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Posts posted by bravingbangkok

  1. There is enough turmoil already and this crisis will not benefit from the interference of do gooder outsider influences.

    I would like to see the photos of these Farangs, if they live in Thailand, circulated around all Immigration departments and these clowns deported.

    There are some people who are just professional agitators. They might be just tourists, but when there is a good riot (or demonstration), they show up. We had them in the anti-war movement in the USA back in the 60's and 70's. Funny thing is I have never heard of them going to China to demonstrate against government abuses in Tibet or showing up in Tehran to protest against the treatment of women or gays.

    So in other words they are a bunch of cowards who just want to course a problem.

  2. Look at it this way, the real losers here are the Thai People, dont they understand that this constant inner turmopil will only stop tourism, increase unemployment, and make Thailand look like that there is absolutely no security. The Govt (irrespective of who is in power now) does not hjave the mandate, nor the gumption to police or maintain civil order in thgis society. No foreign dignitary feels safe and I doubt will ever set foot into Thailand again....

    I dont see anything except a civil war as what will happen next for Thailand.....I dont think anyone has respect for anyone, irrespective as top what colour shirt they wear when they resort to violence or other measures currently happening at the moment....

    You must consider that most of the thais involved in this chaos have the mentality of a ten year old (ten year old thai that is)

    OMG this is soooooooooooooooo right and thank God someone has finally said it. These red shits represent a bunch of uneducated misled people. I feel for them greatly as they do not even know the facts but on the other hand are just being greedy by taking money to course chaos ! Utter disgrace.

  3. I am afraid to say Thais will keep a condo, apartment, townhouse or house empty rather than sell it at a lower price. Nothing will probably come down in price and the baht will mysteriously continue to remain strong in the face of a recession in its own back yard :o:D:D

    Thais seem to live in their own little made up world. Property prices have alwaysssssssssssssssss been way too high and it was merely another way for the rich project/development owning elites to make more of a profit of the ordinary hard working middle class.

  4. But going back to the thread title, ie, 'on the edge'- judging by recent newspaper reports I think we can conclude that the economy has not only gone over the edge, but is hurtling downhill at an alarming speed.

    I think I take agreement as read, but anyone care to counter?

    i don't want to counter but ask a simple question "which economy is not going downhill?" :o

    None of course, but that seeks to detract from confirming that the Thai economy is entering a recession ! As of a month ago a significant minority on TV argued that Thailand would not be effected. Naam, are you saying it isn't either in recession/depression?

    MB, from what i recall that minority was not really significant, but that is just my personal view. judging Thailand's economic situation, especially the future (status quo is rather irrelevant as to fuzzy), is beyond my capability for the simple reason that none of us knows what the future will present. generally i'd say the outlook is very bleak and Thailand can quite obviously not decouple from the bleak global environment.

    i also want to be brutally open. whether Thailand goes into recession or depression is the least of my concerns. i don't live in Thailand, i am living in my home which by coincidence is located in Thailand. as long as the hungry horde of jobless people (some gloom&doomers are predicting this) do not raid my kitchen and my larder or kill my dog for food i am not bothered. come boom or bust our domestic staff will still have excellent working conditions, very good salaries and free food all what they want and can eat. depression or recession will not drive my domestic expenditure up, i will still eat whatever food i prefer and enjoy a good bottle of wine, will not sweat because i have to save on energy by switching of the aircons and it is highly unlikely that we Farangs are kicked out after our property has been confiscated (another prediction by some gloom&doomers).

    of course all afore-mentioned based on and seen from my individual perspective :D

    Could not agree more :D

  5. This kind of thing upsets me of course but if this was business I can understand, this kind of stuff happens in every country but IF and I stress IF this is just another thai girl friend getting rid of the hubby and claiming the spoils now that f'ing pisses me right off !

    Feel very bad for this guy and his family, he was obviosuly trying to make something of himself in an enviroment where being White makes it 1000 times more difficult so much respect to the guy.

  6. Just another day in Thailand, this is the way it is, sorry you are just discovering this now, sounds like you were ignorant like the others in this thread as to what Thailand is really like. Glad you are now aware.

    True, this kind of thing happens, has been happening and will continue to happen all the time. I did read that the newspapers might be reporting more of it recently though. One newspaper confirmed that it was only printing a predefined quota of 'bad news' articles, I think it was a Pattaya paper although I cant remember the specifics.


    This is not just another day in Thailand.

    These things happen, everywhere.

    Thailand as well.

    But not every day.

    So, not just another day.

    I do not know if anyone else heard but my wife told me about a big gang fight between two technical colleges, about 50 on each side armed with shanks and a few guns, nobody dead but many injured. Those tec college students are f'ing crazy. They are the ones who wear the really tight jeans which are really short and converse shoes, Although this could be a lot of people in Thailand I think you can make your own judgement as to whether or not they are the peeps, always in crew as well.

  7. Just another day in Thailand, this is the way it is, sorry you are just discovering this now, sounds like you were ignorant like the others in this thread as to what Thailand is really like. Glad you are now aware.

    True, this kind of thing happens, has been happening and will continue to happen all the time. I did read that the newspapers might be reporting more of it recently though. One newspaper confirmed that it was only printing a predefined quota of 'bad news' articles, I think it was a Pattaya paper although I cant remember the specifics.


    This is not just another day in Thailand.

    These things happen, everywhere.

    Thailand as well.

    But not every day.

    So, not just another day.

    You are right, I always think that if you hear about it then that means it is special so thereofore cannot be normal so therefore not a regualr occurence.

    I think Thailand is quite safe but for foreigners (apart from the ones who marry....well to save argument sake girls who have an agenda shall we say) it is very safe.

    However if you have a house or townhouse and are able to get a gun I would get one as for the large percentage of crimes in Thailand that are carried out with a gun.

    As my wifes dad always says it is better to have a gun and not need it then need it and not have it :o

  8. I think the OP phrased it badly, but I've also been curious as to how the foreigners at the bottom of the barrel manage to survive for months or even years with no money, no job and no source of income.

    As far as I can tell from speaking to some they borrow from lots of people, very occasionally do some work and rely on charity, often from Thais.

    I'm curious as to how they manage to last so long and have the money to drink in bars.

    Anyone with an answer that doesn't accuse me of being some kind of fascist for being curious is most welcome to comment.

    They teach or sell drugs lolol

  9. NOT :o

    Looks like the OP hit a nerve. I think they spend all day on Thai Visa and make themselves feel better by berating people.

    Other options might be that they wait for the unemployment/pension or disability check to come.

    Misterbunny....I havent stopped laughing since I first read this pathetic post....he is far from striking a nerve...unless one tingles with you?

    I already know that I'm a washed up farang, whats your excuse?

    For your information, he didnt see me under a bridge drinking beer, i don't do alcohol & I am clean shaven. What amuses me is this twirp actually thinks that just because he saw a couple of guys having a beer that they are washed up, he should take particular note of Kiakaha post.

    Mate, two white tatooed, probably brits drinking beer from the bottle under a bridge in the middle of Bangkok wearing wife beaters sounds quite washed up to me.

    What's a wife beater?

    A vest, Rab C Nesbitt style. The OP said Singlet but I think he means a wife beater/tank top/vest

  10. NOT :o

    Looks like the OP hit a nerve. I think they spend all day on Thai Visa and make themselves feel better by berating people.

    Other options might be that they wait for the unemployment/pension or disability check to come.

    Misterbunny....I havent stopped laughing since I first read this pathetic post....he is far from striking a nerve...unless one tingles with you?

    I already know that I'm a washed up farang, whats your excuse?

    For your information, he didnt see me under a bridge drinking beer, i don't do alcohol & I am clean shaven. What amuses me is this twirp actually thinks that just because he saw a couple of guys having a beer that they are washed up, he should take particular note of Kiakaha post.

    Mate, two white tatooed, probably brits drinking beer from the bottle under a bridge in the middle of Bangkok wearing wife beaters sounds quite washed up to me.

  11. If they think the reserves will out last the storm then they are so so so so wrong, Devalue it now and get the British and European tourists back.

    By waiving tourist visa fees and cutting flights by 50% they are trying to swing tourists back, at 47 baht to the pound good luck !

    With reserves of over USD 110 bill, greater than those of the UK (USD65 bill), why do you think they will not last a while?

    Also, tourism only represents around 7% of GDP and European and British tourism a fraction of that, why would Thailand really care?

    Oopps, seems that it's much less than that if you factor out the liabilities, only USD28 billion in the Bank, makes Thailand look pretty good.


    Does Thailand have any Foreign debt ?

    Last time I cheked it was around 59 000 mil$, That was a couple of years ago though so they might of cut it by quite a lot.

  12. Have not used my aircon for about 3 months now, Nice and cool in my apartment and I do not even use a fan during the day !

    My missus still puts the aircon on at night even if ts 20C outside, she sets it as 24C inside????????

    I think its an obbession of with wasting money :o

    I soon turn it off once i get to bed, open the windows and turn the fan on.

    You know that, My computers and TV's in my place cost so much a month that the cold weather is welcomed greatly. Since I have not been using the aircon my chest and throat feel so much better.

    Even if you do use the a/c its even cheaper in the cool weather because that box outside doesnt need to work so much to change the temp i guess. Typically if the a/c runs for 12 hours per night in this season it only uses 5 units a night compared to 7 units when its really hot. hahaha you can tell i worry about money right?

    Thanks for making me aware of that :D there is nothing wrong with watching your money, people who do are usually the ones who last the longest :D

    I really do believe that making money is the easy part, keeping it is the hard ! so much consumer temptation.

  13. Have not used my aircon for about 3 months now, Nice and cool in my apartment and I do not even use a fan during the day !

    My missus still puts the aircon on at night even if ts 20C outside, she sets it as 24C inside????????

    I think its an obbession of with wasting money :o

    I soon turn it off once i get to bed, open the windows and turn the fan on.

    You know that, My computers and TV's in my place cost so much a month that the cold weather is welcomed greatly. Since I have not been using the aircon my chest and throat feel so much better.

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