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Posts posted by lujanit

  1. There is no clean place in Thailand ...... coffee1.gif

    Not true. Khanchanaburi, go to the Death Railway Museum and environs and you will not find even a cigarette butt on the ground. Go for a walk, a long walk if you have the energy and you will find no rubbish. Plenty of rubbish bins and signs asking you not to litter. Asking for respect works for all nationalities.

  2. <deleted>!!! I didn't pay too much attention to the google search. yes I overpaid with my own mistake.

    http://www.evisa-cambodia.net was the one I used. well serves me right for not paying to much attention. crazy.gif

    can't cancel too late.

    I just did the same thing. Emailed them at [email protected] for a refund and the email was returned as undeliverable. Telephoned my bank to reverse the charge and was told they could do nothing about it. Emails and telephone call all within 10 minutes of submitting the application when I realised my mistake. Just another scam but really my own stupid fault.

  3. Would someone in the know please guide me here? Am I to assume that you cannot arrive at Saigon without either an embassy issued visa in your passport or a visa approval letter. I cannot just turn up, fill in the Application form add photos and pay the $USD45 for a 30 day tourist visa.

    Depends on your nationality

    Thanks for the reply. My bad for not saying that I have an Australian Passport. Can I just turn up and ask for a 30 day tourist visa?

    Should I need a VOA Approval letter http://cheapvietnamvisa.net say they can get one for USD8 whereas all they others I looked at wanted USD20. Is there something I am missing here? 2000 baht if I get it at the Vietnam Embassy in BKK; USD45 (~1400 baht) at Saigon.


  4. Would someone in the know please guide me here? Am I to assume that you cannot arrive at Saigon without either an embassy issued visa in your passport or a visa approval letter. I cannot just turn up, fill in the Application form add photos and pay the $USD45 for a 30 day tourist visa.

  5. I purchased my stone in Oz when I was there in May. It came with an aluminium spatula (pizza peel). The lot only cost me $10 from a kitchen shop. It pays to look around, if you have the time as I found a huge variance in price for the same thing. BBQ Galore was $40. Ouch!

    A very easy trick I found about is to use parchment paper (baking paper). Roll out your dough on the paper as you can get it really thin if that is what you like, add whatever, then transfer the paper and the pizza to the stone. The exposed paper usually burns but the paper under the pizza is fine. I get a really crisp base.
  6. Nothing happened ... other than rain at Rachadamnoen ...

    and plebtard smile.png You are welcome to translate the photo caption on her page smile.png

    Let's hope that Super Typhoon Haiyan saves some of its fury for the bought-and-paid-for 'demonstrators' doing the bidding of the Super Rich Elite on Rachadamnoen and elsewhere.

    Here we go again. Another PTP stooge attempting to convince us that the decent Thais protesting against the foulest of legislation are driven onto the streets with the payment of a few hundred baht.

    Sorry but you picked the wrong fight.

  7. There is a woman in the Singapore Embassy who is a real bitch. She checks applications before you lodge them and if she can find any thing she doesn't like you are sent packing regardless of whether or not you have the correct documents. I have been in that Embassy and seen her throw out several people because she didn't like their documentation. One american said he had an outbound ticket and he offered to show it to her on his phone. Not good enough, she wanted it on paper.

    I haven't had a problem because I have applied for several Non-B visas and had all the correct paperwork. My advice for what's worth is stay clear of Singapore, especially for Tourist Visas.
  8. Sounds like the Police General made a recent trip to Singapore. Next he will be advocating a 10 year COE (for those who don't know it is a piece of paper called Certificate of Entitlement which you have to purchase by auction before you can buy a new car). After 10 years you either get a new COE or scrap the car. Singapore is one of the top vehicle exporting countries in the world yet it doesn't manufacture a single vehicle. Many owners of quality vehicles in good condition buy a second COE.

    These inspections here are a farce, pay a few baht and in a couple of minutes you have your bit of paper to re-register your claptrap. The BIB are just not interested, maybe they haven't worked out how to extort money from the owners.
    One way that a lot of these dangerous vehicles, including buses, could be put off the road is if there was a compulsory insurance, maybe third part property levied on every vehicle and the premium increased as the vehicle got older, say starting at 10 years.
  9. Perhaps slightly off topic, but I just wanted to issue a warning about yet another scam: tilapia being sold as "red snapper" and barramundi being sold as "sea bass." Both are crap fish, IMHO, farm raised disgusting fish (fed every possible thing that you can think of that is revolting). You see these two fishes everywhere in Thailand now. The scam is big business. Buyer beware. Yes, before you say it, I am aware that barramundi is sometimes called "sea bass" in Asia, but it is not the saltwater sea bass that most of us like. If you want authentic red snapper and authentic sea bass, you have to pick it out yourself and take it to the kitchen and watch them cook it, otherwise, they will likely make a switch to one of the crap species.

    What you say about barramundi/sea bass is sorta right. Barramundi is known as Asian Sea Bass, often shortened to Sea Bass outside of Oz. The fish you see in Thailand are actually the same fish (Lates calcarifer). There is a very simple reason why there is such a variance in quality. A lot of sea bass/Barra grown here are grown in fresh water and that often gives them a bland even muddy flavour. The best flavour comes from fish gown entirely in the sea. Some freshwater farmers will finish off the growing cycle in the sea in an attempt to rid the fish of the bland/muddy flavour.

    Obviously the best barra of all are wild caught.

  10. Twenty-five provinces - mostly in the North, Northeast and East of the country - remain flooded, though the situation is improving, says the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation.
    This is Thai talk for move all your belongings upstairs, order in sand bags, make sure your pumps are working etc etc.
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