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Posts posted by bravingbangkok

  1. Does the gamepass work well in Bangkok ? how quick is your connection ?

    I'm in the Pattaya area; not in BKK. My ISP is C.A.T. Telecom, which, according to most comments I've seen, seems to be about the best available here. It is unstable at times; and can sometimes be very slow during peak daytime hours. Most of the time, even during peak hours, my speed is at least over 600 kbps, which will sustain the video stream. In off peak hours, I run at about 1500 or more.

    The good news, with regard to NFL Game Pass, is that the USA Sunday afternoon games are, of course, 'live' here from midnight to about 6:30 AM. I've had minimal problems during those hours, with only a few minutes of delays over the entire 4 weeks that I've been using it. The morning hours and afternoon hours are less dependable; but the replay I ran at 1 PM today was fine.

    As I've said before here, I advise that anyone considering NFL Game Pass buy a one week trial. It's worth the relatively small expense to ensure that your connection can carry it, before you shell out for the full season. Since we're already 4 weeks into the season, you might want to think about waiting for a "mid-season" rate, if they do that sort of thing. I'm not sure about that.

    I am just listening to it on the field pass and it has cut out quite a lot, the thing is I have a very quick internet so I do not know why. Lets wait as see if the chiefs and get some games going :o I love watching them anyway but true only show about 1 of thier macthes a season !

  2. Four games into the season (and only 3 for some teams), it really is much too early to be making decisions about the relative strength of any teams or Divisions.

    Belichick always tells his players (and the writers who care to pay attention) that there are enough changes in the rosters of all teams, and sometimes in things like rules and "points of emphasis" in officiating, to truly make each season a new, and developing situation. What we see in September is very often not what we see in December. In fact, Belichick's famous mantra is that the season really begins at Thanksgiving. Everything before that is preparation and development.

    Obviously, it's important to try to win every game from opening day on; and definitely to keep your team in position to win it's Division. But most teams, especially most good teams, don't play all their cards in September. Then there are the ever present, unfortunate, injuries that change things from week to week, all across the league.

    So I really tend to ignore the press chatter about "strongest Division", and "Power Rankings", etc. Just let 'em play the games, and enjoy the fact that the "any given Sunday" adage is what makes the game so much fun for us all.

    And, speaking of fun, what a great Monday of football I had, beginning at 00:00! I watched 5 games. At midnight, I had the Vikings/Titans game on the TV; and watched the Broncos/Chiefs game on my laptop (via NFL Game Pass). I followed those with the Redskins/Cowboys game on TV; and the Chargers/Raiders on the laptop. Then I went to bed, an slept for a few hours. I got up about 13:00, and ran the replay of the Eagles/Bears game from NFL Game Pass, putting it up on the TV. Of course, I did that before opening my email, or any other websites, so it was a "tape delay" for me, with no knowledge of the results. That was a lot of great football!

    Tomorrow morning, I'll be up to watch the Steelers/Ravens live at 7:30.

    Yes, I truly am an addict. With or without my Patriots playing, I LOVE THE NFL!!

    By the way, are any of you guys familiar with the Agila satellite (over the Philippines) that's available via a big dish? I also access that; and that provides a live broadcast of the Monday Night games on Tuesday morning. I'll try it tomorrow, but I'm guessing that it probably goes off the network coverage during highlight breaks and commercials, as Truevisions does. If so, I'll stick with the NFL Game Pass coverage, which is the full USA broadcast. The good thing about it is that I can leave the Agila broadcast on the alternate setting, in case my internet connections goes sour during the game, which sometimes does happen with the morning games.

    Does the gamepass work well in Bangkok ? how quick is your connection ?

  3. Yea this would be good as I have f all points due to me using my brothers for the past few years. Now he has not got his anymore so he will need a few of the tickets on my card but I imagine not that many for the matches.

  4. OMG the guy knows that it is hard to survive on that amount and thus wa smaking a rhetorical statment. He is fully aware that you can live on that amount but is just making a statment that it must be hard. Therefore what is he ignorant of ?

  5. "Chelsea are a bunch of winners, but were second in the Premier League, lost the Champions League final and lost the final of the Carling Cup"

    Interesting logic this sentence is.

    I'm sure he is referring to actual spirit and ambition rather than actual facts, anyway they will all be winners come May!! :D

    Sounds like sour grapes to me !

    Seapok members are guaranteed 1 ticket :D then an extra two after at the next stage along with the seaosn ticket holders. Us members get quite a good deal :D I am planning to go to about 7 matches over december and obviously the 30th nov match. Got spammers as well early dec COME ON CHELSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !

    Yeah I know about the 1 ticket rule mate but by the time the extra tickets are available the game has already been sold out, especially for the big games, thats handy knowing you are a member, maybe when your not around I could use your No. to get 2 x tickets for the big games, we could do each other a favour, with the loyality points scheme, what do you think?

    That would be fine with me :o I can buy the ticket and then send it to you and you can pay me through paypal or put the cash in my bank. Yes I would agree that the 2 extra tickets are always hard to get but at least we get 1 which is good enough :D

  6. Its very easy to live on 35thou a month if you don't insist on living in a luxury condo in bangkok.

    I live out in the 'sticks' (1hr from bangkok) and i like it very much, every one is different.

    I like being able to travel on my own motorcycle, get to work and other places quickly and easily.. but as i say thats just me.

    and i save money each month as well. its very easy if you try!

    and for those that say i dont have anything. i have 2 motorbikes (cbr250&150).tv .fridge bedroom furniture.computer etc all payed for with this 35thou a month.

    i eat out most nights,drink beer and have fun!

    regards Allan


    I admire your ability to do that and save money at the same time. It would, however, be difficult for me. Just my wardrobe costs and the drinks I am expected to buy (and not be reimbursed for!) would take a nice chunk out of such a budget.

    I think it is safe to say that it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to be a professional in Bangkok and live on that kind of budget, choice of housing and location aside. That seems where the disconnect comes in for many.

    It also seems to me that costs (not just housing) have been going up the last few years. My salary has well outpaced inflation in Thailand, but I definitely feel the price difference these days. Living on such a salary seems a big stretch to me.

    me too but can you really save for any kind of future ?

  7. "Chelsea are a bunch of winners, but were second in the Premier League, lost the Champions League final and lost the final of the Carling Cup"

    Interesting logic this sentence is.

    I'm sure he is referring to actual spirit and ambition rather than actual facts, anyway they will all be winners come May!! :o

    Sounds like sour grapes to me !

    Seapok members are guaranteed 1 ticket :D then an extra two after at the next stage along with the seaosn ticket holders. Us members get quite a good deal :D I am planning to go to about 7 matches over december and obviously the 30th nov match. Got spammers as well early dec COME ON CHELSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !

  8. i really am not being rude ,but how the heck can anybody survive on 35k a month ?

    No, you are being ignorant.

    I don't think he is, It was merely a question and is one that I also ponder from time to time. I can understand 4 years ago but now is a slightly different story. Rental prices are much higher around the centre and who wants to live in the sticks ???? Hardly living the dream would you not agree ?

    I do not understand what he is being ignorant about ? not knowing how to survive on 35 000 in Thailand ? surely if thaimate makes more he must have some sort of a rough idea.

  9. Kartman we saw this a few years back now with shuey and Flavio, Nelson obviously crashed on purpose and that is why Alonso was running so light in practise and qualifying and he probably would have got poll if his engine had not broken or whatever happened. He is a cheating spaniard ! It is in their blood to cheat and they do it in every sport, I should know I am part Spanish. I say fuc_k them and let them have this race, I think everyone knows the truth about whether or not Nelson meant to crash so we all know they are cheats and that is good enough. It is not like they can do this every race is it ?

    You may say is a broken car worth all the advertising revenue for winning that race which was the most coverted race this season ? oh f'ing yes it was ! about a thousand times more and thats why they did it. To boost their funding for next season you will be seeing this type of shit from renault in the alst few races !

    Did you see when that Indian/singaporean commentator for star sports asked Flavio about whether Nelson was helped by the crash ? Falvio quickly and strongly denied that Nelson had anything to do with it and that in fact the ywllow flag was given for Rubens and not Nelso hahahah absolutely farscile. He then continued to just walk away ignoring anymore questions that the reporter was asking......f'ing disgrace ! Will there be an inquiry into this or Massa causing Sutil to crash just like Kimmi did in Monaco when Sutil and force India were on for scoring points ???? No there fuc_king wont be because they are all a bunch of gang banging poofs who line up on a daily basis to get whipped by that Nazi Max (i love Hitler) Mosley.

    Utter disgrace :o:D:D:D:D

  10. HAVE IT ! :D:D:D:D cheifs are off hahahahahaha finally ! LJ rushing for 198 yards 2 touch downs what a game for him. Tony G as usual comes up with some important plays, only 3 but they were all vital and one being a touchdown.

    Lets hope we can keep this fluency but I highly doubt it :o

    I would agree last week Dolphins beating patriots was an unusual one as was the skins game.

  11. And all I see on all the footy forums is the mancs claiming they are always dealt a bad hand form the ref's and FA......<deleted> to that ! Old red knose always gets his way and always has his little bit to say. He should just shut up the silly old gitt !

  12. I go to Abu Dhabi a lot so I get them there tax free :o I have been stopped once but they seemed to take no notice of the couple of boxes of cohibas in my suitcase :D So I really doubt you are going to get taxed for just one box in the post and you would have ot be very unlucky for the package to get stopped. As someone said before just send it to a Thai name.

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