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Everything posted by wombat

  1. OK then...own up. Who in Govt has been watching Snake Pliskin movies and decided Phuket could be sealed off?
  2. How to smash the optimistic 101 at work. I dared to get my hopes up,now fornicated....again.
  3. From what I've read that happens before you've reached the freezer. I'm not sure why or how that works?
  4. with the money that keeps being found in monks rooms after they die i would have thought the cost would be covered?
  5. or goes blind from the ethanol not being taken off like happens in Bali with Arak made from the fermented sap of coconut flowers or sugarcane
  6. Reminds me of a face thing fromTG's many years ago...BF'd and taken to dinner...order many dishes,eating nothing.
  7. What do you mean lose? Aren't these sovereign countries? With the way western governments behave themselves why would any country let them get close?
  8. Curious asks... How do they compare to deaths from covid? Preferably those that had no other underlying cause? .
  9. With the laws changing, didn't you get the memo that says ....Weed, Whisky & Wild Wild Women? The 5 W's.
  10. Buy Gold...traditionally its the only thing that's kept pace with inflation
  11. With that pesky treasury buying baht with the money in the foreign exchange account it isn't going to happen. The flow on from Europe having to pay for gas in Roubles not US dollars is only just starting to be felt. If I was into doing the currency thing I'd be offloading $US and buying Roubles...the only place that Roubles can go is up in value and the only place $US can go is down. Congratulations on your sanctions.
  12. Not the best country to pick when country shopping as UK is giving immediate 3 year visas with full NHS and Social Securitu benefits. People of color are asking why the same wasn't extended to them after their sovereign country was invaded. A valid question I thought?
  13. Ah yes the dreaded mystery meats sausages. To be laid down and avoided like a bad wine or a LB throwing a hissy fit.
  14. Some kids have parents that credit them with having self preservation instincts from a young age is my guess
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