation of Thailand frowns at tatoos.

    Do not believe the old tale that just because a Thai girl has a tatoo she is whore....this just is not true anymore but it would not hurt to be suspicious :D:o

  2. Yesterday we were 19th, today 11th.

    So, tonight, I am raising a fully charged glass to my team and also in memory and respect of Princess Galyani Vadhana.

    The only thing that saddens me are the fools who attempt to make themselves important by ADDING to what a Government minister said.

    When the "official" mourning period was announced as being a 3 day period (14th,15th,16th) there were, obviously, questions asked about how people should show suitable respect.

    I think every person in Thailand wanted to understand that (including ferangs).

    The "official" line was that they would NOT be asking for bars/entertainment venues to close but to show respect by "toning down" their output (my guess would be that they were requesting no dancing/music etc.).

    That I can, fully, understand AND respect.

    What, though, I cannot respect are the morons, at local level, who seem incapable of rational thought and have insisted on all bars closing and sales of alcohol being banned.

    Will this affect ferangs - NO! (They can always get alcohol - from Thai)

    Will it affect Thai people - YES! (Who will pay them for the three days pay that they lose)?

    As always the poorest Thai lose out, whilst the local "Komissar" attempts to gain "Brownie points".



    She was an amazing lady, no need to enforce respect we all did in naturally :D

    God rest her soul, a truly amazing princess and a befitting title to hold.

  3. Can someone explain to me why the pound has free-falled against the baht ?

    Well, they've realised that debt does not in actual fact equal wealth . . . after all this time.

    In short, Britain's f£$ked!

    there, there MJP! i wish i had besides my holdings an additional fistful millions of that f£$ked currency :D

    Saw this coming years ago and did all the big spending at 75.75. :D

    I to took a alrge amount of money during 70 days but I need to bring over some more....would do you think is the future of the pound/baht ? I have been told that the BOT is spending reserves in order to hold the baht, is this true ? and if so what would be the consequences of poor export on top of dwinderling reserves and political strife and maybe even spending all reserves. Is this a possibility ?

    Much obliged

    Sorry BB,

    I have no idea. Could go to 38-40 like it did in the 1990's (especially if Brown borrows even more could go even lower), could go back to 70 if the Dollar suddenly crashes, more likely to sit between 50 and 55 for now.

    This is what I do.

    I transfer the minimum funds I need to survive/get roof fixed. I leave the rest in the UK in an active savings account. I have telephone banking and on-line banking with a special security system the bank provide. I also have a Forex account with a good broker.

    I watch for volatile spikes in THB. It's a tremendously volatile currency and can readily spike over short periods of time. The trick is to read it as a spike and not do what I did last time, be complacent and think the 'spike' was a long term recovery of the Pound, i.e., beginning of August this year, went to 67 only to drop back very quickly.

    Have a system. Put it in place. Watch the Baht on a daily basis (I have a little currency converter on my desktop). Be sensible about what the UK's prospects are (not good) and don't be greedy. Reckon if it spikes to 63 again we'll be lucky.

    I know. It's a nightmare. After all the hard work in the UK and not buying their ridiculously overpriced housing, only to be shafted by this is . . . well it's New Labour isn't it. Add to that if I have no work (because of illness at mo) I have no recourse to the welfare state (higher rate taxpayer, self-employed, IR35). It's all <deleted>.

    In the many years I have been here I have never really thought about it like that, yes I will take the good advice and put a system in place. I mostly deal in US$ so it is not so bad but I keep most of my savings in a high interest HSBC savings account. I was about to transfer over some dosh when it went back to 56 but as with the gold a couple of weeks ago I was being too greedy :o slap round the back of the head for me I think !

    Thanks for the advice :D it was greatly needed.

    No problem, BB.

    Only other thing I'll say is cut out all discretionary spending. The old woman's in for a big shock!

    I can assure you all the credit cards have been locked up hehe not that I eve used so beastly things !

  4. Well, if they did exist we wouldn't be able to tell you about them as discussion of illegal activities is not permitted.

    Pirating - Illegal - Thailand ???????? I am sorry but they just do not go together lol and I think you would agree hehe

  5. That so stupid, they are not DVD,s books Ink, paper, printing, machinery etc, The legit company's would print them out on a massive scale witch would be much more cheaper then your fall apart crappy books. LOL Desperate times call for desperate measures hey?? hahaha

    Not really, it is for a friend of mine who is at medical school and he needs a medical book which costs close to 400pounds...would you not take the option of buying it for 10 pounds if you could ?

    Yet again another bitter and twisted TV member jumping to all sorts of conclusions to try to put someone down to make their own life seem more acceptable.

  6. Has anyone heard of these shops who sell books that have basically been copied but copied well and can be then bought for a cheaper price. Does anyone know if these types of pirate book stores exsist in Bangkok and if so where is one or as many as you know about pleaseeeeeeeee ????

    Thank you in advance for any help

  7. Can someone explain to me why the pound has free-falled against the baht ?

    Well, they've realised that debt does not in actual fact equal wealth . . . after all this time.

    In short, Britain's f£$ked!

    there, there MJP! i wish i had besides my holdings an additional fistful millions of that f£$ked currency :D

    Saw this coming years ago and did all the big spending at 75.75. :D

    I to took a alrge amount of money during 70 days but I need to bring over some more....would do you think is the future of the pound/baht ? I have been told that the BOT is spending reserves in order to hold the baht, is this true ? and if so what would be the consequences of poor export on top of dwinderling reserves and political strife and maybe even spending all reserves. Is this a possibility ?

    Much obliged

    Sorry BB,

    I have no idea. Could go to 38-40 like it did in the 1990's (especially if Brown borrows even more could go even lower), could go back to 70 if the Dollar suddenly crashes, more likely to sit between 50 and 55 for now.

    This is what I do.

    I transfer the minimum funds I need to survive/get roof fixed. I leave the rest in the UK in an active savings account. I have telephone banking and on-line banking with a special security system the bank provide. I also have a Forex account with a good broker.

    I watch for volatile spikes in THB. It's a tremendously volatile currency and can readily spike over short periods of time. The trick is to read it as a spike and not do what I did last time, be complacent and think the 'spike' was a long term recovery of the Pound, i.e., beginning of August this year, went to 67 only to drop back very quickly.

    Have a system. Put it in place. Watch the Baht on a daily basis (I have a little currency converter on my desktop). Be sensible about what the UK's prospects are (not good) and don't be greedy. Reckon if it spikes to 63 again we'll be lucky.

    I know. It's a nightmare. After all the hard work in the UK and not buying their ridiculously overpriced housing, only to be shafted by this is . . . well it's New Labour isn't it. Add to that if I have no work (because of illness at mo) I have no recourse to the welfare state (higher rate taxpayer, self-employed, IR35). It's all <deleted>.

    In the many years I have been here I have never really thought about it like that, yes I will take the good advice and put a system in place. I mostly deal in US$ so it is not so bad but I keep most of my savings in a high interest HSBC savings account. I was about to transfer over some dosh when it went back to 56 but as with the gold a couple of weeks ago I was being too greedy :o slap round the back of the head for me I think !

    Thanks for the advice :D it was greatly needed.

  8. Can someone explain to me why the pound has free-falled against the baht ?

    Well, they've realised that debt does not in actual fact equal wealth . . . after all this time.

    In short, Britain's f£$ked!

    there, there MJP! i wish i had besides my holdings an additional fistful millions of that f£$ked currency :o

    Saw this coming years ago and did all the big spending at 75.75. :D

    I to took a alrge amount of money during 70 days but I need to bring over some more....would do you think is the future of the pound/baht ? I have been told that the BOT is spending reserves in order to hold the baht, is this true ? and if so what would be the consequences of poor export on top of dwinderling reserves and political strife and maybe even spending all reserves. Is this a possibility ?

    Much obliged

  9. just watching on TV the Thai Military wearing what looks like bear skin hats. Looks a bit similar to the Grenadier guards. anyone know the history of the Thai Military use of this uniform? Was it a gift or a copy or are they the originals?

    I think they took it from the UK. Sorry I cannot give anymore info but it could be easily found on the web :o try wikipedia

  10. Quite an improvement in your English skills from this:
    my english is not to good. i dont understand your post.
    and yes, i made the waiter take what was left of each dish, even the ones with less than 25% left and had him "sigh tung krap". she look me like i am worthless but i am the one who is prideful. :D

    i hope you have better experience with lady hiso but i am happy to find a poor isaan girl. thank you for listen to my story.

    to this:

    too many vast generalizations and illogical arguments by people just throwing words around to sound smart

    i believe there to be very few farang who give an accurate analysis of the social dynamics of this political crisis

    this thread is one small step above drunken barstool gossip

    Some might say an unbelievable improvement...

    I think he has just learned how to use copy and paste :o:D:D

  11. We are all waiting for you to actually make an observation yourself about the present situation and not just persecute and judge others comments. :D

    Putting smileys after a spiteful comment doesn't make it any less twattish. :D See?

    I think OP is commenting on the flippant remarks of certain gloomy Guses and indicates a either a gentle positivity of spirit or a desire to attract said doomsayers to this thread so they say mean things about LOS and eventually each other, ultimately leading to a low brow slanging fest... :o Crap - I'm out of here!

    Calm down.

  12. read any political thread on this forum and at least a third of the posts are in the vain of:

    "Only in Thailand!"

    "Thailand and its political situation will never change"

    "Ive been here since 1970 so I know more about Thailand than you and nothing here ever changes"

    "haha - same same"

    "the more things change the more they stay the same"

    "this whole conflict is really just the result of a few very powerful and mysterious people/families arguing with each other"


    what is this "history" everyone speaks of based upon? 40-50 years? That is a very short time.

    We are all waiting for you to actually make an observation yourself about the present situation and not just persecute and judge others comments. :o

  13. too many vast generalizations and illogical arguments by people just throwing words around to sound smart

    i believe there to be very few farang who give an accurate analysis of the social dynamics of this political crisis

    this thread is one small step above drunken barstool gossip

    Please go on..............

  14. "C: Making mountains out of molehills.... If you do not look forward, extrapolating the trend, but only looking at the present, maybe. Problem with that is events tend to knock you on the head, hard, as you are not aware of potential developments before the axe falls."

    Oh yes and there have been so many civil wars in Thailand havent there ? there was only really the communist issue and that is it ! Pleaseee.... :o anyone who thinks there is going to be a full scale civil war with war crimes against one and all is deranged and obviously has no clue about Thailand, it's history and it's people let alone it's future !

  15. LaoPo

    Chaturon a respected figure? By who? He's changed political parties and loyalties so many times. And what has he been doing to help the working class since the coup? Learning Chinese language and songs in China, very useful for his Chachoensao constituents. His wedding to a very rich woman of an industrialist cost millions.

    The leaders of the PPP are not well meaning socialists- they are among the financially elite of Thailand.

    Coming from Ban Pai, Khon Kaen I've noticed that nearly every educated Issan person detests Thaksin, it didn't take long for most to realise his pretentions to be one of the people was merely an act to gain votes and hence power.

    I disagree that many of his acts benefitted the poor- few made any use of the village fund for anything profitable,partly because loans were so low, 10,000 or 15,000 baht . The free health care only covered basic illnesses, I know several people who have been sent home to die of liver cancer because the hospital can't afford treatment.

    Issan is rural and their interests are not uniform, rice, rubber, cassava,sugarcane farmers all have different demands from the government. Millions of their children are working in factories in the Eastern Seaboard, Ayuttaya and abroad,they are scattered around, not an urban working class mass movement as happened in the West in the past. A lot of the lifestyle enjoyed by families in Issan, now with pickups and modcons in the home, come from remittances from those away from home, and now many in Issan have a lifestyle far superior to those in Bangkok with space and nature with modcons.

    Thaksin showed the people, that if united, they had the power to form governments. Unfortunately his fatal flaws showed his total unsuitability to be a leader- observe how every decent Thai who supported Thaksin in the beginning has left him, now only opportunists and minions remain.

    Issan people deserve decent leaders and for that they must look within, but so long as money dominates politics it will be hard for any moral person to ascend to the top in politics in Issan.

    Well said ! :o

  16. cclub75 I see what you are getting at, you think because we could be threatened with violence it is in fact our business to know and be involved with what is going on right ?

    A: If so I just cannot imagine any violence being directed at farang if anything does go down so no need to be involved in something that ultimately will bring no threat to you.

    I did say before I had my ticket booked but I can assure you I do not and nor will I be leaving, B: this like many others is now my home and it is my wife and daughters home so I do get where you are coming from. However I would advice you, myself and anyone else to keep opinions to this forum and farang circles only but I am sure I do not have to tell you or anyone else this :D

    I never thought so before but Mr Head certainly knows what he is talking about all be it C: he is sometimes a little anxious to make a mountain out of a molehill !

    A: When things go, shall we say, pear shaped :D in a country, history shows us that far worse things can happen than we would ever have imagined.

    B: I wonder how many of you that insist on calling Thailand your 'home' have Thai citizenship or even permanent residence? I'd wager a minuscule %.

    C: Making mountains out of molehills.... If you do not look forward, extrapolating the trend, but only looking at the present, maybe. Problem with that is events tend to knock you on the head, hard, as you are not aware of potential developments before the axe falls.

    Ask many TV members who were saying the same thing when the markets 'lurched' :o , that first week, then were shouting buy! buy! the second week.

    I've noticed a few posts lamenting substantial losses.

    Seeing that you have a wife and daughter here, I'd say it is imperative that you keep on top of not only what is happening today, but where the trend may take us. Anything less is totally irresponsible for a family man.

    You have completely misunderstood what I have said and as usual with so many TV members have jumped to conclusions in order to fulfill some dying need to educate people on this forum when no education is needed.

    I am fully aware of the situation which is going on in this country, I can assure you I have a very good understanding of the situation here and have back channels open to me with good solid information. Thus I am fully prepared for any situation including one in which my families life is in danger in which I would probably take the option of leaving this country but I do not think it will come to that.

    However I am trying to assure people that I highly doubt and so does basically every foreign office in the world that it will come to that.

    I think there is a big difference between the economy and actual physical violense towards the expat community of a country, Do you not think ? so making any comparison is ludacris.

    Yes this is my home and yes I will actually will be a perm resid by April, Had my Non Immi for 5 years now. My wife is Thai, my daughter is half Thai and speaks Thai, my future children will be Thai, my family has a history of business in and with Thais and I have a business in Thailand. Would you consider this enough for me to think Thailand was my home ?

    Please I would love to hear all thoughts and prophecies you have regarding my thainess. :D:D

  17. The PAD are a bunch of idiots and Thaksin has been quite a cruel leader so where can one stand if one is not ingrained into this country and it's history. I think farang should just stay well away from this situation and I highly doubt that any crimes would be commited against farang if it did indeed all go down.

    Sorry I forgot to quote the above post before I posted "I still don't understand what farangs have to do in this Thai struggle."

    Does bravingbangkok mean there will be no danger towards farangs if things turn bad?

    I do indeed.

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