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Everything posted by oxo1947

  1. Quote-"make me think there must be more than a few in their midst." And the point of the Russian's trying to influence the readers of ASEAN is ...??? honestly --any chance of moving this to the joke page..........
  2. да, твое право -- Yes you are correct........
  3. The Russian troll bots are in full force ---and targeting ASEAN......................
  4. I understand what you are saying couchpotato -- but before you start to call a person a liar--- lets try to sort it out. I know that it is court scheduled for first week March. How about on Monday I send the phone number of the law firm that is involved--they speak good English (its mainly why the person chose them) They are an Udon Thani firm--You phone them, and ask if they are proceeding with a court case in march re WRlife --you may suggest that there might be more business coming their way if they are. Then you can post on here the result.... I wont be calling you unbelievable whatever you report. You may be correct about the legality of suing a representative---maybe this will fall over on the very first day in court, when this is pointed out to them. Or a few other things may happen-- they may make an offer before or while it starts. But one thing I promise you will have the phone number of the firm when opens by Monday----If you don't then you can come back to ASEAN and tell everyone that oxo1947 is .....Unbelievable ....
  5. Yer---have you heard about the case?..... I guess the court will decide if legit claim or not, but Thai laws make it hard to discuss somethings-- you know the mad one = "Even if what you are saying is completely true and it harms their Business--- then you are guilty of slander". Little wonder there is little to none investigating journalism in Thailand.
  6. Australia 26 million and you have to vote by law---America 335 million (That they know of) free to vote or not
  7. When you open it up you can see thats its loaded on Jan ---but your right its just 2 episodes --The latest ones , I saw the 4 files but went back to look and 2 of them are SRT files (subs) my mistake on that... Its also on Torrent day---they are doing an odd format---3 weeks ago they released part 1 & 2 of Vienna Blood S04E01 Mephisto Waltz Part 1 1080p AV1 10bit-MeGusta New! 7.6 2019 Crime Drama History 1080p | 2.4 weeks ago ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.torrentday.com/pic/Download.png https://www.torrentday.com/pic/bookmark.png 0 427 MB The this last week...... Vienna Blood S04E02 BDRip x264-TABULARiA New! 7.6 2019 Crime Drama History | 1.6 weeks ago https://www.torrentday.com/pic/Download.png https://www.torrentday.com/pic/bookmark.png 0 395 MB
  8. There is a court case being brought by a member against WRlife which will be in Udon Thani early March, about non payment of injury.
  9. Pirates has the whole 4 episodes......
  10. The Crow Girl Crime drama--6 episodes all out--- UK production, English Language Starts off slow --but this is a good crime /thriller IMO--taken from a best selling Swedish Book- Blurb DCI Jeanette Kilburn and eminent psychotherapist Dr. Sophia Craven join forces to hunt the killer of young men. The investigation takes Jeanette and Sophia into a dangerous world of historic abuse and murder.
  11. A death sentence for some......
  12. Have you asked them that question---last time I rented in Oz they advised that I just grabbed an international License.
  13. Ai does an app called "Cheater Buster" that will tell you if they are on any Dating site ( Tinder etc) they have been showing it a lot on Tik-Tok--- usually stop a couple in the street ask how long they have been an item --"-wow 5 years -are you up to see if your girl is on any dating sites"/ -- its quite funny . https://www.facebook.com/reel/3192338570906523
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