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Everything posted by wombat

  1. The winds blow a thin covering of sand over smooth tar and your wheels dissapear from underneath you ....it has to be the deadliest place on the planet for motorbikes
  2. Behind every great fortune is a crime so the story goes. The mould hasn't been broken yet
  3. I agree...I'm over seeing headlines of ginger and the gingers whinger being the world's entitled victims to the point of please tell someone that cares.
  4. I applauded your Mrs... .Drive to Arrive Alive. No point in being dead right.
  5. rich...honorable...cant remember the last time I saw those words in the same sentence
  6. its 2022 and im reading inter racial marriages have just been made legal? Lincoln freed the slaves in 1863 according to a movie ive just watched...im obviously missing the elephant in the room with this one.
  7. seems fair... lose 45 million on the turn of a card and repay in number plates.
  8. I didn't know I was a bigot until it was pointed out that the religion of peace cult are bigot me.
  9. Roll newspaper around them and hang in a cupboard works for people I know in tropical Qld.
  10. They went one better and saved the courts and the tax payer a lot of money...
  11. That, prompted by the loss of face fearless leader was dished out by Xi ?
  12. And hear you are all these years later in Pattaya...Daddy liked dem lessons.????????
  13. with the way things are going at Twitter Files, it was Twitter in conjunction with the FBI that interfered in the last election. the cauldron of possibilities intertwine on the net atm are awesomely endless ???? #sarcasmicon
  14. You've obviously never had weed that was grown with TLC flavour and smell enjoyment belong to smokers who know their weed.
  15. A drug user gets exchanged for an arms dealer while a marine gets left behind. Not even Monty python would buy onto that one. How long before the next presidential election?
  16. Reffo (refugee) visa...a whole new category of visa can be had for a price
  17. Thats always been my thoughts on it along with the whole bitcoin thing is a Ponzi scheme for the tech elite
  18. not exactly true...some of us are still working our way through what was purchased in the first flush of FMD its legal...when thats occurred im sure posts will happen again
  19. all the hang him high mob make me laugh....you've come home and found someone robbing your castle...what are you going to do?... say I say old sausage best off you go tootle pip like a good fellow?
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