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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Let the nuggets rehydrate makes all the difference
  2. With good weed being available at 10 to 40 baht I admire your frugal ways but don't understand them.
  3. I got a 30 day ban in another place for using the word dyke
  4. The world has gone mad.
  5. Dark matter is what keeps us all in one piece it stops us from dissolving into that ethereal thing.
  6. I splurged this months allowance on some of this....no complaints from me...the trick is to let it re-hydrate by leaving the nuggets open to the air untill they soften up....intstead of crumbling to dust they regain the taste and texture gorilla is known for...the resin then glues up the scissors I use for chopping
  7. if something went bang in a overhead locker on a flight I was on I would be thanking buddha I was wearing pampers
  8. You've gotta be fast or ya last with this mob. 10 baht per gram.
  9. you could say its a partial joke...only 20% of plastic made is suitable for recycling...the source has to change not us
  10. scab some ciggy butts from the dirt and soak them in water to make a pest killer ...nicotine was originally used as a bug killer
  11. A wam and a bam and a thankyou mam
  12. blood & bone will fix that and not damage the plant
  13. I am but a guest in this country and I certainly live in interesting times.
  14. and singing like a canary to get the box ticked that says...gave useful infomation
  15. I guess thats because of the religion of peace mob ....infidel jews they dont like at all
  16. hydatid cysts should be taken into consideration if you're eating raw meat...those little suckers will kill you
  17. a sign at the strap on shop?
  18. they must be removed and left on the door handle at my place
  19. The Lazarus factor is strong in this one
  20. Vegans wearing prints of edible animals. Makes sense to me...I think.
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