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Everything posted by wombat

  1. A 3 footer...waste of a tender BBQ.
  2. Now that enforcement can concentrate on chemical drugs my guess is a hard yes.
  3. I was just wondering how Thai Air could promote it.
  4. Shotgun approach with survival of the fittest.
  5. Please let me know. I'm about over repeating the same process expecting a different result. Madness i think that's called. IMHO they all taste pretty much the same (very ordinary) they all get you stoned but not ripped or faceless.. The only product that was a trip down memory lane was the hash from Peaceful Pharaoh using GC as the base and sprinkling the hash through it the hash stone came on leaving me wondering what happened to the GC. Disclaimer...the weed i was getting prior to moving to LOS was always grown by the hippies in the hills using the best soil and megga amounts of TLC In their backyard veggie patches.
  6. The amount of crud they keep out of my lungs I will happily continue to wear one when I'm outside.
  7. any of them built on a Monday or a Friday were good to avoid.
  8. Makes sense to me to use a mask if I'm on the back of a motorbike taxi.
  9. with such a stellar record I find it hard to believe he had time to be corrupt. surely its a mistake?
  10. The bit that reads...its estimated 10% of each country will survive? Guess which country becomes the dominant country population wise?
  11. It won't be China. They will be taking back Taiwain as all this goes on
  12. Er...... Xi & Vlad had a meeting a few days ago where Vlad got the ok to nuke the way Xi is now putting distance in from Vlad siding with western leaders. Comic opera politics with the only losers being us.
  13. Now there is a brave man to go on record with that statement
  14. they all looked pretty much the same to me.
  15. Shame over what? Business is business....when has something as insignificant as another war on the planet got in the way of business? According to the Council on Foreign Relations's Global Conflict Tracker, there are currently 27 ongoing conflicts worldwide.1 Apr 2022
  16. I guess that rules out us with a full set of dentures?
  17. Make hay while the sun shines as those with an import license are doing coz all the plants put in on the 9th of June will soon have finished and be on the market is my guess.
  18. This mob are selling well priced hash...250 gram https://www.facebook.com/569571433519977/posts/pfbid0cyoc9wSF3EWNWpxqh9qG7q6cmm1AaEuPZa2mDbAE9cBAZ8Mkw9VS5m1FH3jDuaWsl/?sfnsn=mo&extid=a
  19. does he mean there is a fine line between being stoned and being wasted?
  20. i would take the % of THC advertised with a grain of salt
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