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Jeddah Jo

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Posts posted by Jeddah Jo

  1. Just to say, it is not just being able to read the notes.

    There is a level of technical ability required i.e strength and agility in the fingers, required to play these piecces that will take years to achieve.

    I used to like Rachmaninov and Chopin's preludes a lot, and I would love to have had the ability to play them. I could bash out a few of them but I am sure it would have been painful to listen to for anyone in a cocktail bar :o


  2. Well you get the Star award for generalisation for including the entire British population in one offensive remark. I have been watching the CNN and BBC International news and in my opinion they have given factual information regarding the situation in Thailand, Probably more factual than the Thai channels who are certainly politically affilaited.

    If they are not scaring people why am I getting loads of e-mails asking me if I am safe and OK?

    Anyway my remark was plainly not offensive, it was merely a statement that in my obversation the British population are fed a diet of scare stories from the media designed to cower them in to some paranoid state where they are unable to assess risk for themselves.

    As one poster said you are far more likely to die on the taxi ride from the airport than in any political disturbance here. Thai politics is for Thais, Farangs vacationing here are not the targets.


  3. I guarantee if you called a Thai, kon Asia

    คน เอเชีย

    They would not take offence either. It seems only our neurotic overly politically correct American friend Jing Thing has a problem with labels that are clearly and manifestly accurate and true.

    Who was it who said 'We hold these truths to be self-evident?' :o


  4. Note to self - earn respect then when someone calls me a farang I won't be upset. Got it..thanks and have a nice weekend :o

    It is a fact that Thais respect people who can keep their cool despite provocation.

    I have also seen some mischievous Thais deliberately trying to get a rise out of someone just to see if they can get them wound up. But believe me if you can stay cool despite provocation you WILL gain respect in the eyes of Thais.


  5. I'm not upset being called as a hooker, bcos i'm NOT. And i dnt care what people say or think about me.

    as long as they are not willing to kill me or something.

    I can deal with - "Thai girls are hookers" ...

    i cant stop them to think like that

    Farang is not as rude as hooker.

    Farang is just an usual word. unlike hooker

    Do i still have to teach u english ?

    U call every thais u met as hookers?

    I'd suggest u to call us as s*lut much better!

    Khun ThiThi, life is too short to teach farang English too!

  6. Let me put it this way. If you asked me to name some insulting words for Thai people in English and I knew of any such words (I don't and I don't think they exist) I would tell you these words. I asked for some insulting words in Thai for white people, you say you know them, and won't share. Is that stingy?

    No, probably just means she doesn't want to hurt your feelings and be impolite.

    Which is errr... what were we talking about again?

  7. Can you name some Thai words that are INSULTS (more insulting than farang) and are often associated with white people? And please write them in Thai and English with the translation. Thank you very much!

    Here is one...

    ประสาทเสีย - bprà-sàat sĭa = become fretful or neurotic

  8. Heck I don't think the Thais would knowingly want to offend anyone, unless you pee'd them off first!


    You haven't met very many tuk tuk drivers have you?

    True, but I try and avoid talking with low life vermin like that :o

    Yes there are some very coarse people in Thailand, but you can't take offence from someone who is barely sentient! Can you???

  9. YOU YOU in my book is Offensive not Farang.

    Even that is not meant to be offensive. It just means someone has taught them that 'you' means the same as khun (คุณ) which is a rather polite way of addressing somebody, same as Mr/Miss or Ma'am.

    Heck I don't think the Thais would knowingly want to offend anyone, unless you pee'd them off first!


  10. Good Lord, how difficult can it be?

    Farang: Collective noun used to describe someone of caucasian appearance.

    Thai: Collective noun used to describe a citizen of Thailand.

    You don't see the Thais getting bent out of shape every time they are referred to as Kon Thai. Why do Kon Farang have to have such a big chip on their shoulder about this.


    Because there ace, I am a Canadian, call me Kon Canadian. DO you think Thais would like to be called Kon Asian, Kon Oriental etc etc. No, they would be upset.

    On the contrary! They would not be upset because that is what they are!

    Thais are not bound by all the PC bull crap like we are in the West! If a Thai girl has very slanty eyes because maybe her mother was Chinese and you said to her 'You have slanty eyes?' I think there is every possibilty she would not take offence, because guess what? She has slanty eyes!


  11. You don't see the Thais getting bent out of shape every time they are referred to as Kon Thai. Why do Kon Farang have to have such a big chip on their shoulder about this.

    Because outside of Thailand, there is no such thing as Kon Farang. It is racist. Thais are racist. If you can't cope, take a hike.

    On the contrary if you can't cope maybe you should take a hike! Why stay in a country where you feel persecuted and put upon?

    I am pretty relaxed about the whole thing TBH.

  12. Good Lord, how difficult can it be?

    Farang: Collective noun used to describe someone of caucasian appearance.

    Thai: Collective noun used to describe a citizen of Thailand.

    You don't see the Thais getting bent out of shape every time they are referred to as Kon Thai. Why do Kon Farang have to have such a big chip on their shoulder about this.


  13. The big culture shock for me was the desertion of the towns. Go round any Thai town or village virtually anytime day or night and there are people out and about doing all manner of things from just sitting watching, through eating to working on houses/cars/motorbikes etc. Towns in the UK, away from the shopping centres, are virtually devoid of people most of the time in contrast to Thailand and you never see young children out playing in the streets.

    I agree, miles upon miles of residential suburban housing with virtually no human activity whatsoever. Was it always like this? You have to feel that the British climate acts as a major isolating influence on the whole population. Dank, cold, overcast and wet days do not make for cheery socialising in the streets.

    Maybe this also explains why so many people in the UK seem so badly socialised.


  14. No doubt some farangs definitely start to turn a little Thai, I imagine it is tougher for them. Also little things that change in your home country that you encounter for the first time like self-service check out, and Chip'N'Pin in the UK. Does make you feel like a bit of a retard when you don't know where to stick the card etc

    Biggest problem though is always missing Thailand. Everyone in UK permanently rushing around like demented chickens and for what? So they can have a nice 2 week holiday once a year to relax? Better to do it the other way around imo :o


  15. Actually, nearly ALL Thai say "mun" when referring to farang behind their backs.

    True. :o

    Low class ones may do, but then they also refer to their close friends as 'Mun' as well.

    I will never understand how many farangs can not get over themselves.

    You are manifestly a 'Farang', you look totally weird to the Thais. Thais use vivid words to describe everyone. If you look like a pig you will be called piggie, if you are fat you are called fatty, if you are a square head you will be called square head. That is just how it is here, no offence intended, just an easy way to refer to people.


  16. Seems to me like you just have a bad case of culture shock, and now it has built up in to resentment so will be almost impossible to fix.

    I used to work in Europe a lot, and I can assure everyone at lunch spoke their own language. It is just not relaxing having to speak in a 2nd language. And yes, you can feel isolated if you do not understand what is going on.

    Easy conclusion therefore is change your situation. Either find someone to go to lunch with 1 on 1, or just amuse yourself and go eat wherever you want. I am sure they won't take offence especially if you say 'My Thai is not really good enough and I can't follow what you say.' In short, you are definitely expecting too much of them to speak English every day at lunch.

    There may be a side issue that they resent the fact you earn more than them, but then that is only human. As many other posters have asked, why do you really give a sh*t what they think, it's not likely they are going to be lifelong buddies.


  17. Was having a conversation with a Thai about a เจ้าที่ here in Phuket. I guess it means a kind of local god or spirit right? Here in Phuket there appears to be one at the top of Patong hill resident in a Chinese temple. She was saying basically people toot their horn when driving past to acknowledge the spirit so that it will take care of them on their journey.

    When I asked if it was anything to do with Buddhism she said no, not really. So I am now guessing spirit worship and Buddhism operate side by side in Thailand? Although I am still not sure why the spirit resides in a temple if it is not really to do with Buddhism.

    How many of these local spirits are there? And how did they get there? Or is it like 1 per temple?

    I guess I still have a lot to learn, but my Thai is only now getting good enough to have these kind of discussions!


  18. I can sort of understand someone giving away cash that they own (well it's up to them what they do whith their money).

    But borrowing money in order to give it away.... Doh!


    Buy a condo and be happy in the knowledge that you and your wife can share it as a marrital asset in which you can both have a shared interest.

    Eeek, that is a truly horrible thought. Borrowing money in order to give it away. You would effectively end up working for your missus :D

    Then she can give you the sack and pay no redundancy benefits either! :o

  19. Also, the DRY WIT favored more by the British and also a form of sarcasm, is that commonplace here as part of PUBLIC LIFE? I doubt it.

    British humour barely makes it 22 miles across the English channel. Why would you expect it to be part of Thai culture?

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