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Posts posted by bravingbangkok

  1. (If you don't like what a tiny minority group are doing against an elected government then you should leave? Oli wa, ali na...)

    If the current Parties are really that much loved by the population, they could be sure of re-elections, why then they aren't going to go for it and dissolve the house?

    Why not?

    This is an important question, and easy to answer too.

    If they dissolve the house, now, and call an election, with the current state of court proceedings (set in motion by the illegal coup) they would not be able to reform their party - leaving only the Dems to contest the next election, with a few minor parties. Thus, the PAD / army / Dems would be getting exactly what they've been after for years - Dem party government. (along with all the favours that the Dems would owe to their PAD / army / other sponsors).

    On the other hand, the Thai populous (majority) would have their consistently voiced vote taken away and the Dems forced on them, by a minority group based in Bangkok who want to control all the wealth.

    Sounds about right.

    Excellent post (your best so far).

    You're warming up mate - keep up the good work. :o


  2. So by being not Thai and living here you can not dislike ANYTHING here? No matter what someone posts here on TV the "If you don´t like it leave brigade" have to stick the nose in it.

    "The tuktuk driver was rude to me! Answer "if you do not like it then bugger off!"

    "I got robbed." Answer "if you do not like it then bugger off!"

    "I got a bottle smashed in my face." Answer "if you do not like it then bugger off!"

    I will keep my opinion; PAD can have how many rallies they want, but when they hijack airports it is not called "meeting" it is called an act of terror.

    Act of terror in the west but not here.

  3. (If you don't like what a tiny minority group are doing against an elected government then you should leave? Oli wa, ali na...)

    If the current Parties are really that much loved by the population, they could be sure of re-elections, why then they aren't going to go for it and dissolve the house?

    Why not?

    This is an important question, and easy to answer too.

    If they dissolve the house, now, and call an election, with the current state of court proceedings (set in motion by the illegal coup) they would not be able to reform their party - leaving only the Dems to contest the next election, with a few minor parties. Thus, the PAD / army / Dems would be getting exactly what they've been after for years - Dem party government. (along with all the favours that the Dems would owe to their PAD / army / other sponsors).

    On the other hand, the Thai populous (majority) would have their consistently voiced vote taken away and the Dems forced on them, by a minority group based in Bangkok who want to control all the wealth.

    Sounds about right.

  4. I cannot understand why foreigners who live here are getting so angered with the PAD and the situation they have made, if you do not like it then bugger off to the power to the gov and no one else west !

    This is their country and they have a right to do what they deem necassary. This is Thailands form of democracy and it will never change because this is how the cycle works and has thus far resolved all political situations with the minimal of civilian casualties. Can you imagine what the scene would be like if this happened in a south amercian country ? I do not want to !

    I feel sorry for the tourists who were simply on holiday here and especially if they have kids, are old or disabled in anyway. I have no time for expats who live here making accusations against the PAD for what they are doing. As I have said before it quite simply is none of our business and if you do not like it then do not live here.

    Their are many qualities in living in Thailand but just as in life there have to be negatives to balance it out. If you do not understand the fact that this type of situation is going to present itself all to often in this country then I would back ya bags now and head home.....well not by plane hahah

    Why are you surprised that expats have an opinion? We pretty much have an opinion on everything from the best Mexican food in BKK to censoring movies to whether a farang and a Thai can have a meaningful relationship. And now there is a situation which is having a direct impact on many expats, and you think they should ignore it?

    Granted, I do believe there is a line after which, if a person thinks things are too bad here, that person should just leave. But simply discussing things here is a far cry from taking action.

    You say this is democracy in action. Others say it is thuggery. Different opinions for different people. But a civil discussion here is hardly out of line.

    I do not advocate expats picking a shirt color and heading off to the protests. This is a Thai matter. But I do think that discussing this and pointing out the fallacies (from any side) is certainly normal and acceptable.

    Agree with everything stated above, however I am not telling people they cannot discuss their own opinions and views and am simply adding my view :o

    If you read back I never said I was against discussion itself but merely some opinions being expressed in those discussions.

    I did read back.... and you said, (quote) "I cannot understand why foreigners who live here are getting so angered with the PAD and the situation they have made, if you do not like it then bugger off to the power to the gov and no one else west !"

    So you are trying to control my emotions now? If I want to be angry I can be angry... If I want to be happy, I will be happy... Don't tell me to leave just because I express my emotions in my written opinions.... Thanks for understanding....

    I never told you to stop discussing and voicing opinons did I ?

    I beleive 'If you do not like it bugger off' is an expression ?????

  5. I have no time for expats who live here making accusations against the PAD for what they are doing

    Then probably an expat forum about Thailand is not the right place for you.

    Forums are for opinions and information.

    and maybe some people should learn they cannot have everything perfect in life.

    Yes, I agree but on the other hand doesn't everyone have a right to voice their opinion, or are you wanting to take that away?

    No absolutely not and I am not saying that. I just think people should just sit back and watch society at its best ! use this as a life experience :o

    So I honestly don't think that the folks on this forum are out protesting and shutting down the airports or creating chaos in the streets, we are merely voicing our opinions. I think that if you don't like to hear (errrr read) these opinions then perhaps it is you that should back your bags and more to a new forum. (perhaps..... www.themindlessandthoughtlessandunopinionated ) :D

    Look seriously stop misquoting me it makes me very angry, please tell me where I said that I did not agree with discussion ? I just do not agree with some peoples actions, comments and opinons...I never said they should never comment again and that all conversation must holt.

    Did I ?

  6. Hey Brave, you talk about Democracy and isn't this what it is all about.

    Last time I checked, we had a Democratically Elected Government (like them or not) that the PAD are trying to overthrow.

    Hmmm, try that in the UK or USA, taking over Heathrow or JFK, the Parliment or White House. Their action borders on another word and it is not democracy.

    I believe there are many different forms of democracy to fit each country, you cannot throw western democracy which entails western values into an Asian country which does not share the same morals and values.

    This is a cycle which Thailand has had for decades and as I have stated before thus far it has avoided major conflicts and dare I say it out right civil war. So in my book this is Thai-democracy and it works. I am sorry to break it to people but if anyone thinks Thailand will ever have a democracy like the UK or US they are sorely mistaken.

    Democracy is corrupt in the west, they just hide it better.

    James you are annoying me lolol you are forcing me into making a statment in which I would take sides haha stop it :o

  7. I cannot understand why foreigners who live here are getting so angered with the PAD and the situation they have made, if you do not like it then bugger off to the power to the gov and no one else west !

    This is their country and they have a right to do what they deem necassary. This is Thailands form of democracy and it will never change because this is how the cycle works and has thus far resolved all political situations with the minimal of civilian casualties. Can you imagine what the scene would be like if this happened in a south amercian country ? I do not want to !

    I feel sorry for the tourists who were simply on holiday here and especially if they have kids, are old or disabled in anyway. I have no time for expats who live here making accusations against the PAD for what they are doing. As I have said before it quite simply is none of our business and if you do not like it then do not live here.

    Their are many qualities in living in Thailand but just as in life there have to be negatives to balance it out. If you do not understand the fact that this type of situation is going to present itself all to often in this country then I would back ya bags now and head home.....well not by plane hahah

    Why are you surprised that expats have an opinion? We pretty much have an opinion on everything from the best Mexican food in BKK to censoring movies to whether a farang and a Thai can have a meaningful relationship. And now there is a situation which is having a direct impact on many expats, and you think they should ignore it?

    Granted, I do believe there is a line after which, if a person thinks things are too bad here, that person should just leave. But simply discussing things here is a far cry from taking action.

    You say this is democracy in action. Others say it is thuggery. Different opinions for different people. But a civil discussion here is hardly out of line.

    I do not advocate expats picking a shirt color and heading off to the protests. This is a Thai matter. But I do think that discussing this and pointing out the fallacies (from any side) is certainly normal and acceptable.

    Agree with everything stated above, however I am not telling people they cannot discuss their own opinions and views and am simply adding my view :o

    If you read back I never said I was against discussion itself but merely some opinions being expressed in those discussions.

  8. (If you don't like what a tiny minority group are doing against an elected government then you should leave? Oli wa, ali na...)

    "tiny minority" and "Elected Government"

    these are the points which reoccur like a clockwork...

    Does "tiny minority" make them automatically worthless?

    Does "elected, democratically elected Government" make the Government immune against ANYTHING the electorate doesn't like?

    Does an "elected Government" then have the rights to amend a constitution to bring an general amnesty against former indicted politicians?

    Does an "elected Government" has the unquestionable right then to do what ever it pleases?

    Does an "elected Government" has NO responsibilities towards the people by which it was elected?

    Does an "elected Government" not to follow the given rules?

    Does an "elected Government" has a free ticket to ride, to promote nepotism, corruption, opportunism in office?

    Is it this what a "tiny minority" has to respect and simply shut up because they are, proven or unproven a "tiny minority"?

    If the current Parties are really that much loved by the population, they could be sure of re-elections, why then they aren't going to go for it and dissolve the house?

    Why not?

    I f they are the CAUSE of the trouble, why isn't this "elected Government" giving in?


    Because they have been treated "unfairly" by the biased courts, everything in this country is a conspiracy against these "honest" and "sincere" politicians, with an incredible score card of scandals and misdoings?

    Well, I feel really,really sorry for them, angels!

    is it so?

    Great post

  9. I have no time for expats who live here making accusations against the PAD for what they are doing

    Then probably an expat forum about Thailand is not the right place for you.

    Forums are for opinions and information.

    and maybe some people should learn they cannot have everything perfect in life.

    Yes, I agree but on the other hand doesn't everyone have a right to voice their opinion, or are you wanting to take that away?

    No absolutely not and I am not saying that. I just think people should just sit back and watch society at its best ! use this as a life experience :o

  10. I cannot understand why foreigners who live here are getting so angered with the PAD and the situation they have made, if you do not like it then bugger off to the power to the gov and no one else west !

    This is their country and they have a right to do what they deem necassary. This is Thailands form of democracy and it will never change because this is how the cycle works and has thus far resolved all political situations with the minimal of civilian casualties. Can you imagine what the scene would be like if this happened in a south amercian country ? I do not want to !

    I feel sorry for the tourists who were simply on holiday here and especially if they have kids, are old or disabled in anyway. I have no time for expats who live here making accusations against the PAD for what they are doing. As I have said before it quite simply is none of our business and if you do not like it then do not live here.

    Their are many qualities in living in Thailand but just as in life there have to be negatives to balance it out. If you do not understand the fact that this type of situation is going to present itself all to often in this country then I would back ya bags now and head home.....well not by plane hahah

    Mate, its not just the foreigners on here who hate this situation, talk to the majority of working Thais in BKK and upcountry and you will see that this group has gone too far. Can't you even see the Democrats are gently doing a two step to distance themselves further from the yellow mob?

    You are absolutely right, please James do not get me wrong this is a bummer of a situation for all but as someone said before, is this not what democracy is about ???...power to the people and all that ? I say let this situation run its course with no violence, it is annoying, it is disruptive and I am going to miss the biggest football match of my clubs year lolol but hey thats life right ?

    Nobody is complaining about the PAD's right to demonstrate. What we are complaining about it that this latest move hurts more than anyone else, the people they proclaim to be protesting on behalf of. Take off the blinders.

    I understand that but hey its a protest what do you expect, you would not get anywhere by just sitting in a field in the middle of no where waving flags would you ?

  11. I have no time for expats who live here making accusations against the PAD for what they are doing

    Then probably an expat forum about Thailand is not the right place for you.

    Forums are for opinions and information.

    and maybe some people should learn they cannot have everything perfect in life.

    :o It's only 13:30 an you're sozzled already... good going, I think I'll grab a tiger and join you (no work tomorrow).

    Sarcasm is for the weak minded.

  12. its amazing that OP takes the time to tell us how pointless our discussion is, thus joining the discussion himself.

    It is amazing how many times you have had stupid inacurate and basically childish comments deleted from this forum.

    Where did I state that any discussion was pointless ? and what discussion did I partake in ? I started this discussion and it is not the discussion I am targeting but the feelings and views of those discussing.

    Oh dear someone has just been told.

  13. What a stange post from the OP.

    Another member of 'if you don't like it you can leave' brigade.

    (If you don't like what a tiny minority group are doing against an elected government then you should leave? Oli wa, ali na...)

    haha ok if you think the past elections ahve not been bought you are living on another planet.


  14. Mate when you come here , invest a lot of money , employ many Thai workers , you expect in return a

    bit of a safe and democratic society , go to the BOI website -or even Thai Tourism , there is never any mention of

    Terrorists taking over airports and bombs in streets, So what goes on here is my problem because i am the one employing Thai,s and investing money

    I totally understand where you are coming from, I myself am not losing money from this situation but fear in the long run I possibly could. The thing is nobody said doing business was not risky in any shape or form, country or city.

  15. I cannot understand why foreigners who live here are getting so angered with the PAD and the situation they have made, if you do not like it then bugger off to the power to the gov and no one else west !

    This is their country and they have a right to do what they deem necassary. This is Thailands form of democracy and it will never change because this is how the cycle works and has thus far resolved all political situations with the minimal of civilian casualties. Can you imagine what the scene would be like if this happened in a south amercian country ? I do not want to !

    I feel sorry for the tourists who were simply on holiday here and especially if they have kids, are old or disabled in anyway. I have no time for expats who live here making accusations against the PAD for what they are doing. As I have said before it quite simply is none of our business and if you do not like it then do not live here.

    Their are many qualities in living in Thailand but just as in life there have to be negatives to balance it out. If you do not understand the fact that this type of situation is going to present itself all to often in this country then I would back ya bags now and head home.....well not by plane hahah

    Mate, its not just the foreigners on here who hate this situation, talk to the majority of working Thais in BKK and upcountry and you will see that this group has gone too far. Can't you even see the Democrats are gently doing a two step to distance themselves further from the yellow mob?

    You are absolutely right, please James do not get me wrong this is a bummer of a situation for all but as someone said before, is this not what democracy is about ???...power to the people and all that ? I say let this situation run its course with no violence, it is annoying, it is disruptive and I am going to miss the biggest football match of my clubs year lolol but hey thats life right ?

  16. I don't support a coup, but I think it would be better if the army forces the government to resign.

    Considering that walking in with guns and forcing the signature is nothing different from a coup I voted with yes.

    That is a coup. Don't you mean you don't support a bloody coup ?

    The army involved in politics!! that's not democracy. The army is not doing it's job and the generals should be charged with treason, simple.

    No it is not you are right but it is Thailands form of democracy and it has always worked.

  17. I cannot understand why foreigners who live here are getting so angered with the PAD and the situation they have made, if you do not like it then bugger off to the power to the gov and no one else west !

    This is their country and they have a right to do what they deem necassary. This is Thailands form of democracy and it will never change because this is how the cycle works and has thus far resolved all political situations with the minimal of civilian casualties. Can you imagine what the scene would be like if this happened in a south amercian country ? I do not want to !

    I feel sorry for the tourists who were simply on holiday here and especially if they have kids, are old or disabled in anyway. I have no time for expats who live here making accusations against the PAD for what they are doing. As I have said before it quite simply is none of our business and if you do not like it then do not live here.

    Their are many qualities in living in Thailand but just as in life there have to be negatives to balance it out. If you do not understand the fact that this type of situation is going to present itself all to often in this country then I would back ya bags now and head home.....well not by plane hahah

  18. Do not believe the old tale that just because a Thai girl has a tatoo she is whore....this just is not true anymore but it would not hurt to be suspicious :D:o

    There's a degree of difference in the perceptions and treatment of women who have tattoos as opposed to men. As noted from the above quote, a tatttoed woman is instantly judged. What a shame you need to share (perpetuate) those judgements.

    I would consider my 1/4 sleeves, shoulders a medium ink coverage and feel I'm treated more respectfully when they aren't visible, however I think this parallels being fairly modest with clothes. Depending on the social situation the odd tattoo poking out hasn't made a difference. When visiting family in the country I would be more concerned with tattoos being covered than hanging around my local area.

    I think I'll have better things to think about when I'm 60 than whether my tattoos are sagging or not. There's a whole generation of us x and y'ers everywhere who are spotted, covered, dotted and tagged with ink. That's alot of grannys and pops wearing stories to tell their grand kiddies.

    What are you talking about ????????? I said that you cannot judge a Thai women just because she has a tatoo , some people are way to quick to judge comments on here, read it again.

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