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Posts posted by oxo1947

  1. 47 minutes ago, bsdthai said:

    i just dont see an old frail guy attacking people and cars with a knife. I dont believe it.

    The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to understand ..



    45 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

    The westerner had a machete for real 

    Anyone who has lived here for over 10-15-20 years can see the difference in the Thais attitude to farangs, They (Thais) are  constantly being shown News reports & seeing for themselves, complete farang "Knob heads" staggering around drunk, climbing telephone poles, running around naked, urinating in the streets. Begging because they have run out of money --so are pretending they have sickness or an injury so they can stay.

    Running scams --Boiler rooms etc--shooting the opposition. Of course I am not condemning all who live here...but Christ this place does attract loons. And not just for 2 weeks holiday, a lot when they get here just wont go back.


    Then the usual rant against Thailand---why do we have to have a visa...we've got money, they should be happy we are here.


    Khao-San-Road- On almost any day of the week


  2. The United Nations report on Thailand Tourism ---Must be incorrect Because-:

    "No ones in my Bar"............:wub:


    Thailand is the eleventh most-visited country in the world and boasted the sixth largest tourism industry by revenue , according to a *U.N. report* . Most travelers come from China, South Korea, and Japan, lured by Thailand's year-round warm weather, as well as Western countries and Thailand's neighbours in Southeast Asia.

  3. 5 hours ago, musiclover said:

    but the husband will also be included as a beneficiary !!!!!

    I do not mean to be impolite Musiclover --but you seem to be having trouble with the word "Spouse" as stated in Thai Government -Section 16220"In order of priority

    Maybe it is not in your lexicon -



    noun: spouse; plural noun: spouses

    a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner


    Before any distribution of the estate to the relatives, half of the estate, known as Sin Somros, will belong to the spouse, if any



    I tried to pit it simply---Unlike the law in Western countries

    (If you have been) Married (100 years) without a Will --(you could) Lose half your house

    Not married (but together 100 years) without a will --(you could) Lose all your house.


    It’s Important to have a will


  4. 7 hours ago, MaiDong said:

    We were doing nothing wrong or illegal with the account, how can they do this??

    Are you sure your talking to the bank MaiDong ??-- This is big in the UK at the moment and is also being run here. Friends of mine were contacted by Khon Kean Police....or so they thought..

    When in doubt...go to the bank..do not conduct business over the phone

    What is a vishing phone scam?

    These cold-call scams typically involve fraudsters deceiving people into believing they are speaking to a police officer, a member of bank staff or a representative of another trusted company or agency such as a government department.

    Usually, the fraudster will convince an individual that they have been a victim of fraud and will ask for personal and financial information in order to gain access to their account.

    Scammers now have the technology to mimic an official telephone number so it comes up on your caller ID display (if you have one on your phone). This can trick you into thinking the caller is really from a legitimate organisation, like a bank or utility company. Remember if you are in any doubt about whether or not the call is genuine, hang up and call the organisation directly on a different phone. If you're using the same phone, wait 10 minutes in case the scammers keep the line open.

  5. 21 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Weinstein was removed from the country, very, very early once the allegations were made public


    After new allegations emerged that he had engaged in decades of sexual harassment, Oscar-winning film producer Harvey Weinstein was fired from his firm, the Weinstein Company. He was fired for violating the company's very strict '127 strikes and you're out' rule." ..................:wub:

  6. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    Surely that would only be if the HOUSE was in HER name? Can't he buy a house in his name before he gets married, on leased land?

    Yes --that's why the advice was to take a 30 year lease (on everything)

    & in case he does not want to live there--"with a subletting clause"

    Siam Legal, who used to have a permanent thread here,,,have quite a good web site covering most of these things.... https://www.siam-legal.com/


  7. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    For the latter, it's his girlfriend, not his wife, so her family should not get anything of it, unless he marries her before buying it. Bought before marriage it's not marital property. Tell us if I'm wrong

    The family get all of it ThaiBL if they are not married AND there has not been a will made....Where do we see "The Boyfriend who paid for the house" for on the list below

    If there is no Thai will, the intestate's assets must be distributed in accordance with the classes of relations as stipulated in the CCC Section 1629 which are, in order of priority:



        brothers and sisters of full blood;

        brothers and sisters of half blood;

        grandfathers and grandmothers;

        uncles and aunts.

    If he is her Husband (and no will) then 50% to him & rest to shared amongst some people (Aunts Uncles) he may have not even met...

    Its important to have a Will even if you are married....there has been a number of threads on that issue




  8. 7 hours ago, musiclover said:

    Not totally true....the husband has rights too

    He is not married--if he had the intention of marrying then he should do so before the purchase of property. Other wise he would be treated in accordance  of section CCC-1629.


    Married without a Will --Lose half your house

    Not married without a will --Lose all your house.


    If there is no Thai will, the intestate's assets must be distributed in accordance with the classes of relations as stipulated in the CCC Section 1629 which are, in order of priority:



        brothers and sisters of full blood;

        brothers and sisters of half blood;

        grandfathers and grandmothers;

        uncles and aunts.


    Before any distribution of the estate to the relatives, half of the estate, known as Sin Somros, will belong to the spouse, if any.


  9. Thailand's goal is to become a 'developed' country within 20 years--


    Its does start to get a bit irritating that threads just seem to get hijacked, all the time. What does the army rule-- or any other government have to do with ..."is it Possible for Thailand to become a developed country within any number of years".

    Were all those Eastern European states ...not developing countries. East Germany the Power house--Is Russia not a developed country ? The 2nd largest economy in the world China..That's not a developed country because no free elections. ?


    Lets by all means have lots of threads on who should be in Power, who buys votes, who steals from the people etc. But do not turn every post into it.

    No discussion on the amount of infrastructure being built in Thailand--the step towards being just one of the few countries in the world --(if it happens) to have high speed rail. The start of a pension scheme--the start of free (30Baht) health a few years back, a minimum wage...etc....

    We just have to get dragged back to this subject where everyone has a fixed position & at the end of the day wont be changing it anyway.


    No wonder the amount of posters here seem to go down by the day.

  10. 2 minutes ago, ThaiWai said:

    That's "bar none" and "you're blind". These few edits would lend your statement more credibility.

    Then my Grammar after a few red wines is lacking ThaiWai.... but no I am not blind about Ban Chang unless the world property market magazine which all investors read is blind... There latest Headline this month is


    The Thai city of tomorrow isn't Bangkok


    Now where do you think they are talking about---they have just discovered what you apparently can not see.....they rate the best property buys all around the world.....not just Thailand...as I said what little town comes number 7 in the world for the best place to buy...but then again...I'm blind

  11. 30 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

    And if spine needs more tingling, go down the road a bit further to Ban Chang for a quiet afternoon beer..................:wink:

    I lived (owned) there  (in Ban Chang) ..at this point in time it is probably the best place you could buy a property in Thailand.."By None" it now rates higher than London --BKK etc...in fact the last report it is 7th in the world for the best place to buy , if you are thinking of buying in Pattaya --then your blind.......


    Map-Ta-Put --its the clientel  direct from those exotic places like--Iraq..Saudi..Oman that would have you worried about the Rayong girls.   

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