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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Don't knock it till you tryi it has always been valid.
  2. try it without a vpn...a banking app could see your use of a vpn as potential fraud and reject it. failing that find your banks Facebook page and message them direct
  3. yeah nah yeah...woz the smart car wot got him on the way to 7 to pick up fags
  4. It puzzles me why she didn't go to the Gambia along with all the other UK women who holiday there...I mean fairs fair and all those suck of the sav clichés
  5. As Oz pollies often chant... The only poll that counts is the one on polling day.
  6. complete with a map of where to find them like Voyager?
  7. You've gotta be fast or ya last.????
  8. bottom line is...did it work?
  9. Is that a typo that should read cream of sum Yung guy?
  10. still being used in the Middle East fuelling JIHAD fighters...Captagon - a mix of amphetamines also known as the "poor man's cocaine"
  11. I'm curious why you want to lower the Ph if you're growing weed?
  12. Early Man Smoked Weed Before Discovering Alcohol. No Wonder It's Called The Stone Age.
  13. when my mouse battery dies I put it the sun for a while which seems to give it new life.
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