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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Curious asks.... Is it illegal to mine for bitcoin on LOS?
  2. I don't believe the poster. You pick the weed from the jar you want. The weed is weighed. The weed goes into a clippy bag. You pay and the weed is handed to you. At no time does the weed leave your sight.
  3. 13 million for a clapped out VW motor. Good business if you can get away with it. Lawyers up it like a rat up a drain pipe...a % of the payment is his when he wins.
  4. None whatsoever... As it should be...my wife and unborn child would be appalled at the notion there were.
  5. If it's taken him all that to get a buzz it really must be poor quality. Thanks for the heads up on what to avoid and where not to buy. #(sarcasm emoji)#
  6. The troll now frustrated shows its true colors.
  7. Nonsense that you've seen it ... they had preexisting conditions and you are a victim of propaganda.
  8. The stats are in the number's have been crunched. What can be got away with has been agreed on. Stand by for lockdown version 2.
  9. Pretend it's still illegal and smoke in places you would have when it was if you are undecided
  10. Curious asks which country you live in?
  11. which are now all well past there still being effective date. all those whatever they were that you got injected with were not vaccines ... vaccines stop you from getting it in the first place.
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