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Everything posted by wombat

  1. most definitely does, eggs & bacon or eggs, bacon &beans for breakfast.
  2. Legends in their own lunchbox with access to media via a relation would be my guess. My own experience is they are sharks.
  3. Thats a lot of brown envelopes to kick that off. I could also be wrong and he has a rich spouse.
  4. With supermarket shelves having the selection of what's available shrinking I've found items of brands unavailable are available on Lazada. I've had no problems and I only use COD.
  5. You being thrown in a cell for arguing instead of paying an on the spot fine if I was the copper?
  6. The whole world will do nothing when Taiwan is taken back. The same way the whole world did nothing when HK was taken back and all those bits of signed paper aka treaties were shown for what they were ...bits of paper.
  7. Uncle Vlad he be so smart, 8 years in the planning and Chinese banking is how he will get round the sanctions. Suck it up western banking your about to lose money.
  8. With the free sub from uncle Ho that can be parked up at the new sub base in Cambodia and now some new planes, place won't know itself.
  9. Natural causes AKA Happy Ending from the pics being shared privately. The smile on his face said it all. RIP Shane.
  10. you think thats bad....i thought some rich cowboy had sashayed out of the airport into a (Shelby) Cobra and hightailed it into the sunset in BKK traffic....but then thats just me and i guess my meds are kicking in.
  11. Thats true,history shows us no one can take away your rights until they do.
  12. How long before all the experts wives show them the word " endemic " When that word is gazzeted will be a red letter day.
  13. As all the service industries are owned by proxy by China and can cripple Taiwan in 48 hours without the need of invasion. China has already taken HK. Which country do you mean?
  14. with all the cctv cameras available i would call them armchair sleuths ....
  15. Smart enough over the last 8 years to reshape the Russian economy so that sanctions will do sweet fanny Adam's
  16. I'm disgusted with the negativity shown towards Russians by members on this thread. Speak to a Russian and ask what their opinion is before decrying them. When I saw George Bush calling out Putin for invading a sovereign nation with no provocation was when I went.... what the fornicate?
  17. i guess there is no real impact if you only broadcast the number of deaths .....zero, the big fat 0.
  18. Is that supposed to read... Gangster was from the UN? Now it makes sense.
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