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Everything posted by wombat

  1. my suggestion at this stage of the game would be roll up a number and wait.
  2. all those 3000+ prisoners that were released would have to report back to jail if it was put back on the narcotics list
  3. Golly gosh gee wiz.. Don't you think the govt giving away 1 million plants is a tell? With the clincher being able to buy a headed plant for 1500 baht?
  4. The media agenda of promoting fear and paranoia is my guess
  5. What I don't get is the Biden lovers who say he is the best thing since sliced bread and praise him for all his political decision. If he is doing all you say then why aren't you living in the states? I'm not being facetious I am genuinely curious.
  6. I think Joe has confounded them all. Biden was expected to die in office making Kamala the first black woman President and IIhan Omar gets promoted to VP...a black Moslem in the 2nd highest office.
  7. If Samui roads are the same as when I was there....smooth tar with a dusting of sand from the wind...any time anywhere your front wheel goes sideways and you along with it. RIP Blokes.
  8. 35 million registrations multiplied by 1k baht inspection fee 3 months after registration looks like a healthy payday to me for the M squad?
  9. Gazette "endemic" Problem solved Tourists and tourism returns.
  10. The UK has all this sorted and working well. Is it conceivable the UK system can be adopted here ?
  11. and i guess you'd be trying to tell me that you didn't have these problems before you smoked weed?
  12. Thats not what the Bible says but then this is a Buddhist country. The Bible says Genesis 1:29.
  13. and yet another Friday passes by without endemic being gazetted
  14. Thats what I love about estimates...that's all they are. No different to the estimates TAT hand out.
  15. While the world policeman is selling lend lease agreements it ain't gunna happen.
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