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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Poster is on the net now, if service is down how is that possible?
  2. Y'all above posters must be stoned on the 0.2% weed, to not agree with the govmint its the police action in some foreign country causing inflation.
  3. Why does no one talk about the success Portugal has had re: drugs? Oh that's right pigs with nose in trough not wanting their lifestyle to end.
  4. You could be wrong. Accounts that have been inactive for 12 months are closed and the money goes to the bank last time I looked. The banks realized how many dormant accounts there were belonging to deceased people and had this ruling brought in
  5. We're the Arab countries not Sovereign States or was that somehow different because it was all about the oil?
  6. Makes perfect sense to me....Australia was still sending iron ore to Japan in ww2 as was America trading with Germany in ww2. Politicians can send the cream of the crop to die for old men's arguments while commerce never stops.
  7. easier for suicides to seal the drum from the inside with super glue?
  8. the joke of the day by an expert? with treasury buying baht with foreign currency reserves it aint gunna happen. seems like every country has a new thing to blame, not long ago it was covid now its a war...what comes next?
  9. That has been the elephant in the room no one in the kickback food chain wants to talk about. Why is this so? The sub base being built in Cambodia by China is looking like the best place to park it up though.
  10. Here we go again. Surin were going endemic in the first of April...that turned out to to be an early April 1st joke on the optimistic. So what happens now?
  11. Knock knock....does no one know the answer to the elephant in the room? Don't tell me I've asked the to hard question that no one on TV sorry ASEAN can answer? FMD...first time I've seen that.
  12. OK then...own up. Who in Govt has been watching Snake Pliskin movies and decided Phuket could be sealed off?
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