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Everything posted by Pdavies99

  1. Non Disclosure of existing medical conditions will mean absolutely no cover for any illness or accident.
  2. That was not Bell travel, they offer travel from North Bus Station. Sorry!
  3. Bell Travel Service is still closed, sorry!
  4. Sorry if not clear, lying to DWP re where you live and claiming a pension
  5. I had a similar problem with my adopted Thai son, being hit by two teachers, and bullied by them. I went there and very nicely asked this to stop and copped an attitude from them. In the end, (on another teacher's advice) I paid a small amount (2000 baht) for a Police Captain to "speak" firmly to them outside of the school, explaining the consequences....they stood firmly upright etc with a Cop quietly talking to them! End of!
  6. Equally, perhaps more importantly is to check how long the Airmiles are valid for, I find that I need to fly at least 3 round trips a year to even get one leg of a flight upgraded etc. The best benefit I find is the business class lounges. Good luck!
  7. I worked at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) before retiring and he has been caught out lying once and you think they are going to trust him? (it will be on his file, I assure you) It is so easy for DWP to establish these facts and they do regularly check, ie names and addresses are cross-matched with local taxation rolls and names not paying are investigated. Other options to check are also available. They will check more thoroughly this time and he will be caught a 2nd time, with worse ramifications. You realise the generalised statement from the DWP Revenue would be ....Court or a voluntary fine up to 10 times the amount being cheated! The only way around this in general, are through reciprocal agreement countries. Up to you!
  8. Most 2nd hand laptops are for sale because: They are outdated Have charging issues Can not handle user requirements Etc Lets face it, why are they for sale?
  9. Fluconazole cream has not got a high efficacy, you need the pills, just two days maximum followed up once a week for 3 weeks, 150 mg as a single dose, it really is effective in most cases.....of course, I'm not though a doctor. Most Drug shops have them. See: https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/fluconazole/
  10. If you transfer anything into your daughter's name, it may be looked at as "Deprivation of assets" and would be looked on as a very bad legal move. I suggest you set up new Banking for anything personal and business in the UK and with completely new banks to now. Then close existing accounts including any joint accounts, letting them know that you are at "arms distance" from any debt accrued by your wife. Once completed, get a Solicitor etc to inform her of this. Request via Solicitor to get your wife to pay family support and inform her of her legal rights. Inform the"Home Office" that your marital situation has changed etc. Get also a Thai Solicitor to check financials in Thailand and your liability and stop accounts from being utilised for personal income. Good luck.
  11. Yes, Quadriderm is a very effective cream. Also, in addition, an anti-fungal viral pill Fluconazole also should be taken. Having said that, it is extremely important to keep everything bone dry at all times and washing yourself after going to the toilet etc. Also as this is very easily transmissible, your girlfriend / partner needs to be tested.
  12. Pedantics, I was asked and said the France, then UK, then Spain, so they told me to use French arrival port as the initial Schengen destination, ie for me it was France for 3 days, then the UK for a month, finally 10 days in Spain before return to Thailand.
  13. You as a UK Passport holder need to do nothing, your girlfriend, however, needs to apply for a Schengen Visa ideally for the Port of Arrival country. It is fairly simple, having done it several times for a Phillipino girlfriend. Of course, now as of January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom is officially no longer a member of the European Union and its relationship to the Schengen Agreement remains unchanged. The Schengen visa does not however give permission to travel to the UK
  14. It's possible you have developed poor sleeping habits. Try and sleep breathing through your nose rather than the mouth, ensure your head is elevated. Do you suffer from Acid Reflux? If so elevate the head of the bed by 6-9 inches.
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