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Posts posted by omlagus

  1. I have frequently taken my son out ov Thailand since he was just over 18months old, and 9 times out ov ten.., Thai immigration would stop me and ask 'where is his mother?' mainly because I used his Thai passport. My answer was always 'she's in Thailand.' 'I'm his father.' 'He has my family name.' I never once carried his B'Cert. with me. On the computer screen at immigration it always came up 'NO ALERT.' I even spent just over a year living and working in Indonesia. No problems.

    My wife disappeared, and I never once had any written permission from her.

    However, I would certainly follow 'GuestHouse' advice....as she could stop you taken the child out ov the country. In the eyes ov Thai law...you have no right to the child.....they are Thai !! Although, I was always lucky...............you should get written permission with a signed copy ov her I.D. card and carry a copy ov the B'cert. with your name on it.

    Good luck..........

  2. If you've got time to get the visa in Bangkok then..... 'Do It'

    It'll mean you can walk through without waiting around and filling forms. However, it's easy enough to get at the border. If you're arriving at 'Nong Kai' bus depot, be careful ov the touts who will take you to an agency and will charge you more.

    There's an international bus from 'Nong Kai' which will take you to the border and into Laos for 55Baht.

  3. My son's travelled with me to Laos, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia without any hassle. The only difference really is that Thais usually get stamped with less time to travel: e.g. Malaysia: British 90 days - Thai 30 days.

    However, my son didn't have to get a visa for Indonesia, they just stamped his passport. Also, if you go to Laos, just use your Thai I.D. card.......it's cheaper!

  4. Yeah............we both signed for his first passport, and yes everything is legal and registered....marriage, birth etc.. When they filled out the form for his new passport, they asked if I was in a relationship.....which I'm not, and then asked if it was o.k. to just have my name registered to his new passport.

    BTW..... they never asked to see my marriage cert. which I still have........

  5. How did you get on? Interested to know as i am in the same position!

    The MFA were reluctant to help at first and the info they gave me..., they could 've done when I wrote to them 1 1/2 yrs ago. By the end ov the day, they had helped me a lot and I got the passport.

    If you are in the same position.....this is what happened to me!

    I arrived at the MFA last Friday morn. about 11-45 with my son. Went to 2nd floor and told the lady at the desk I needed a new passport for my son. She spoke to me in Thai telling me what I needed and then I told her my situation. I gave her my passport, my son's, orig. B'cert (Thai), and the orig. police report. She spoke to me Thai (again) and asked some Q's. which I answered, going over and over the fact that I don't know where my wife is etc.. She told me to wait 5mins and went to see somebody in the office behind the counter.

    A few mins. went by when a man came to see me....., this time speaking English! He asked some Q's about my wife and siuation etc., and showed me a piece ov paper with directions in Thai and a phone number for 'The Family Juvenile Court' in Bangkok and told me that I need to speak to a 'Lawyer' and that they can help me. I asked if he could help and........he said 'NO.' I told him that I didn't have time or money and that I had just travelled over night etc., and begged and begged him to at least phone the number for the 'Court.' He eventually gave in and phoned. After the call, he spoke to his assistant and told me to come back at 1p.m. as it was lunch time now (12:15).

    I went back at 1p.m. and spoke to the same assistant who then made a phone call and asked me to follow her upstairs to the 'Passport Division' where the general public do not go. She spoke to the man behind the desk and then left. The man walked over to see me and asked for our passports and docs., police report etc.. He then took them into the back room offices and told me to wait. While I was waiting, I could hear them talking about me and they mentioned that [u]they couldn't get the files until [/b]2p.m.[/u] About 1:50p.m., a man walked past where I was sitting with two 'Big' files and went into the back room. Approx. 2:10p.m., a man came out from the back room and told me about 15 more mins. because they needed to check out all the info., and then sat down and asked me some Q's about my wife and situation etc. I explained that I took 5months to report the incident incase she came back, she has never contacted us, can check with the schools my son has attended ( only I have signed forms etc.), and check visas and stamps. Whenever I have left Thailand, so has my son with 'No Alert' on the computer screens when going through immigration. After 15 mins. or so, he back to the offices.At 2:35p.m., the same man came from the back room and handed some paperwork to the man behind the desk, came over to me and handed back our passports etc., and told me not to worry....'you'll get the passport' and to follow the assistant back to the 2nd floor. Back at the 2nd floor, he spoke to the assistant behind the counter and gave her the paperwork. She printed out a queue number and gave me it.............60 people in front ov me!! I sat down and thought about waiting and the train we had to catch at 5p.m.. I went back over to the counter showing her my ticket. After a few mins., she decided to help me and took me and my son to get his application, photos etc. done. I eventually left the MFA at 3:30p.m.

    So, if you are in my position you could go to the MFA. However, I feel like I was lucky, and remember they originally told me to go to 'The Family Juvenile Court.' Most provinces have one, and if you need info on where they are etc., contact the MFA. Also remember, the MFA has info on both you and your Thai family.

    At the end ov the day, the MFA now knows and has on file that I have taken care for the last 4 years, and now have sole custody ov my son.

    PM me if I can help......

  6. I don't know if I should post it here..., but I need some HELP!

    My son's Thai passport needs renewing, however, I'm a single parent(foreign). His mother disappeared 4years ago which I reported to the tourist police.

    According to the MFA website, you need both signatures or one with a letter ov consent from the parent who cannot appear. I don't know where his mother is....and well, after all this time I really don't care.

    So, what can I do? What should I do?

    Thanks for any advice & help.......

  7. I've had a look at this and other sites about obtaining a multiple 'O' on basis ov having a child, but would like to know if anyone has obtained one recently. I was in KL a few months ago and enquired. They mentioned paperwork, but not money. However, their was a list on the wall mentioning 100K. How true is this?

    I've just come back from Kota Bharu, and they are only issueing single entry visas, 'Tr. O & B's.' The woman mentioned different paperwork than KL, but for a single......marriage cert., birth cert & medical cert......no mention ov money again.

    Does anyone have any info about Laos?

    Cheers to all...................

  8. I've got a friend coming back to Thailand with his family soon. He worked here with a fake and I've warned him about this post. However, he assures me that he is bringing his original with him. If his name's on that list and his degree is different this time, then would it be possible to arrest him for having worked with a fake?

  9. a nice 'retro' stlye chopper for sale (purple). 14yrs old, 100% legal.....Reg./ book and in my name. Currently stored in Had Yai, but I need to put you in contact with the person in Trang if you are interested.

    100K Baht o.n.o PM me for more info etc. You should be able to see some pics in the classified section by 2moro.







  10. Not that I am saying this is justified in any way at all.

    But kind of interesting that at the start it was a 'unprovoked attack' and now it seems you have been having some words with his son.

    Sounds like he wasn't too happy about it, what did you say to his kid to get such a brutal response?

    And why is his son not welcome near yours, is he trouble too?

    Have you got your head down and your arse up?? It's still unprovoked on my behalf....Cos I knew f*** all. You have actually said it was provoked on his behalf!

    And details.....some are not needed. I spoke to my son who's 4 and his who is 16 at the same time.

    I told him to stay away. Outside the staff accom. And nothing was said. I work at the uni.

  11. He should be jailed. Agreed.

    Surely there must have been some reason?

    The reason was I told his son to stay away from mine. However, you don't 'hammer' somebody for that!!

    For F***'s Sake!!

    I did not know it was his son, or he was a driver until 3days later. In fact I don't know anything about them

  12. So, in short, I was attacked by a thai employee(driver) with a HAMMER!

    He hit me a couple ov times in my rib cage, just under my arm. Lucky? No ribs broken, but very severe. I kinda think it would be less painful if he had. I got a police report and hospital. He has admiited he's guilty. It was entirely unproked by me. No harsh words or actions.

    He wants to settle out ov court, likewise. He hasn't made an offer yet, but something tells me it's not what I would like.................

    However, I would like some info on this situation. Basically. If I do want to take it to court........... ......

    How much? (court)

    How much compensation because it was a very malicious attack.

    Cheers for any info at all.

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