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Posts posted by Garret

  1. Your girlfriend is a bar girl...or rather the girl you want to be your girl is a bar girl. IF... you accept this than thats your perogative and by all means most likley your mistake. But just because people on TV choose not to weigh in on your defense it does not cast any shdaows on any readers in the proximity......Pull her out of the bar and make an honest women out of her...If you cant....Then the old addage pay for play comes to mind.

  2. My builder lives in my devlopment. The amoumt of cement and steele baffled even me......there is more steele in my driveway than most homes have all together....I have had very very very few problems with by home....where there was one he was there to fix it ASAP...Maybe having the builder live in the develpment should be a pre requisite........He is building a bigger home for himself so I guess that means he is planning to stay......Anyone would be hard pressed to find anyone in our develpment that does not love being where we are.....Not all builders are the spawn of Satan......He is alos one of those rare guys you find in life that you would consider him to be a friend from almost the time you meet him....and...no he is not paying me to say this.

  3. I would love to find it as well. I bought mine from Max Muscle in California and am running out. I would be willing to bet that making tea out of knotwood would the best bet. I cant really think of any supplemnt in Thailand other than the basics that are affordable.....I get 10 pounds of whey protein for 29$ and buy creatine for 1/10th the price . Resveratrol is expensive it the States as well......There is another wonder supplement you all might google......NITRIC OXIDE...... Dr Loius Ignarro . He won the Nobel prize for medicine due to it. It is here in Thailand in a Herbal Life product I think.

  4. Not a nice way to have to live your life.

    Not all Thai Police are bad. Most infact would not go along with hurting or murdering an innocent bystander. I gather you are in Pattaya. You could even ask one of the Farang Police volunteers as a last resort.Mention this to all the people you are in contact with as well.

    wouldnt hurt to carry a stun gun or some pepper spray however.

  5. In order to be able to stay in Thailand because you are supporting a child here I believe the applicant must have 400 ,000b in the bank or a work permit. from the sound of things he might not meet the requirements.......Also It has been my experience that the Thai court will tend to favor the Mother if the the Mother has been taking care of the kid the whole time. They will not want to see the kid made to suffer. I had found the court to be pretty fair in general. If you do suspect criminal activity on the part of the father maybe you could bring that into the open ...could be a dangerous street though. Drunken drug users dont often make the best parents. I am sure you will find a lot of support.

  6. When I started this thread I just wanted to make people think about what they could be getting into if they went to the HH hospital. As it turns out my poor Mother was set to return to the States and had another TIA.....this time we went to the other Hospital. Here after 4 hours I had to leave the room for about 20 min and the ONLY doctor in the whole place picked that time to dose her with an anti-coagulant....She is a vegetable now.....After her first TIA she wa sent to St Louis and saw a sroke Dr. He thought she would be fine to head to the states. The Dr that saw her in HuaHin should have made a call to the Dr at St Loius had he she most likley would have been been OK. At Bumrungrad, where she spen almost 3 months they were mortified at what they did to her here in Hua Hin....Her doctors in the States were as well.......If you just need band aid care fine both HH hospital and Sp hospital shoud to the trick.......But I would not take my Dog there for anything else. Period........I guess a lot of people need to convince themselves that there is a place that can take care of them in emergencies.....Good Luck with that.

  7. A friend was in Bangkok and we all wanted to go to Pattaya. I wanted to just take a taxi but when the wife and I showed up to his hotel on the top of soi 4..he had paid and booked the three of us on a private hotel mini van....they drove us about 30 min and dropped us at the public bus terminal. I was so mad I was laughing. A real big I told you so aimed at my buddy.

    I bought a Buddha necklace at MBK years ago and paid for a 3 baht weight of gold. Years later I learned that it was mostly fake.

    I was shopping at the Pat Pong nightmarket and purchased two wooden statues. When I got them back to the states one of them was perpect the other had been swithched to one of sub standard quality.

    All pretty harmless and over the years I have become pretty skeptical and pay closer attention to things......

    I had some ninor body work done on my new fortuner then about 6 months later my battery died and it was found that it had been swapped with a older one.......

    Pay Attention in Thailand . Most honest people just dont expect thing like this to happen so they can.

    I still love this country and most of it's people.

  8. I sure would like to see him hit it big. He is pretty amazing. It would just me a matter of a dozen factors coming together. I have a friend that has worked on all the films and knows him pretty well. I was asked years ago if I wanted to go meet him and didnt.....looking back I really wished I had........I am a fan. I would see anything he is in.

  9. When you sit behind your desk is your head leaning forward? Because if it is that could be the root of your problem. Hours ,weeks, months and years spent in an anterior weight bearing posostion...deforms all of the components of the cervical spine. certain ligaments become lax while othere shorten. muscles do this as well. Levator scapulae is most affected....Try not to bend your head forward while both at the desk and sleeping........the opening of your ear should be in line with the middle of your shoulders while standing straight. Most people ignore sleep posture but it is as significant as the posture behind a desk. Work place ergomics is a huge field now.

  10. That's very true. The traps are a very large muscle and it's easy to point and say thats were the pain is coming from...another seroius culprit is the levator scapulae muscle that is attatched to the scapula and responsible for elevating it. When it becomes chronicaly strained or has trigger points it will refer pain to the sub occipatl area and pain can even be felt in the temlple area causing headache.

    Muscle relaxants are just a mask and it is better to try and take care of the problem. People who train heavy are not really the type of person to lay off for a week or 2 but rather will work through the pain and take a boat load of anti-inflams and relaxants......

  11. If you want to meet a lot of Thai girls or even ladyboys just superglue 1000b notes to yourself and walk down soi 4 at 11pm on a saturday...the more notes you have glued to yourself the more of them you are likley to meet.........Perhaps the OP should also advise people on sin sod, visa's and where to buy the best saphires.

  12. When does the new Son's of Anarchy' start? I liked the first season. I like Dexter as well. was just at a buddies place and he was all the way through season 3.....I guess I could have gotten it from him but somtimes i think it's best i have somthimg to watch on t.v.

    I just watched the whole Deadwood series....awesome, a must for all old west buffs.

    Bite Me With Dr, Mike Leahy is fantastic.

  13. Traps are prone to trigger points....the Trap is also a muscle so injecting a corticosteroid into it is not a good idea. Corticosteroids injected into joints need to be mixed with lydocaine or else thsy feel like molten lava being incected into you.........Myofascial trigger points respond well to trigger point therapy and also simple saline injected into the point......Also...the average jpint should only be injected with corticosteroids 3 times...they turn the joint matrix into a mush predisposing the joint to degeneration.

    Have someone lightly oil the trap and try and find any painful bumps. then apply a very hard pressure for 30 sec. due the same thing around the area....you will be able to feel a diffrence shortly.......also contionuous ultrasound with voltarten mixed into the gel works wonders......made me a lot of money anyway.

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