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Posts posted by myfriendyou

  1. Well we all know that Thailand is a bit of a mickey-mouse country with an inflated ego and most of us have learnt that the powers that be in this country despise ordinary farangs. We have come to accept that unless we are especially wealthy our presence here is mildly tolerated. Thai culture teaches the uneducated locals that they are superior to us, and the educated Thais resent us because they know in all honesty that this is not true. Perhaps they have an inferiority complex.. but one thing for sure is that in Thailand they most certainly call the shots and stick together for their own interested so in that respect when we are in Thailand we are most certainly at the bottom of the barrel.

    I am wondering how long it will be before we are evicted from this country permanently, and what will happen if we lose the right to own condos and the right to be married to a Thai.

    I say this seriously because I dont think its too far fetched that things may actually come to this eventually.

    Not too far fetched, true, however my guess is (just a guess) that it will be certain groups that will be allowed to stay - those married to Thai citizens that provide support, and those who own businesses that provide jobs for Thai citizens and are not in competition with Thai businesses. As I said, merely a guess, but I certainly agree with your premise - our remaining here as guests is arbitrary at best.

    I guess what you are saying is that those who choose to live here legally, (correct visa to reside, marry, work or retire) will be ok and those who stay permanantly and in many cases working on tourist visas or VOA for years on end will eventually be weeded out and life will be made harder for them.

    I thought that is what has been happening?

  2. But it doesn't explain why they show the whole series again again again every 6 months. I can now watch "The Weakest Link" and get every answer right.

    Thats funny!!

    My wife thinks I am a mastermind, I get everyones question right everytime mostly before the question has been completed, she keeps asking me why I don't apply for the show!!!

  3. Make sure the plate has the little embossed part, Isuzu in Pattaya gave me copy plates (no emboss) which worked fine until I was driving to BKK and was late for a meeting, it then cost me 1000 baht tea money to avoid driving and waiting hours in BKK to pay 250 baht at the police station.

  4. Hi myfriendyou,

    you dont state what you have ie garden, balcony,roof space ect, how big ect, the following link is a topic from the farming forum aout Balcony growing,


    If this is no help, please describe your plot and im sure others will step in to help you,

    Cheers, Lickey..

    Thanks Lickey

    Garden is about 1 Rai Grassed and sheltered with trees, there is an area I was thinking about that is about 4 x 6 metres that would be easy to shade as it is between an out building and a wall, would be easy to block off from the dogs as well. Could also block other small areas of tree shaded ground off around the garden.



  5. Hi all

    Real newbie gardener advice needed, when I was a kid my dad had an allotment was interesting for me helping him grow vegetables and salad, I have an area that I was thinking of putting some grow bags in and growing some tomato’s and some herbs just for the fun of being able to pick a tomato when needed, and getting my kids involved.

    So the question to all of you green fingers out there what would you recommend? What grows well? Where could I get some good herb seeds, I would like to grow some things if possible that are not just Thai herbs, any recommendations’ on grow bags?

    I'm very open to any suggestions. And am based in the suburbs of Pattaya.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. This thread seems to be one of the few that has good information (instead of flaming teachers/headmasters/school owners etc)

    so hopefully it'll keep going that way. In light of this a few questions.

    BEST (Burapha school)-Most of the bad comments about this school was back in 07/08 but since that time I've heard that it has really picked up (especially in P1 upwards-which is where I'm interested in), so any responses about BEST would be appreciated.

    It seems as if the BEST, REPS and SATIT English (ie: bi-lingual) programs are fairly similar in teaching, pricing and amenities, so comments on this wld be more than welcome also. Thanks...

    I read in another post that sathit is 54.000 a term and I know Reps is 32.000 a term so hardly similar pricing.Don't know how Best is doing at the moment but would like to hear more about also.

    I was paying 180,000++++ baht per term x 3 for my eldest at the Regents.

    As regards Best My children who went there have never had any issues with the school. And they have been educated to a reasonable standard in both Thai and English. I Certainly would have no hesitation in sending them back there if we ever returned to Thailand.

    My Son who was in the Regents Told me they cannot call it international anymore as there is more thai's than Falangs???? I honestly dont know if that is the case.

    I Would look around thoroughly before i sent my child to The Regents. £240/week Is a big chunka Money for not necessarily a better education that some other schools

    I agree my two were alsoat best before Satit, good standard of English and Thai, the problem for me was the lack of facilities and discipline. Sports was a whole class sharing 2 ping pong tables or just excercises.

    If these have been addressed it is a good place to start and is approx 35k a term now I believe.

  7. his Thai Girlfriend had stolen all his money forcing him to steal food

    this happens all to often in thailand, but ok, if he was stealing essential items, one could understand...

    I think a more truthful statement on his part would have been something like: "I gave away all my money to a Thai girl in order to fulfill certain emotional and physical needs that seemed important at the time but now not so much." :)

    Nice one

  8. Yesterday evening -May 24- I went to a bar at the lower (Sea side) end of Soi 8 and Beach Road. I've been dinning there (yeah, I'm a cheap charlie) since 2003. The food is good and its not expensive.

    But you get what you pay for...

    I ordered a pork chob and mashed potato entre. After 30 minutes and observing diners that arrived after me being served, I looked back to the kitchen staff and smiled, in the vein off "Did you forget me?

    Big mistake...

    I was duly scolded by the waitresses as in wait your turn!!! After 40 minutes I walked over to the well nourished mamasan and asked if I could just pay for my drink and leave. She responded by raising her voice and letting me know that I had just arrived and that many people were ahead of me and that I was being a pain. I made no comment and returned to my seat.

    As luck would have it, my meal arrived -and was slamed down in front of me- shortely after I spoke with the mamasan. I ate some humble pie, along with my supper, paid my bill and left.

    My point in sharing this is that sometimes no matter how hard we try to "get along" the bottom line is that foreigners in Thailand will at some point be abused. Its just the way it is and I have learned to expect it but its still unpleasant. Had I been more forceful and disputed the staff and mamasan's abuse, there is no doubt in my mind that the situation would have escaleted to the Thais becomming physiical and/or the police being involved.

    Watch your step :)


    PS- I have eaten there many times and also brought new customers. I will not go back :D

    Name deleted as naming and shaming is not allowed on the forum - mario2008.

    What name? the restaurant name?

  9. Be sure to avoid any school that has "Bi-Lingual" in its name.

    Why? I have 2 children at Satit in the English program that is in essence Bi Lingual as they do have some Thai lessons, it was a shaky start when the program first started but is now working to a set curiculum and I have two very happy children who speak, read and write Thai and English at a high level for 10 and 11 years old. Cost 54k per term plus transport if needed.

    Happy to give more information if required.

    I will second this, my son also attends Satit, K3. He is very happy and is learning all the time. Up to now I can not fault the school.

    My reply to avoid any school with "Bi-Lingual" in the name was directed only to the OP. The OP has obviously never been to Thailand so I wanted to point out to him that these bi'lingual schools are not international schools although some try to pass themselves off as such. All are on the Thai school calender.

    Good point Spaniel and PP, however a few classes in Thai is all the Satit English program gives, I agree 50 / 50 Bi lingual shool would be hard for a child with no Thai language at all.

  10. Be sure to avoid any school that has "Bi-Lingual" in its name.

    Why? I have 2 children at Satit in the English program that is in essence Bi Lingual as they do have some Thai lessons, it was a shaky start when the program first started but is now working to a set curiculum and I have two very happy children who speak, read and write Thai and English at a high level for 10 and 11 years old. Cost 54k per term plus transport if needed.

    Happy to give more information if required.

  11. The Chinese in Central, however its a two person dish, and again serves the traditional Chinese way rather than the western way with skin only. It takes ages and is about 500 baht for 2, I tried it once and would not eat it again there.

    Also try the Orange restaurant on top floor of the Avenues, sorry I can't remember the price however it was the better of the two places serving meat as well as skin.

    My first try was a few years ago at the Chinese in Royal Garden, the Rice Mill, I didn't notice the price, (3000 for the whole duck), they served me just the skin saying the rest of the duck wasn't cooked, 3000 baht for some duck skin!! I made them pack the duck and took it home to cook.

  12. I came accross a similar site by a writer with a good sense of humour, mangozeen you can work the url out, its thailand related in many posts but some are world related, often makes me laugh with his humour and outlook on life.

  13. can anyone recommend a good place to get photos printed on canvas in Pattaya?

    There is a shop in the Tukom Center the process is called glicee, starting price when i enquired was about 1000 baht, second or third floor is a pure print shop with a large print machine visible.

  14. There are no generalizations being made. Its a common theme. Guy complains about girl wanting money or more money than he is giving her. Someone comes and tells him to stop giving it to her.... And when he stops giving it her, what is going to happen? Lets see if you can connect the dots...

    Put it differently.

    Hello Guys, I manage a McDonalds. I am looking for ways to stop paying my employees and still have them come to work. Any ideas?

    All I can say is you live in a very simplistic world, try looking outside of the box a little, your statement above is pure generalisation. ( based on your own experiences? )

    The original poster was not complaining but asking others advice and opinions.

  15. Out here in the sticks (Trat) I buy a bogus UBC DSat smartcard for 200 baht that provides the full Gold package for 4-6 weeks. When UBC finally figures out what's up and disables the card I buy another one. Sure beats paying 1,412.97 baht a month...

    Amazing why would anyone admit to theft on a public forum,..

    Probably because it's anonymous.

    Unless you are using a VPN or anonymous proxy thats not the case.

  16. Tourists arent interested in the police/immigration and their "face saving" egos. They come here to relax and enjoy a trouble free vacation.

    That should have read "most"

    However this one chose acording to witnesses to run from the police and was abusive. As one other poster said if this was in the USA she would have ended up chased and tazered before being filmed and shown on "cops" worldwide for the next 15 years.

    If you want a trouble free vacation, stay out of trouble and be polite.

  17. It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

    Well said!

    This is a great idea except that she would just pack her bags and leave and they don't want that to happen.

    Never ceases to amaze me how people generalise.

  18. How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

    I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

    To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

    What's your experience and opinion ?

    How long is long term?

    Perhaps I should have said live-in girlfriend.

    Anyway, what I meant was a more-or-less permanent relationship, whether officially married or not.

    I asked because I think time = trust and understanding, I gave my GF an allowance when we first met to make sure she didnt have to ask when she wanted girls things etc and also to make her (and me) feel good I guess if I am honest, however as we progressed that stopped after a year or so and I treat her like I would any other live in girlfriend and partner now, she knows where the ATM cards are and has her own card on our one of our accounts and uses it as she wishes, if she needs something out of the ordinary for family or an emergency it is discussed first.

    We have been together 4 years and I couldnt work without her daily support so in my view funds earned in Thailand are joint.

    I don't think you are giving her too much at the moment but just play it by ear, base your decisions on what to do next on you and your GF, not on others experiences here, you live with her daily and are in the best position to decide her motives and if money is the basis of your relationship.

    And please I am not suggestiong MGID from all the others its just the way our relationship worked out.

    Good Luck

  19. How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

    I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

    To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

    What's your experience and opinion ?

    How long is long term?

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