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Posts posted by mrclough

  1. It should be fine I reckon.

    Most of the Thai's I know with Big bikes spend good money on them and really look after them.

    You may notice a difference once it has the bigger service next week.

    At 12,000 KM I had mine done and it felt like a new bike again, I still enjoy riding it as much as (if not more than) the day I got it.

  2. The traffic lights are a pain in the ass in CR a little like coming north out of Lampang.

    Still think Highways 118 & 1 are the quickest way to and from Mae Sai.

    You could go the 107 as suggested but it takes a lot longer and given the current situation with pollution it isn't worth it for the views.

    I rode this way to CR at the weekend and the views were non existent compared to previous times.

  3. Was it only me that noticed the date on the newspaper was April 1st?? coffee1.gif


    There have been signs around the moat area confirming the "No Alcohol" rule for quite some time now.

    Last year there were alcohol free zones but not the entire moat area like this year.

  4. It would only be a good thing if they did enforce all of the traffic laws but as mentioned they have neither the manpower or willpower to do this. The gangs of cops pulling people for not wearing a helmet are assigned that job for that day so they wont be interested in people jumping red lights etc. Seems that once they are assigned a task that's all they do. Most of us come from a society where policing is far more efficient and a traffic cop will enforce the law on anything you do wrong, not just a traffic offence.

  5. Now the sticker is under the passenger seat, in a pocket with other papers,

    But few weeks ago I've seen a thai people driving an ER6N who had some acrylic cylinder (looks like a manufactured piece, waterproof and sealed with aluminum) attached under the passenger seat, about 2.5-3 cm Ø and 15 cm long, enough to show the whole sticker.

    If someone here know where this kind of gadget is available ?

    I have one of these on my Versys and on the Fino i just put it under the seat where it can't be stolen.

    Never been stopped on either by the police as both bikes are quite new and I always have my lid on so they just don't bother when they see me and just wave me through their check points

  6. If you are willing to pay by Debit card surely you can just go get the cash and create yourself a lot more options?


    not many repair places have i been in that offered debit card options ,Cash is preferred ,even in hotels

    Never been to a hotel to get my bike fixed lol


    (sorry, couldn't resist that one)

    no,but can use a hotel room for entertainment ,while the bike is getting fixed cheesy.gif

    Sounds like a possible business opportunity ohmy.png

  7. Going to be a good weekend of sports all round for me this weekend.

    NRL on live now.

    Chiang Mai FC at Lampang tomorrow afternoon.

    6 Nations Rugby tomorrow night

    F1 returns from Albert Park on Sunday

    Happy Days!!!!!!

  8. I quite like to travel down to Lampang on Highway 11, jump on Highway 1 up to Phayao then the lovely 120 over to Mae Kachan (forgive the spelling lol) then left onto the 118 back down to Chiang Mai.

    Highways 11 & 1 are quite curvy in these sections so it's quite good.

    Another one is to go through Mae Rim, Mae Tang, Chang Dao, Fang, Thaton oner Doi Mae Salong and head over to Chiang Rai for the night then head down to Chiang Mai via Phayao the next day. Quite a long first day ride but the second part is nice and easy.

    Phrao loop is very good as is Samoeng loop but like you say, there's only so many times you can do it until you get bored with it.

  9. If you're mechanically minded you should be fine at the bike market, if not I would take someone with you who is. Most are fine but there are some which are not good at all.

    Also consider the classifieds on here, there's usually a few scooters & bikes for sale.

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