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Everything posted by wombat

  1. A perfect opportunity for Vlad & Xi & Joe to have a chat if they all turned up.
  2. With all the information to the contrary available I have to wonder who is paying her to show her ignorance?
  3. that would be a hard "NO" from me. that looks like the mob old mate got a cod package from that should have had weed in it....paid the cod and when the pkt was opened had a poxy cheap karaoke machine in it. the story and photos are somewhere back in this thread
  4. my gran always had a hat pin in her collar
  5. Biden hustling Lend Lease contracts while the WH worries about a nuclear escalation. do I really have to post about the elephant in the room that even blind Freddy can see?
  6. worst case scenario the oz war games people played out was 10% of every nation would survive. mutate or perish being the catch cry as WS reopens for business is my guess
  7. It's the microsleep following the burst of endorphins wot did it guvna ...honest.
  8. thats a lot of holes in the air they have made
  9. "budding after 3 weeks of growing" Curious asks...what is wrong with that? Heads after 3 weeks would be my holy grail.
  10. I have no idea... On a lighter note.. Your weed lasts long enough you can worry about storage?????
  11. It's about as good as...if you hadn't been here on holiday it wouldn't have happened
  12. to keep the cheap weed alive and well...this just came into my news feed...15 baht a gram.
  13. It's gotta be the luck of the draw...a friend had a black mamba dry herb vape sent from UK...no problems at all.
  14. Being a little pig I couldn't help myself but make a cocktail of all to see what the whack was like if I had all that sitting in front of me
  15. If you haven't been yelled at by 7 staff for not wearing one you haven't lived
  16. Masks stop the spread of the common cold in public places...mandatory or optional I will continue to wear one when in public.
  17. Snowden got citizenship so it doesn't apply to him
  18. to me she has been set up to take the fall for the previous 10 years of bad govt. to try and blame what's happening now on Brexit is a nonsense
  19. I'd be asking what my heating and electric bills would be in Scotland as my first question
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