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Everything posted by wombat

  1. With all the fear and paranoia being generated by a succession of ?experts getting their 30 seconds of fame, why was this sent out? 3 days and it's done and dusted is less than a bad cold.
  2. it does make one wonder what the game plan is?
  3. It's called built in obsolescence... Buy a new phone is the solution
  4. You are asking how to explain how one woman's lie got out of hand? Don't bother.
  5. he would be one p1$$ed off punter if he hasn't been doing his immi check ins.
  6. Panic a population over a covid variant that is done and dusted in 3 days? It doesn't make sense.
  7. Panic the population over a variant of covid that is less than a bad cold and is done and dusted in 3 days? It doesn't make sense.
  8. Omicron variant transmits and spreads quickly. and is over before you know it according to Thai TV last night.
  9. of course its his fault...its TiT 101...if he hadn't been there it wouldn't have happened.
  10. Racism and stereotypes.....Golly gosh, do you mean racism as in 'you' are round eye farang and stereotypes as in sponsor me send money me? I am not racist I am Australian, I abuse everyone equally including myself
  11. ''strict regulations'' / ''large gatherings'' are not words usually seen in the same sentence?
  12. @ All of the above nay sayers... Never in the history of mankind has so much money been spent on one plant trying to find something wrong with it to no avail.
  13. Fear mongering gutter journalism at its best.. MAY is not have.
  14. er....every female is a prostitute...they all get paid for their service to man in many different forms, however you want to look at it we pay.
  15. Mad dogs and Englishmen in the heat of the midday sun. The natives don't grieve when the white men leave their huts, Because they are, definitely nuts!
  16. i bet out of a population of 57 million, does not make this a poll worth anything.
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