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Jeddah Jo

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Posts posted by Jeddah Jo

  1. Last time I was there they wanted to see 20,000 cash and a ticket out of Thailand. That was an METV though so an O visa might be easier I dunno.

    Everything there is flexible though subject to certain gratuities being given.

  2. Poh jaa would be a cute way for kids to call a father like figure. The jaa particle is something kids or women would use and is quite effeminate.

    A teacher has a higher status and are normally referred to as kru or Kuhn kru. You might get away with Kuhn Mae but that's a bit informal too. Basically it is a nightmare and if you don't know what you are really saying then best steer clear.

  3. Next time you visit T/L plan to arrive a week before she thinks you'll be arriving... You can say when you get here that you managed to get off work early as things were slack, or some similar story.

    If she's happy to see you early then it's good news (but still be on the lookout for other signs).. But if she's angry that you surprised her or "unavailable" then odds are you're being played.

    Yeah but the lie why she cannot come right now will be so good and so convincing he will just wait in his hotel room like a good little boy.

  4. I have never been that political really, but having spent 15 years in Thailand with zero welfare state, health care or any other kind of safety net I have become very self-reliant and almost appreciate the benefits of small government and limited intrusion by the state in to my private life.

    However, all my old friends and family from back home seem to have become rabid lefties, and their facebook posts are like political broadcasts all espousing the latest moral outrage they feel about immigrants rights, how much they hate Donald Trump, UKIP, teacher's pay, doctor's pay, anti-racism etc etc. It really becomes so tedious to wade through but the trouble is if I block them all I won't have any friends left :(((

    Does anyone else get this, and how do they deal with it. I wish people would not use Facebook as a political platform as for me it is just a way to keep up with old friends and see what they are up to.


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