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Posts posted by bravingbangkok

  1. Yes I am married to a Thai and have a child of Thai/British nationality. I think I might just wait until I go to London this christmas and just get a few 30 day stamps to take me to December. I fancy a bit of gamberling anyway :o

    Does anyone know what actual affect having a child who is Thai is on a Visa application ? From my experience I have had such an easy time with getting visas but I have only ever got them in London where they all know me.

  2. Why do people of chinese origin (please correct me if I'm wrong) favour those really hairy moles? (The ones with hair coming out that is longer than the hairs on their head) Is it something to do with religion/status/wiseness or are they just lazy?

    I've lived next to a bloke for about 3 years who sports this distinct look but have never found an appropriate time to ask him, although he always finds time to comment on my beer drinkers physique!

    Anyone know?


    It is believed to be unlucky to cut them :D Might have something to do with wealth as well but you might have to research that one.

  3. Hi there,

    I have just discovered that an American citizen, a former employee of the US Embassy in Bangkok (in what capacity, I have no idea), has recently closed down his staffing business owing a lot of money his Thai staff (not paid for several months) and to Thai customers also.

    His business was concerned with helping Thai staff get jobs in the Middle East. The business contact in the Middle East runs a legitimate company (I know this because I work there and we help lots of people from all over the world every month find genuine job's). The Middle East firm simply finds local businesses with staffing shortages and helps locate suitable candidates to fill these roles. We charge the candidates nothing - the fee is paid by the firms needing the staff. My boss went into partnership with this American guy mainly because this guy was supposedly well connected in Thai government circles and could help Thai candidates get their necessary documentation through the Thai bureaucracy in good order etc.

    About a 6 months ago, my boss in the Middle East gave this American about $60,000 USD to set up a Bangkok office with the aim of supplying Thais for roles in the Middle East.

    The long and the short of it is, the American guy has been very unethical. We, in the Middle East, have discovered that he has not paid rent for the last 3 months, nor any utilities. He hasn't paid any of his staff any wages for the last 3 months either. Worse still, he has taken money off of innocent Thai people who trustingly gave their money to him for services he has failed to provide (professional English training, document attestation, registration fees etc). The American guy simply switched off his phone, locked the office up and walked away. No one knows where he is now.

    This guy, in his late 30's, is very well connected to all sorts of Thai govt officials. His wife is a former Thai embassy official and is from a 'hi-so' Thai family. One of his unpaid employees has informed me that he is well connected in Police circles also.

    Is there anything that the Thai staff and Thai customers can do? Can they make a formal complaint with any authority to try and get back any monies owed to them?

    FYI, my boss has decided to write his investment off and chalk it up as a bad experience. It is of no professional interest to me that this unethical American business man is made to pay - Personally, I just hate con men, especially when it's the poor who get ripped off by such 'black hearted' people.

    I am in loose contact with several of the Thai people affected by this guy's behaviour. I am more than happy to pass on any suggestions made here. If I can somehow be helpful the locals recoup any lost money from this guy, that is fine by me.

    Personally, knowing Thailand and how well connected this American chap is, I think it is going to be almost impossible for the Thais to get anything from a legal standpoint. If it were me or my friends/family who had been ripped off in this manner, I am not sure whether I would be looking solely to the law enforcers for justice.

    If they know bigger people and more connected people than you do........walk away and take a loss :o:D sorry to say. You might get something out of it but it will take a long time, 2 years maybe. So you have to weigh up the cost of you spending hours upon hours of time on something which will ultimately give you little in return.

    Of course this guy might also be out of favour with the people he is connected to and they just mightt want to pay him back for some wrong doing he imposed upon them as well. (the enemy of your enemy is your friend) so you may as well have a bash and report him :D:D just make sure you have things in writing..bank statements and transfers etc etc. If you can prove you gave him this money under a condition that requires him to actually do something then their may be a light at the end of this dark tunnel. However it is a very long way down the tunnel :D

  4. The Thai way is to do nothing. These girls know they're not the primary family. They take the benefits while it lasts and know it wont last.

    A friend of mine was a very (VERY) rich Thai and when he dumped his mia noi he cut off everything immediately with no pay off. She spent a couple of days crying in my office that he wasn't paying the car anymore and it was going to be reposessed, that he wasn't paying the rent and she was going to be evicted, that he wasn't paying her sisters schools fees anymore and they'd have to leave high school and university and she had no money left and couldn't eat.

    Could I talk to him? (NO WAY!!!) Could I help her get a job (Not one that pays the 200k a month you need when you're 25 and have no university degree)

    Exactly ! Family means more then pussy. Sorry to put it so bluntly !

  5. Why in the hel_l would you want to do that ? If you have a wife and if you especially have kids to go a long with the wife then why would you want to leave any money for some girl on the side, The day you die she will be slurping on fresh d**k before sundown....probably is right now.

    When will people get it through their heads that Mia Nois are just a piece of pussy ! Yes take them shopping and buy them as much as you can afford and if they are really that pleasing to ya needs even pay their rent but on no account do you 1. enter into any private or family dispute they have and 2. leave them anything.

    If you love them that much leave the wife and marry them.

  6. News on US economy not at all good today. So maybe we will get a swing in the other direction.

    Personally I would have thought the Euro was overvalued, but maybe Action man Sarkozy is keeping the ship afloat.

    The trouble is I do remember the days of 75-80 Baht to the pound but I also remember the days of 45Bt to the pound. So maybe better to leave memory out of this.

    When was it 45Bt to the pound ?

  7. The recent sharp full of the pound had much to do with certain comments that have been made about the state of the British economy. Put that together with the problems in the property market, high oil prices and nobody trusting Brownboy there is no doubt the pound is heading for a hard and long road against the Thai Baht. Luckily the Thai economy is not the US, Japanese or Euro economy both so I would not think their is too much to worry about. The pound should not sink below 58 baht to the pound, It should hang around the 59/60 mark and then slowly start to gain again. The price of oil is starting to show signs of decline but you can never rely on that, If you can wait a few months I would and am.

  8. "Not a cse of missing the boat, just a case of investing in something a lot different and probably getting more out of it :o "

    What did you invest in?

    Surprise surprise you still haven't answered my question.. but if you need more time go to google and type in "whats really really hot on the stock market right now" keep me posted

    Commercial Shop contracts but I doubt you will not even know what I mean by that.

  9. You are an idiot if you bought property in the last 2 years in Bangkok, get out now ! 100 000 up oer sq m has no relation to the Thai econmy or current unstable position, yes you have been mugged !

    Why does it seem that anti buy property comments are often phrased as above? Reads to me the poster can't afford to buy and wants tobluster that in his unsubstantiated opinion those that did have been mugged. Tonight's source of enlightenment. Perhaps he is unaware that often people buy as they prefer their own place, others prefer to rent, no right or wrong, just personal preference. Investors are a different category, but any investment is a risk, they made they choice to invest in real estate.

    I bought a house in my young child's name, I no longer have to pay rent here, that suits me, also my child will never have to pay rent either. Which ever way the market goes is completely irrelevant, I also bought well and certainly wasn't mugged.


    Once again I also do live here and have for 5 years !

  10. I've been with my Thai wife for nearly 5 years now.She has two Thai sons,aged 11 and 16,from a previous marriage to a Thai man.

    I cant fault my wife .She takes good care of me and her sons and keeps the house tidy and clean etc.She's not afraid of hard work and is very kindhearted.

    I get on really well with the 11 year old boy.True,he's naughty sometimes but thats to be expected and we have a good laugh together,like a father and son should do.

    The problem is the 16 year old.He's not very bright (not that I hold that against him) and isnt interested in school.Last year we found he had been bunking off school a fair bit and he was one of only two boys who failed to attain his grades for that year.We arranged for him to do retakes of the subjects he had failed but that took up almost 3 months of the new school year.

    My wife decided that as he had missed 3 months of his current year it would be better if he skipped this curriculum till next year ie. take the subjects a year behind.

    His character is not good.Lying and cheating seem to be second nature to him.Now he is not at school till next year his life seems to consist of lazing in bed till at least lunchtime,then going out playing online games in the afternoon and then meeting up with his mates at night smoking and drinking Thai whisky and coming home only when he feels like it.

    I am not happy about this.My wife says try to understand him as he is only young.But he is abusive towards her and so lazy when asked to do even the simplest of household chores.Too be honest he doesnt listen to my wife and its only when I speak firmly to him that he will do anything.

    Sometimes he doesnt come home or not till the early hours.He's only 16 years old and thats just not on as far as I am concerned.

    I found him rooting through my wifes handbag in our bedroom once,maybe looking for money.My wife told me he did this before she met me.

    I said why doesnt he get a job whilst hes not at school and make a bit of money but hes not interested.Too much like hard work.

    For me,I wouldnt give him any money till he improves,just feed him,but I know my wife will relent and give him some baht every time.

    Personally I feel like beating the living shit out of him but what would that achieve other than making me feel better in the short term !

    His personality sames to be exactly the same as his fathers,a complete waster,drunkard and womaniser.

    Its reaching the stage where I feel this boy is spoiling my life big time.I'd be so happy if he went to live with his grandparents three hours drive away.

    But that would be passing the buck.He would just spoil their life.

    I've even said to my wife if he doesnt go then I will.Again,unfair on my wife and younger son for they have done nothing wrong.

    But,on the other side of the coin,if he doesnt go I am left living with a complete waster for possibly the rest of my life,not fair on me.

    So,grateful for any ideas people might have as to how this can be resolved.I should say that,other than for this boy,I would have a great life over here.

    I didnt leave stressed out UK for even more stress in Thailand.

    Thanks for any help/advice.

    I can fully understand what you mean, I was just like this when I was younger. My dad took me aside one day and said he didnt mind the drinking, smoking, drugs etc etc but he just wanted me to be respectful and loving. To pick up the phone when my parents rung etc etc and follow through on what you promise. Kids will be kids and I think it is bad to stop that, You should try talking to him like an adult...sit down and have a beer with him :o

  11. No facts needed James just common sense.

    "When in doubt do what the Thais are doing"

    Most buildings with Thai/farang quotas have not filled the Thai quota. I wonder why ???????

    Most buildings? that would be ALL condo buildings? Common sense? LOL You really should come and live here before making up nonsense

    I do live here !

    Then you can explain "most buildings" and your common sense (that you are obviously missing) comments :o

    But I guess you missed the boat

    Not a cse of missing the boat, just a case of investing in something a lot different and probably getting more out of it :D

  12. It's very simple to do the math and figure out whether you should buy or rent in any given city. Just look at the rental rate and compare it to the cost of the unit would be if you bought it. Then do a little bit of thinking about how long you would theoretically stay in Thailand. I forgot where I saw the stats but the average repeat expat or "long" stay expat is only here for 10 years on average.

    It's all common sense. There's a pretty big disconnect between rental prices in Bangkok versus unit costs. The unit costs are pretty inflated. I'm not even factoring in building quality, longevity, management, etc.. which except for a few top tier property firms are likely sub par compared with western markets.

    But not on all developments and this is what many here need to realise, you can make a good roi on "some" developments without too much trouble.

    Maybe I was being a bit vague, I was mainly targeting these new high end condos which seem to be way overpriced. You have a fair point at 12% ROI which is very good, You are obviously not paying any interest to any sort of creditor but a lot of people are and that is what will cause problems and is indeed idiotic. What were you doing Yabaaaa when you were 23 then ?

  13. Some call me the Thai Paris Hilton, but without the brains.

    Na thats Tata youngs job

    That is a classic line mate ;-)

    I knew her before the boob job when she was with Un (Oliver) and she wasn't exactly smart then.

    What is it about siliclone, somehow it makes intelligent women more titzy, and very 'mai tem baht' women even more stupid?

    Thank goodness for saline :-)

    Thought you would like that one :o

  14. You are right there stevie, enlightening stuff from both of you. suggest you continue it on the real estate forum, yes we have one on TV. Didn't I see you there before?

    er.... that weren't me, you canne prove a thing.

    Och aye the new.

    I sadly know nothing of real estate, I am really good looking yet foolish.

    Some call me the Thai Paris Hilton, but without the brains.

    Na thats Tata youngs job


    shall we get a room mate?

    you join in on some spit roast action :-)

    BKKJames, it is quality posts and subjects like this that have the Thaivisa masses glued to their seats. Will there be another reference to idiots? What is a shop contract? Who is Ron Bicardi?

    I tell you this mate, when all is said and done, you'll not be sorry to have read through 2 pages of posts about such a fine subject as this.

    Northern humour.......best in the world !

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