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Posts posted by lujanit

  1. Would it be possible, under option 1, for people to buy generic equivalents instead of 'named' drugs. For example I need an anti-hypertensive and the doctor always used to provide me with Adalat which costs about $1 a pill when the script is filled at the doctors'. After some research I found that I could purchase OTC Nelapine which costs 105 baht ($3) for 30 pills. Same active ingredient and hugely cheaper.

    Since discovering this I have found generic equivalents for several medications that my wife's parents require. Doctors seem to always prescribe the most expensive drug. I know in Australia the pharmacist will always ask if you are happy with a generic alternative.

    Option 1 would save people a lot of money yet I think private hospitals will fight this tooth and nail, too much 'free' profit in supplying medications in house.

    Most people who go to a private hospital end up with a "party bag" of overpriced drugs they mostly do not need. The over prescription of antibiotics is a huge money spinner yet does no-one any favours.

  2. I am convinced that there are many expats who live here and would volunteer if the red tape was cut. This business of having to hold a WP to volunteer is almost shameful as it tells expats that 'we don't need your help, we know it all'.

    However it is also true that a sudden influx of 'volunteers' can be detrimental to the cause especially in the case of a natural disaster. Untrained people can often do more harm than good regardless of their intentions. Young people are sometimes full of enthusiasm yet have no experience in any area of volunteering or any particular discipline. Training is essential although often not possible in the case of an emergency.

    Many expats living here have a wealth of experience in many fields and would volunteer if the WP crap was relaxed. One poster in a recent thread on the subject of volunteering came up with what I thought anyway was a brilliant idea, to endorse a Non-O extension holders (retirement/marriage etc) allowing the person to freely volunteer wherever they wished.

    I am not convinced that Thailand needs to learn from 'other countries' totally. They need to look first at the untapped talent regardless of origin that already resides here.

  3. Is there any reason the package has to be sent from the Post office at the Phuket Airport?

    It may be easier for your friend to get to their hotel, settle in, and post the package from a Post Office in the town in which they are staying, the next day or so.

    Thank you. I started down this avenue yet I am not sure where they are staying or what their program is. I wanted to make it as easy as possible. When I looked up Post Offices in Phuket most convenient one appeared to be at the airport since they are flying in and out. I had thought of getting him to ask the hotel staff to post it for him but I am concerned it might go 'missing' as the article is a $200+ book.

  4. According to the Thai Post site there is a Post Office at the airport. Does anyone know exactly where it is. Terminal building, next door??

    I am asking because a friend is bringing something to Thailand for me. He and his family are going to Phuket and I live in BKK. He will post it EMS to me from Phuket. It would be helpful if I can give him exact directions to the PO at the airport.


  5. 4.7% ???


    Not necessarily. I have said it before and I'll say it again. I smell a baht devaluation on the horizon.

    How else can the PM reconcile his statement of '"Up to 70 per cent of our exports are agriculture products, so if the crop prices rises and external demand is more [when compared to this year], then the export situation will be better next year," he said."

    crop prices rises and external demand is more [when compared to this year] can be achieved by a baht devaluation.

  6. Prayut has a lot to answer for. Thaksin is a convicted criminal on the run. Why has his Thai PP not been cancelled? Why is he not on Interpol's list of wanted refugees?

    IMHO all this bs about some, a few corrupt police and government officials being moved to 'inactive positions' is just window dressing. If the military government was serious about clearing the country of corruption they would start at the top. One that needs targeting is Thaksin. Plenty of <deleted> on both sides of the fence need taking down. Why is it not happening? Of course the money supply to the 'top' must not be comprimised. BAH jing jing

    Who really cares what Thaksin says anymore?

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