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Posts posted by CroBiker

  1. Most production cars weren't even able to reach speeds over 200 km/hr; an Alfa Romeo Giulia Super 1600 I owned reached a TOP speed of 180 km/hr and that was SOMETHING I tell you and considered a very fast car... :o


    Good old Alfa Romeo Giulia Super....My father bought that model straight from factory in Milan in 1970. 103HP, at those times it was wow! Max speed according to manual was 185km/h, I recall he pushed it to 180. He sold it 1976, I cried lol....

  2. No, Honda Blackbird 1100XX was at one point fastest production bike on planet until Hayabusa 1300 GSXR came into picture. I think they held this record for few month only. It is not touring bike at all.


    Yes gobs, I tried ST1100, belonged to friend of mine. It is nice bike for long distance, no severe back pains. It is fairly comfortable. Personaly, if I were to shop for touring bikes I'd go for one of these 2:

    Kawasaki Concorse 14 or Honda Gold Wing 1800

    Anyway, here are the specs for ST 1100 (2000-2002):


    Kawasaki Concorse:


    Honda Goldwing - bunch of them:


  3. Anyone following these developments on Wall Street?

    Dow Index is bellow 8,600 (at time of writing this post), there is savage selloff going on!

    Statistics show this is the worst bear market since 1973 and largest 7 day loss since 1987. We all know what happened that and following year. Another interesting info: dow lost 8 trillion dollar of its value in 1 year, how do you possibly comprehend these figures?

    ....it will affect us all more then you can possibly imagine.They dragging us with them. Whoever thinks this situation won't affect rest of the world is living on other planet. They are largest economy in the world, every country dreams of selling something to them...

    Just watch openings in Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong this morning - I bet there will be widespread market trading suspensions.

    You can't possibly think that only yanks are invested in Wall Street can you? This "they" you use is senseless.

    Don't be an idiot and look for beef where there isn't one. Only dumbass like yourself can come up with idea that Americans are sole investors on Wall Street. My post was heavily edited by supermoderator because of reference to US adminsitration and war in Iraq.

  4. Farangs should not be riding bikes if they dont know how.

    the deaths are proof of this, sadly so.

    What a stupid and insensitive post, not worth further comment.

    By the way, I observed Asian drivers in Australia where trafic rules are fully enforced unlike in Thailand; old habbits die hard.

  5. I've been working as a market analyst in 4 stock exchanges between 1989 and 1995. From my experience this is not over yet, we haven't seen the bottom. Of course, next week you will see knee-jerk reaction and don't be surprised if dow jumps 400-500 points in single day...Then it will slide down gradualy to lowest points seen this week once again. I closely followed cnn financial report today and actualy there is a moron there who suggests to buy now!?

    Market needs to consolidate itself by hitting same bottom at least 2-3 times before any buy calls can be enforced. Watch this space.

  6. Not safe at all, true...when motorists use left signal light I always assume they'll turn right, call me paranoid but that's the way I am especialy when riding a bike.

    Sadly, many of farangs in Thailand are first time bike riders or very inexperienced. You don't buy and learn to ride reasonably sized bike at ripe age of 35 and above.

    My sincere condolences to family and friends of deceased.

  7. From Cnet Asia:

    by Jesada Chandraprasert, Thailand

    I see an iPhone in Thailand's near future

    Jul 12, 2008 21:52

    After the rollout of the iPhone 3G, I got to thinking why we were not getting one for Thailand. The major hurdle lies in Thailand's current cellular infrastructure; we're stuck at 2.5G. There is no point is launching a product that has no support from the carriers' own systems. With that in mind, an inside tipster told me that Dtac is nearly ready to deploy its 3G network sooner than we were led to believe. In fact, as I'm told, importing and deploying the 3G support equipment have already begun.

    Next, we have the iTunes Store. Thailand has never had an iTunes Store of its own. Sure, we could access free content from any country's store, but we were never able to make any purchases, until now. Yes, folks, we finally have an iTunes Store. Just apps available but a legitimate iTunes Store where we can send our credit card details to spend some Thai baht.

    This is especially exciting as it proves Apple's intent at the very least. There is no reason to launch an apps store solely to support jailbroken/unlocked imports. That has not been the Apple way. Nor does it seem logical that Apple would condone us breaking any "agreement" under the terms and conditions set out by its partnering carriers worldwide.

    As we progress toward the rest of Apple's worldwide deployment phases and Thailand progresses toward the finalizing of the 3G bandwidth allocation, more evidence will surely be uncovered and you can be sure yours truly will keep at this like an airport drug-sniffing dog chases after your Thai sausages hidden in your carry-on.

  8. you can only really blame yourself for this one, as there is a sign at check in that tells you not to pack your mobile phone

    Yes, I agree with you!

    I was just to lazy and took all my belongings into my bag........

    cause I wanted to look for a nice gift for my wife(found it) :D

    May be a bad karma as well:

    When I was waiting the day before in the departure lounge at HKT airport I found an envelope with a 188K Baht cheque in it, found the owner and gave it back...........

    Returning to Phuket when waiting at the baggage carousel my bag was the only one which slipped down inside from these black transportation pannels........strange.

    Looked today for the new 3G Iphone...........nearly 40k :o


    40K? crazy...I bought mine in USA, completely unlocked and out of jail for $600.

  9. There is no blueprint Jay, it all depends on your personality. Then again you might be very nice dude and girl is just some skunk looking to take advantage of you. Personaly, I believe chances of meeting nice thai girl are much higher if you got acquainted with them in some other country and moved here. My wife is half Thai half Malaysian and holder of both citizenships. She speaks 3 languages, educated, beautiful and respected by Thais and foreigners alike. Been married to her since 1995, best decision I ever made in my life. If girl stucks with you during good and challenging times, you got a jackpot.

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