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Everything posted by wombat

  1. start with 100mg cookie and work backwards.????????
  2. Er...have you got a badge in your back pocket? Your asking a lot of personal questions
  3. So what your saying is you can't see the benefits of the best Kickstart to get the economy going after 3 years of covid that any govt gave their people? I'm guessing you dont get out much.
  4. So just to be clear...she was a cashier at daddy's resort? She really was different
  5. RRTFPMSL...unless they are sold as trimmed buds for 16.66 baht per gram I'm not interested.
  6. heavens to betsy ...in the land of smiles...my wife and unborn child are mortified at the inference????
  7. I'd be asking her how/where she got the knowledge to identify those 2 things
  8. So to simplify that... GIGO. garbage in garbage out.
  9. Store it in the fridge ...brown paper bag then a couple of plastic bags
  10. IMHO... Bongs are the most disgusting dirty health hazard to anyone sucking on one. Our lungs are not built to handle water vapor...you are effectively drowning yourself by degrees every time you pull a cone. I have used bongs and my lungs react with disgust as I cough so savagely I have to support myself till the spasm ends. This is how my body reacts and my opinion of them. Your mileage may vary.
  11. GIGO.. Garbage In Garbage Out. Untill synchronicity happens and AI takes over. The latest industrial revolution has started.
  12. Ask a question and get it's opinion on what you should think? Skynet is patient while the conditiong takes place.
  13. yo gunna have to scuze my ignorance again.... after many years of driving tractors and ingesting diesel fumes in all there many flavours I read ''diesel flavours'' and wonder why anyone would want a mouthful of something that tastes of diesel. Do they really taste like diesel?
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